Ding has been able to come to terms on the bibles being illiteral bullsh-t. If he was suffering then that should be a release from his suffering!
Apparently you don't pay attention to what ding openly says about his irrational superstitious beliefs about Jesus being God and man who defied reality with supernatural magical powers.
But you are right,
if ding had the courage to admit he missed something very important, a matter of life and death, he would be released from his suffering in hell.
If he had the faith to act on it.
He don't.
No. You, like ding, are on your own pal.
If you're a literal believer then have the courage to say. You won't be punished for demonstrating that you've moved ahead of the rest of the flock.
Let me put it this way. Every single story in the Bible that contradicts reality or offends the sensibilities of a commie is like a giant
X on a treasure map marking the exact place where something of great value was buried and hidden. If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it. If you don't
dig deep and look and look and keep on looking you will never find it. Never.
That being said, the reader has to first decipher the metaphors, homonyms, allegories, similes, parables, hyperbole, etc, the figurative language used, to discover what the stories are literally about and what invaluable lessons are being taught which requires intelligence you seem to lack.
"The kingdom of heaven is like hidden treasure lying
buried in a field. The man who found it (Jesus H. Christ)
buried it again"
I already know that ding can't , he's too busy trying to outsmart people, lol, but can you dig it?