If Life Was Only Fair

The Golden Rule: He who has the gold makes the rules
Not an answer to the question

as usual.

You got your answer....you just don't like it

The "laws" are being constructed by those with the most power and influence. They are constructed to ensure that those with the most wealth are able to continue gathering it and maintain it

I'm willing to bet that if YOU were able to make all the laws then you would "benefit" from them in some way, shape, or form. Nevertheless, the Constitution is a set standard for all the people of the USA -- equally.

Actually, if I were making the laws I would ensure that they were more inclusive and look out for the rights of all Americans, not just myself

That is what being an American used to be about

So if you happened to become successful there would be a law guaranteeing ME the right to take what YOU worked for?

Of course not...that would be stealing

What is not stealing is asking me to contribute more to the society that I have so greatly benefitted from
You got your answer....you just don't like it

The "laws" are being constructed by those with the most power and influence. They are constructed to ensure that those with the most wealth are able to continue gathering it and maintain it

I'm willing to bet that if YOU were able to make all the laws then you would "benefit" from them in some way, shape, or form. Nevertheless, the Constitution is a set standard for all the people of the USA -- equally.

Actually, if I were making the laws I would ensure that they were more inclusive and look out for the rights of all Americans, not just myself

That is what being an American used to be about

Not through government fiat, but by choice.

The wealthy have benefitted from supply side policies for the last 30 years. That is government fiat and it resulted in a stagnation of the middle class while showering wealth on the upper one percent

If it takes government fiat to reverse that trend....so be it

Seig Heil, Herr Winger.

and shove your jackboot up your own ass.

I'm willing to bet that if YOU were able to make all the laws then you would "benefit" from them in some way, shape, or form. Nevertheless, the Constitution is a set standard for all the people of the USA -- equally.

Actually, if I were making the laws I would ensure that they were more inclusive and look out for the rights of all Americans, not just myself

That is what being an American used to be about

Not through government fiat, but by choice.

The wealthy have benefitted from supply side policies for the last 30 years. That is government fiat and it resulted in a stagnation of the middle class while showering wealth on the upper one percent

If it takes government fiat to reverse that trend....so be it

Seig Heil, Herr Winger.

and shove your jackboot up your own ass.


I always preferred this one:

We often hear from the Liberal left that it's "not fair" that some folks "have" while other folks "have not." The rich should "give what they have" to the poor. It's just so unfair. Why can't we have what they have? Boo hoo.

Well, if life was truly FAIR then everyone (including every, single Liberal) would suffer with Cancer, Emphysema, Down Syndrome, Blindness, Deafness, Hammer Toe, Schizophrenia, Homosexuality, Eczema, Psoriasis, Hepatitis, AIDS, Tuberculosis, and a plethora of other ills and ailments. We would all "share" in the very bad in conjunction with all that cash. So quit whining and count your blessings.

Good point

And the question is, if some people "have" while other people "have not"....Why do we continue policies that exclusively help the "haves" ?

The underlying "policy" that we can all take advantage of is this: Educate yourself while working hard and being the best you can be: thrive and prosper. Otherwise, do the bare minimum, play video games, drop out of school in the 9th grade, and remain poor but don't complain when you get out of life what you put in to it.

Buckle down and work harder....Got it

Problem is that American workers do work hard. We put in more hours, receive less vacation and are more productive than any workers on earth. What has happened though is that corporate profits and executive compensation are at record levels, none is trickling down to the workers. What is happening to those young people who have educated themselves? They see low paying jobs with no benefits and no prospects of advancement

The ones that are picking better majors are not seeing those issues.

No matter the major, like American medicine, the cost of education is out of reach for many.

THAT is not "equality", its not "American" and its not good for the future of our country.

Perhaps the Liberal Teachers' Union should stop forcing wages up through the roof. Money for wages doesn't fall of trees, you know.
Not an answer to the question

as usual.

You got your answer....you just don't like it

The "laws" are being constructed by those with the most power and influence. They are constructed to ensure that those with the most wealth are able to continue gathering it and maintain it

I'm willing to bet that if YOU were able to make all the laws then you would "benefit" from them in some way, shape, or form. Nevertheless, the Constitution is a set standard for all the people of the USA -- equally.

Actually, if I were making the laws I would ensure that they were more inclusive and look out for the rights of all Americans, not just myself

That is what being an American used to be about

Not through government fiat, but by choice.

The wealthy have benefitted from supply side policies for the last 30 years. That is government fiat and it resulted in a stagnation of the middle class while showering wealth on the upper one percent

If it takes government fiat to reverse that trend....so be it
The wealthy Democrats (billionaire Bloomberg being one of them) have benefited just fine. You ought to fix your own Party before forcing your philosophy on anyone else's Party.
You got your answer....you just don't like it

The "laws" are being constructed by those with the most power and influence. They are constructed to ensure that those with the most wealth are able to continue gathering it and maintain it

I'm willing to bet that if YOU were able to make all the laws then you would "benefit" from them in some way, shape, or form. Nevertheless, the Constitution is a set standard for all the people of the USA -- equally.

Actually, if I were making the laws I would ensure that they were more inclusive and look out for the rights of all Americans, not just myself

That is what being an American used to be about

Not through government fiat, but by choice.

The wealthy have benefitted from supply side policies for the last 30 years. That is government fiat and it resulted in a stagnation of the middle class while showering wealth on the upper one percent

If it takes government fiat to reverse that trend....so be it
The wealthy Democrats (billionaire Bloomberg being one of them) have benefited just fine. You ought to fix your own Party before forcing your philosophy on anyone else's Party.
Bloomberg is willing to pay a higher tax rate.....why aren't Republicans?
I'm willing to bet that if YOU were able to make all the laws then you would "benefit" from them in some way, shape, or form. Nevertheless, the Constitution is a set standard for all the people of the USA -- equally.

Actually, if I were making the laws I would ensure that they were more inclusive and look out for the rights of all Americans, not just myself

That is what being an American used to be about

Not through government fiat, but by choice.

The wealthy have benefitted from supply side policies for the last 30 years. That is government fiat and it resulted in a stagnation of the middle class while showering wealth on the upper one percent

If it takes government fiat to reverse that trend....so be it
The wealthy Democrats (billionaire Bloomberg being one of them) have benefited just fine. You ought to fix your own Party before forcing your philosophy on anyone else's Party.
Bloomberg is willing to pay a higher tax rate.....why aren't Republicans?

A bit hypocritical on your part. You rave against the "haves" having TOO MUCH and that they should "share" then you defend Bloomberg who's much richer than most Republicans or Independents. Aren't you going to hold him to the same standards? And let's not pretend that he isn't aware of the tax loopholes. He wouldn't be hording so much cash if he wasn't.
Actually, if I were making the laws I would ensure that they were more inclusive and look out for the rights of all Americans, not just myself

That is what being an American used to be about

Not through government fiat, but by choice.

The wealthy have benefitted from supply side policies for the last 30 years. That is government fiat and it resulted in a stagnation of the middle class while showering wealth on the upper one percent

If it takes government fiat to reverse that trend....so be it
The wealthy Democrats (billionaire Bloomberg being one of them) have benefited just fine. You ought to fix your own Party before forcing your philosophy on anyone else's Party.
Bloomberg is willing to pay a higher tax rate.....why aren't Republicans?

A bit hypocritical on your part. You rave against the "haves" having TOO MUCH and that they should "share" then you defend Bloomberg who's much richer than most Republicans or Independents. Aren't you going to hold him to the same standards? And let's not pretend that he isn't aware of the tax loopholes. He wouldn't be hording so much cash if he wasn't.

Bloomberg supports a higher tax rate....rich Republicans support slashing benefits to the poor

That is the difference
These last few years, the richest few have been getting richer. Can't say the same for the rest of us.

Obama hates poor people.
These last few years, the richest few have been getting richer. Can't say the same for the rest of us.

Obama hates poor people.

So you support Obamas call for higher wages?
Not through government fiat, but by choice.

The wealthy have benefitted from supply side policies for the last 30 years. That is government fiat and it resulted in a stagnation of the middle class while showering wealth on the upper one percent

If it takes government fiat to reverse that trend....so be it
The wealthy Democrats (billionaire Bloomberg being one of them) have benefited just fine. You ought to fix your own Party before forcing your philosophy on anyone else's Party.
Bloomberg is willing to pay a higher tax rate.....why aren't Republicans?

A bit hypocritical on your part. You rave against the "haves" having TOO MUCH and that they should "share" then you defend Bloomberg who's much richer than most Republicans or Independents. Aren't you going to hold him to the same standards? And let's not pretend that he isn't aware of the tax loopholes. He wouldn't be hording so much cash if he wasn't.

Bloomberg supports a higher tax rate....rich Republicans support slashing benefits to the poor

That is the difference

Bloomberg can afford a higher tax rate for two reasons. He's filthy rich and wouldn't miss most of what he has and he still has all of those loopholes protecting his billions. The only folks hurt by your higher tax rate is the working class/middle class. We always get the burden.
The wealthy have benefitted from supply side policies for the last 30 years. That is government fiat and it resulted in a stagnation of the middle class while showering wealth on the upper one percent

If it takes government fiat to reverse that trend....so be it
The wealthy Democrats (billionaire Bloomberg being one of them) have benefited just fine. You ought to fix your own Party before forcing your philosophy on anyone else's Party.
Bloomberg is willing to pay a higher tax rate.....why aren't Republicans?

A bit hypocritical on your part. You rave against the "haves" having TOO MUCH and that they should "share" then you defend Bloomberg who's much richer than most Republicans or Independents. Aren't you going to hold him to the same standards? And let's not pretend that he isn't aware of the tax loopholes. He wouldn't be hording so much cash if he wasn't.

Bloomberg supports a higher tax rate....rich Republicans support slashing benefits to the poor

That is the difference

Bloomberg can afford a higher tax rate for two reasons. He's filthy rich and wouldn't miss most of what he has and he still has all of those loopholes protecting his billions. The only folks hurt by your higher tax rate is the working class/middle class. We always get the burden.

Damn boy!

I'll turn you into a liberal yet
These last few years, the richest few have been getting richer. Can't say the same for the rest of us.

Obama hates poor people.

So you support Obamas call for higher wages?

A small increase ... perhaps. Doubling the minimum wage is insane. It will drive prices up OR it will drive unemployment up (lay-offs, reduced hours, etc.). People don't need such a huge increase unless the price of living is rapidly increasing due to higher taxes, fees, penalties, and other hidden charges.
The wealthy Democrats (billionaire Bloomberg being one of them) have benefited just fine. You ought to fix your own Party before forcing your philosophy on anyone else's Party.
Bloomberg is willing to pay a higher tax rate.....why aren't Republicans?

A bit hypocritical on your part. You rave against the "haves" having TOO MUCH and that they should "share" then you defend Bloomberg who's much richer than most Republicans or Independents. Aren't you going to hold him to the same standards? And let's not pretend that he isn't aware of the tax loopholes. He wouldn't be hording so much cash if he wasn't.

Bloomberg supports a higher tax rate....rich Republicans support slashing benefits to the poor

That is the difference

Bloomberg can afford a higher tax rate for two reasons. He's filthy rich and wouldn't miss most of what he has and he still has all of those loopholes protecting his billions. The only folks hurt by your higher tax rate is the working class/middle class. We always get the burden.

Damn boy!

I'll turn you into a liberal yet

If that means I can be as filthy rich as the Democrat Bloomberg (and many, many others) then I'm in. I love the idea of keeping my cashola.
I'm willing to bet that if YOU were able to make all the laws then you would "benefit" from them in some way, shape, or form. Nevertheless, the Constitution is a set standard for all the people of the USA -- equally.

Actually, if I were making the laws I would ensure that they were more inclusive and look out for the rights of all Americans, not just myself

That is what being an American used to be about

Not through government fiat, but by choice.

The wealthy have benefitted from supply side policies for the last 30 years. That is government fiat and it resulted in a stagnation of the middle class while showering wealth on the upper one percent

If it takes government fiat to reverse that trend....so be it
The wealthy Democrats (billionaire Bloomberg being one of them) have benefited just fine. You ought to fix your own Party before forcing your philosophy on anyone else's Party.
Bloomberg is willing to pay a higher tax rate.....why aren't Republicans?
Here we go again.

If he thinks the government should have more of his money then let him lead by example and write the check.

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