If liberals would shut the fuck up about guns they'd never lose another election.


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Right, so let's restrict guns so violent lunatics can't kill people with them. I'm sure a few regulations will prevent people bent on carnage from carrying out their plans. It's not like less access to legal guns will simply create a larger black market for them in a country that has a gun for every man, woman and child. Oh wait, yes it will. But surely violent lunatics wouldn't dare break the law and buy guns illegally, right? If you think stricter gun laws will stem the violence in this country you are a complete boob. If you want to stem the violence you need to figure out how to make our culture less violent, and that's not an easy thing to do. We have a violent and warmongering culture. The people here are fucking nuts. Any meaningful solution will probably start with more funding for mental health efforts.
FACT: The Corrupt Democratic Party registers criminals to vote and they provide criminals with sanctuary cities.
The Dirty Democrats really don't care about gun violence.
Right, so let's restrict guns so violent lunatics can't kill people with them. I'm sure a few regulations will prevent people bent on carnage from carrying out their plans. It's not like less access to legal guns will simply create a larger black market for them in a country that has a gun for every man, woman and child. Oh wait, yes it will. But surely violent lunatics wouldn't dare break the law and buy guns illegally, right? If you think stricter gun laws will stem the violence in this country you are a complete boob. If you want to stem the violence you need to figure out how to make our culture less violent, and that's not an easy thing to do. We have a violent and warmongering culture. The people here are fucking nuts. Any meaningful solution will probably start with more funding for mental health efforts.

So you think that supporting background check legislation that is supported by 90% of Americans is politically detrimental to the Democrats?

lol, good one.
If liberals would shut the f••• up about guns they'd never lose another election.

I disagree.

This is just one issue, out of many, on which the left wrong has solidly staked out the losing position.

Even if they stopped attacking the Second Amendment, and the right which it affirms, they would still be on the side of illegal aliens, against that of their own country and their own fellow Americans. They would still be on the side of homosexuals, transgenders, pedophiles, and other sexual perverts, against that of decent people. They would still be on the side of violent criminals, against that of the law-abiding. They would still be on the side of welfare parasites, against that of honest, working Americans.

They are not on the side of the vast majority of honest, decent, hard-working, law-abiding Americans, and increasingly, mainstream Americans are waking up to this fact. Changing just one plank, to take our side on one issue, will not change that.
So you think that supporting background check legislation that is supported by 90% of Americans is politically detrimental to the Democrats?

As long as the Second Amendment stands, even background checks as a condition of being allowed to acquire an arm are illegal. The only way that such a law could ever be legitimate is if the Constitution is first amended to overturn the Second Amendment. If there is really 90% support for this or any other proposed or extant gun control law, then why is there no credible effort underway to amend the Constitution to allow it? The answer, of course, is that this 90% claim is a flat-out-lie, and those who keep citing it know damn well that they are lying. 90% would be much more than enough support to get the Constitution amended. There is no effort underway to amend the Constitution to this end, because nobody in a position to initiate this process believes that it would have any chance of success.
So you think that supporting background check legislation that is supported by 90% of Americans is politically detrimental to the Democrats?

lol, good one.

Oh yeah, because that's the only thing the left wants to do with guns, right?
So you think that supporting background check legislation that is supported by 90% of Americans is politically detrimental to the Democrats?

As long as the Second Amendment stands, even background checks as a condition of being allowed to acquire an arm are illegal. The only way that such a law could ever be legitimate is if the Constitution is first amended to overturn the Second Amendment. If there is really 90% support for this or any other proposed or extant gun control law, then why is there no credible effort underway to amend the Constitution to allow it? The answer, of course, is that this 90% claim is a flat-out-lie, and those who keep citing it know damn well that they are lying. 90% would be much more than enough support to get the Constitution amended. There is no effort underway to amend the Constitution to this end, because nobody in a position to initiate this process believes that it would have any chance of success.

And who decides whether background checks are constitutional?
Right, so let's restrict guns so violent lunatics can't kill people with them. I'm sure a few regulations will prevent people bent on carnage from carrying out their plans. It's not like less access to legal guns will simply create a larger black market for them in a country that has a gun for every man, woman and child. Oh wait, yes it will. But surely violent lunatics wouldn't dare break the law and buy guns illegally, right? If you think stricter gun laws will stem the violence in this country you are a complete boob. If you want to stem the violence you need to figure out how to make our culture less violent, and that's not an easy thing to do. We have a violent and warmongering culture. The people here are fucking nuts. Any meaningful solution will probably start with more funding for mental health efforts.

lol, you realize that your thread title says that liberals have the advantage, with the PEOPLE, on every issue except guns.
Right, so let's restrict guns so violent lunatics can't kill people with them. I'm sure a few regulations will prevent people bent on carnage from carrying out their plans. It's not like less access to legal guns will simply create a larger black market for them in a country that has a gun for every man, woman and child. Oh wait, yes it will. But surely violent lunatics wouldn't dare break the law and buy guns illegally, right? If you think stricter gun laws will stem the violence in this country you are a complete boob. If you want to stem the violence you need to figure out how to make our culture less violent, and that's not an easy thing to do. We have a violent and warmongering culture. The people here are fucking nuts. Any meaningful solution will probably start with more funding for mental health efforts.

I really do not think it is guns that cost the Dems any elections. Abortion hurts them 100 times more than guns
Right, so let's restrict guns so violent lunatics can't kill people with them. I'm sure a few regulations will prevent people bent on carnage from carrying out their plans. It's not like less access to legal guns will simply create a larger black market for them in a country that has a gun for every man, woman and child. Oh wait, yes it will. But surely violent lunatics wouldn't dare break the law and buy guns illegally, right? If you think stricter gun laws will stem the violence in this country you are a complete boob. If you want to stem the violence you need to figure out how to make our culture less violent, and that's not an easy thing to do. We have a violent and warmongering culture. The people here are fucking nuts. Any meaningful solution will probably start with more funding for mental health efforts.
Yeah you’d love to shut up liberals.
You love seeing bodies of children piling up.
But ya know what?
People are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore. Lots of demonstrations today in Florida ripping Rubio and Trump new assholes.
Between the MeToo movement, more women running for office and now Americans imploring....demanding Trump and the GOP to protect our kids. These gutless weasels aren’t going to be able to ignore it anymore.
If the GOP doesn’t any have a bill for gun control ready to go by midterms you’re going to wave to Nancy Pelosi. The new Speaker of the House.
Floridians Tell Politicians Who Do The NRA’s Bidding Their Time Is Up | HuffPost
Do you have a sane argument as to why keeping loopholes open in the current background check laws are so important?

I'm addressing the rhetoric that calls for the banning of certain/all firearms. And yes, it does exist in plenty, and it keeps a lot of people from being willing to vote for the left.
You would have thought that the stupid Liberals would have learned in 1994 when Slick Willy lost his Democrat Congress because of the Assault Weapons Ban that gun control was a losing issue. Slick Willy even said so himself that the filthy gun control issue was the cause of the Republican Congress being elected.

Crooked Hillary ran on a platform demonizing the NRA and advocating stricter gun control laws and look what happen to that bitch.

Except in the deepest vile Moon Bat shithole voting districts of Florida a Democrats knows they can't win advocating the curtailment of a Constitutional right. It is that way in many other states.

Democrats are idiots trying to advocate taking away one of the fundamental rights that this country was founded upon. Of course these are the same asshole that usually run on a platform to increase taxes so go figure.

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