Why would anyone be surprised if 50% of Americans have a "Preexisting Condition"?

You gonna' read what I wrote or just imagine something different. Just wondering.

Well you're not acting very rationally. This bill doesn't give control over 1/6 of our economy to anyone for starters. Another thing, turns out (get this) that pre-existing conditions isn't the only thing wrong with our healthcare system.

I know this may come as a shock to you. I hope you're sitting as you read thisl.
I hope your arrogant Liberal retards are sitting as you read this:
Obama's HHS Concludes His Healthcare Reform Will Increase Costs
The Obama administration's own financial experts have estimated that the recently passed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will increase — rather than cut — overall medical expenses. :eek:
There's nothing wrong with our system. We have the best medical care in the world. You wanna' debate the cost? That's a fair argument but ObamaCare doesn't lower the cost as I've pointed out. And taxing a few millionaires won't do it either.

My prediction: The geniuses in Congress will pass a V.A.T. tax to cover the increases in medical care costs. So not only do I have to pay those increased medical costs i'll also have to pay VAT to cover those same increased medical costs from the "Affordable Care Act".

Thanks assholes. :evil:

You people are thinking irrationally. You actually believe that the same government that keeps us in Iraq and Afghanistan, brought us the Welfare State and Public Schools will deliver great healthcare? What planet are you living on? Look at V.A. centers all over America (you know, those places you complained about when Dubya' was President?) That's what we're gonna' end up with. I'm a vet and even I refuse to use them.

I doubt you'll wise up anytime soon.
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Our entire political system is based on false assumptions.
And unfortunately so is much of our finiancial system.




com'on man! Acne is a pre-existing condition?

Well that's how they got to 50%

I'm 43 and still get some acne.
You gonna' read what I wrote or just imagine something different. Just wondering.

Well you're not acting very rationally. This bill doesn't give control over 1/6 of our economy to anyone for starters. Another thing, turns out (get this) that pre-existing conditions isn't the only thing wrong with our healthcare system.

I know this may come as a shock to you. I hope you're sitting as you read thisl.
I hope your arrogant Liberal retards are sitting as you read this:
Obama's HHS Concludes His Healthcare Reform Will Increase Costs
The Obama administration's own financial experts have estimated that the recently passed Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will increase — rather than cut — overall medical expenses. :eek:
There's nothing wrong with our system. We have the best medical care in the world. You wanna' debate the cost? That's a fair argument but ObamaCare doesn't lower the cost as I've pointed out. And taxing a few millionaires won't do it either.

Bwahahahahaahah!!! Obviously this statement alone disqualifies you from having any reason interjecting your opinion in to this discussion.
"Nothing wrong"......LMAO!!! Don't get out much do you?




com'on man! Acne is a pre-existing condition?

Well that's how they got to 50%

I'm 43 and still get some acne.

Absurd, isn't it? Hence why this problem needed a solution.
Let's just cut to the chase. The underlying premise of ObamaCare is that Life Itself Is A Pre-Existing Condition.

The unelected bureaucrats will decide which lives are worth preserving.


End of story.
Let's just cut to the chase. The underlying premise of ObamaCare is that Life Itself Is A Pre-Existing Condition.

The unelected bureaucrats will decide which lives are worth preserving.


End of story.

Are you referring to what insurance companies have already been doing for years?
I noticed hypoglycemia isn't on your list there Bert. But as a moderate hypoglycemic in my state insurers are allowed to treat me as though I were diabetic as far as rates and/or being denied coverage are concerned.

It's a common condition, anybody who's familiar with it knows there aren't the risks and complications involved that you can have with diabetes. I guess it's just easier and cheaper not to make a distinction. They both have something to do with blood sugar levels, that's good enough for them. :rolleyes:

Add in my asthmatic son (who's pretty much grown out of it, but the diagnosis will always be in his records) and you have a serious bill for insurance coverage that doesn't cover anything that could, potentially, theoretically, be tied in some indirect way to either of those conditions.

I'm not a huge fan of the health care law that was passed, but that doesn't make the insanity of this kind of stuff less of a problem.
No, I'm not.

One insurance company doesn't control the market and have the FDA at its disposal to decide what is approved and not approved.
No, I'm not.

One insurance company doesn't control the market and have the FDA at its disposal to decide what is approved and not approved.

LOL, the FDA makes decisions on individual patient outcomes?

Oh and the government doesn't "control the market" in any shape or form either.
When you're done DEmonizing Insurance companies demonRats what or who will be your next target? doyathink?




com'on man! Acne is a pre-existing condition?

Well that's how they got to 50%

I'm 43 and still get some acne.

Absurd, isn't it? Hence why this problem needed a solution.

It's like they want obama care


Insurance companies do. The mandate will be a boom for them. And they can go right back to fighting to not pay the bills.




com'on man! Acne is a pre-existing condition?

Well that's how they got to 50%

I'm 43 and still get some acne.

Absurd, isn't it? Hence why this problem needed a solution.

It's like they want obama care


Insurance companies do. The mandate will be a boom for them. And they can go right back to fighting to not pay the bills.

Exactly! This health reform is the best thing to happen to Insurance companies.
No, I'm not.

One insurance company doesn't control the market and have the FDA at its disposal to decide what is approved and not approved.

LOL, the FDA makes decisions on individual patient outcomes?

Oh and the government doesn't "control the market" in any shape or form either.

The FDA recently decided that Avastin was no longer approved for treating women with advanced breast cancer.

And now Medicare has stopped covering the drug in some states.

It's quite easy to connect the dots.

Avastin Coverage Ends for Some Medicare Patients With Breast Cancer - NYTimes.com
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No, I'm not.

One insurance company doesn't control the market and have the FDA at its disposal to decide what is approved and not approved.

LOL, the FDA makes decisions on individual patient outcomes?

Oh and the government doesn't "control the market" in any shape or form either.

The FDA recently decided that Avastin was no longer approved for treating women with advanced breast cancer.

And now Medicare has stopped covering the drug in some states.

It's quite easy to connect the dots.

Avastin Coverage Ends for Some Medicare Patients With Breast Cancer - NYTimes.com
Another reason why Government has no place in our Heath Care choices.
LOL, Avastin was proven to be not effective for that indication. What's the issue? I don't see how this means the FDA is overseeing individual patient outcomes. LOL.
LOL, the FDA makes decisions on individual patient outcomes?

Oh and the government doesn't "control the market" in any shape or form either.

The FDA recently decided that Avastin was no longer approved for treating women with advanced breast cancer.

And now Medicare has stopped covering the drug in some states.

It's quite easy to connect the dots.

Avastin Coverage Ends for Some Medicare Patients With Breast Cancer - NYTimes.com
Another reason why Government has no place in our Heath Care choices.

Says the guy who says there is nothing wrong with the system. LOL!!!!:lol::lol:
What else would one expect when the discussion over health care is really about insurance. The two are not the same, and Obamacare has done nothing to improve health care in this country.

If you want to improve health care and access to it, the insurance companies need to have a much smaller role. People should be able to choose what doctor they wish, rather than the doctor some insurance company or government bureaucrat tells them they can have.

Costs can be reduced by increasing the number of doctors who work on a cash only basis for routine care, and insurance should only be used for serious medical issues. in fact, I would support tax credits for doctors who operate cash-only offices to reduce the reliance on insurance for every little thing.

Make it easier for people to get Medicaid for things they cannot pay for and who don't have insurance. Of course, payments can always be worked out with the individual's doctors if needed.

Expand the use of Health Savings Accounts to cover medical needs for everyone, not just those in high deductible insurance plans. In other words, provide a benefit for saving for your own medical requirements.

Since we've decided to let insurance companies control every aspect of our medical needs, why is anyone shocked when they exert some of that control? The answer isn't more governmental control, but less influence by the insurance companies.

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