Zone1 If Jesus Was A Jew

I have no choice. I met them. They are not human but they liked me enough to let me fly one of their craft all over the universe. The next day on the front page of the newspaper were reports of a UFO over my city. What are called otherworldly beings in the Bible are what people now call aliens

Its not baloney.

Mosaic Law is evidence that otherworldly beings intervened in human history revealing in their simple instructions a wisdom and knowledge of the human mind that surpasses modern science.

I shit you not. Believe it or not.
Your otherworldly beings could be the ones who were fkng Adam and Eve!

And fwiw, the one that obviously got into virgin mary's panties.
It doesn't matter how anyone interprets the creation account. Without adding subtracting or changing one word I have revealed something that had been hidden, never seen or heard before.

If you don't believe me, look it up. You have the entire internet at your disposal. Don't be lazy!

This is my flesh. Whoever eats my flesh will not hunger again and will never know what it is to die.

No blind faith, no money to pay, no mountain to climb, no chanting, no priesthood, no arcane knowledge to learn, no teachers, lawyers, judges, candles, statues, no churches required. It is a revelation that's pleasing to the eye and good to eat, flesh that satisfies the mind to your very soul

All the pieces fit perfectly. Crazy as that may be! lol



And there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.
Actually it does matter as God creating existence (aka the universe) is the key belief of monotheism. The rest of your post is you being a religious nutjob.
How about Genesis? Are they true stories? You've been able to proclaim the Jonah/big fish story being untrue. I think you realize that most of Genesis is impossible too.

For example, you know that the Adam and Eve story is impossible.

Will you answer the question. You'll find that Hobelin has had the courage to say that Genesis is not true!

You should read his explanation! He has some interesting explanations for his 'is nots'. LOL
I think you and him are perfect for each other.
He's already claimed that it's a fairy tale.

Does that work for you? l
The both of you are intelligent enough to understand that Genesis is laughable and can be referred to as either bullshit or fairy tales.
See post #1651
I have no choice. I met them. They are not human but they liked me enough to let me fly one of their craft all over the universe. The next day on the front page of the newspaper were reports of a UFO over my city. What are called otherworldly beings in the Bible are what people now call aliens
Your otherworldly beings could be the ones who were fkng Adam and Eve!

And fwiw, the one that obviously got into virgin mary's panties.
A guy reveals to you that he met and hung out with aliens, and this is where you go with it?

See? This is why I don't see you as genuine. But hey, if you want to keep jerking off with the crackpot, be my guest.
A guy reveals to you that he met and hung out with aliens, and this is where you go with it?

See? This is why I don't see you as genuine. But hey, if you want to keep jerking off with the crackpot, be my guest.
It's the only explanation so far for who Adam and Eve were screwing.

Which doesn't need an explanation because Adam and Eve weren't literally truly real people. At least we have agreed on that! They're the stars in a fictional story with a message.

We just haven't heard from you what the message could be yet?
It's the only explanation so far for who Adam and Eve were screwing.

Which doesn't need an explanation because Adam and Eve weren't literally truly real people. At least we have agreed on that! They're the stars in a fictional story with a message.

We just haven't heard from you what the message could be yet?
Maybe learn how to read for meaning instead of bias.

But getting back to Hobelim's astonishing revelation that he met aliens, you really do think that was possible? How dumb are you exactly?
Maybe learn how to read for meaning instead of bias.
Help me to understand your meaning friend..
But getting back to Hobelim's astonishing revelation that he met aliens, you really do think that was possible?
No, of course I don't believe it!
In my opinion all extraterrestrials are impossible.. (see mainstream science's explanation)
Wisdom should not be given to jackanapes.
Are you trying to say that you don't want to debate Exodus now?
I understand your reason for backing out and I'm o.k. with it.

Religious beliefs can't and shouldn't be challenged with logic. You've made that point several times.

What I still don't understand is the reason why Christian feet shouldn't be held to the fire.

It wasn't my idea that we should debate it. You called me a pussy and I just won't allow you to pretend that I'm backing out.
No, of course I don't believe it!
In my opinion all extraterrestrials are impossible.. (see mainstream science's explanation)
And what about people who claim to have had close encounters with aliens? What are we to think about that?
Are you trying to say that you don't want to debate Exodus now?
I understand your reason for backing out and I'm o.k. with it.

Religious beliefs can't and shouldn't be challenged with logic. You've made that point several times.

What I still don't understand is the reason why Christian feet shouldn't be held to the fire.

It wasn't my idea that we should debate it. You called me a pussy and I just won't allow you to pretend that I'm backing out.
Not at all. I even created a callout thread for that exact purpose.
No, of course I don't believe it. In my opinion all extraterrestrials are impossible
I'm sure there was a time when people thought that flying was impossible. But I can tell you this, zooming out of this solar system through space and time and popping into another instantly and coming back instantly is a trip! No billion dollar rockets exploding on the launchpad are required.

I can tell you how to prepare your mind to create its own vehicle to meet them if you want. Its easy

I just can't say whether they will like you or not. I suppose it will depend on whats in your baggage


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Ahem. Excuse me! Pssst! Listen up! I will let you in on a little secret.

Your entire religion is based on the testimony of "crazy people" who reported encounters with "otherworldly beings" who brought news of God and instructions from God into this world.

Is this something that you didn't already know? And I really thought you were a believer!:auiqs.jpg:
Well... no. It's based upon ancient allegorical accounts that were passed down from generation to generation through storytelling.

But I'm not surprised you are trying to crawfish away from your alien encounter in post #1680.
Your otherworldly beings could be the ones who were fkng Adam and Eve!
Could be. lol.. although obviously they were not the first human beings because when the children of Adam and Eve wanted to find a mate THEY WENT TO A CITY.

And fwiw, the one that obviously got into virgin mary's panties.
You need to read more carefully. Some guy came to her window in the middle of the night claiming to be the angel Gabriel and told her that she, a 14 year old virgin, was chosen to give birth to the messiah.

When her parents saw she was pregnant they asked, "what man did this?" and she replied, "it wasn't a man. It was an angel!" Can you imagine the look on her parents faces when she said this?

Anyway, there there are two possibilities. It was either a temple priest who took on the name of angels and saw it as a religious duty to pass on their holy seed or it was a roman centurion, a nightwatchman who took advantage of a gullible young girl. It certainly wasn't an invisible trinity.

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