If Mortimer visited the UK what would they guess me as?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
I was never in the UK, a near thought would be that i could be mistaken for a asian? But maybe now there are also many romani, so they could maybe know now that im romani, recently or in the last decades many roma arrived to britain from eastern europe.

They even added a roma category to the census, before they had only local "gypsies AND travellers" now they have gypsies, travellers, roma.

I was never in the UK, a near thought would be that i could be mistaken for a asian? But maybe now there are also many romani, so they could maybe know now that im romani, recently or in the last decades many roma arrived to britain from eastern europe.

They even added a roma category to the census, before they had only local "gypsies AND travellers" now they have gypsies, travellers, roma.

King Mort.
A fat Serbian refugee, with such low esteem that he has to ask everyone else what they think of him.

Really, Morty, your schtick has worn seriously thin....You need some professional counseling.

Yeah he does.
Someone mentioned the other day that Mort was somewhat interesting....at first.
Now people are sick of his spiel and he's become annoying.
Kinda like a three year old constantly yanking on your shorts and asking stupid questions.
He claims gypsies are being harassed about their piss poor reputation yet he enforces those opinions every day.
He doesnt have a job,yet he's morbidly obese and seems to come up with enough money to eat like a pig at his local McDonalds.
Is it any wonder people look down on him?
He tries to make up for his shortcomings by pretending to be interesting when he's most certainly not.
How do you expect people to respect you Mort when you dont even respect yourself?
Sorry to be such a hardass Mort but you bring it on yourself.
Tragically ,Mortuary , you deserve the criticism and you are solely to blame for the various given reasons . . It also puzzles me how you apparently flourish yet have no job . Are you perchance big in drugs or traficking ? Or are you planning to bring over a crack shop-lifting team ?Do let me know as I need a replacement computer and top printer . Hang on . I will send you a list .
I was never in the UK, a near thought would be that i could be mistaken for a asian? But maybe now there are also many romani, so they could maybe know now that im romani, recently or in the last decades many roma arrived to britain from eastern europe.

They even added a roma category to the census, before they had only local "gypsies AND travellers" now they have gypsies, travellers, roma.

Mortimer in the UK:


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