If Obamacare is unconstitutional why isn't liberalism?


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
The defeat of Obamacare may be the clearest statement to liberals in decades that ours is a limited government with only a few enumerated powers. Our founders did in fact give us freedom from big liberal government. This is something liberals have long lacked the IQ to understand. Its possible that the current court case will awaken them to the idea of what America is really all about, and to the anti-American quality of liberalism in general.
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This case is exciting because it will set precident no matter which way it goes.
Upheld: Tyranny wins, and the government will have a free pass to force citizens to do anything.
Overturned: Blow to Tyranny, and the commerce clause gets redefined again (even though it's only purpose was to ban interstate tariffs in the first place).
commerce clause gets redefined again (even though it's only purpose was to ban interstate tariffs in the first place).

yes, it was designed to protect and promote Republican free trade while we have let it come to promote liberal socialism. Its been perverse indeed but perhaps now the pendulum will begin to swing back toward common sense.
commerce clause gets redefined again (even though it's only purpose was to ban interstate tariffs in the first place).

yes, it was designed to protect and promote Republican free trade while we have let it come to promote liberal socialism. Its been perverse indeed but perhaps now the pendulum will begin to swing back toward common sense.

here's hoping.
The love of corpocracy is thick in here, be careful what you wish for.
The love of corpocracy is thick in here, be careful what you wish for.

you joking? Capitalism and corporatism are vastly different. The left is for corporatism, thus the government getting involved with corporations so much. The non-neocon right is for capitalism, something this country hasn't had since the federal reserve act.
The love of corpocracy is thick in here, be careful what you wish for.

a liberal will lack the IQ to know that a Republican government is small and so lacks the power and will to pick or favor one corporation over another, while a liberal governemt is the exact opposite. BOcare and Solyndra are perfect examples.
Because liberalism is an ideology, we don't legislate ideology, well, at least we on the right don't. Lefties love to.... it is their state sanctioned religion.. or at least they would love it to be.
The love of corpocracy is thick in here, be careful what you wish for.

a liberal will lack the IQ to know that a Republican government is small and so lacks the power and will to pick or favor one corporation over another, while a liberal governemt is the exact opposite. BOcare and Solyndra are perfect examples.

Do you really believe that or are you just screwing with us.
The defeat of Obamacare may be the clearest statement to liberals in decades that ours is a limited government with only a few enumerated powers. Our founders did in fact give us freedom from big liberal government. This is something liberals have long lacked the IQ to understand. Its possible that the current court case will awaken them to the idea of what America is really all about, and to the anti-American quality of liberalism in general.

A very simple question to answer. Liberalism is not "unconstitutional":

Just as STUPIDITY is not "unconstitutional"

Just as HYPOCRISY is not "unconstitutional"

Just as complete lack of integrity and accountability is not "unconstitutional"

Just as PATHOLOGICAL DISHONESTY is not "unconstitutional"
It's not unconstitutional, anymore than Booosh was elected president. This is the most partisan, bought off supreme court ever, and you are duped by the biggest propaganda machine in US history. Luckily, in the information and social internet age, the misled are being educated and disappearing, present morons excepted. Dittoheads!
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you would have to indicate that you had something worth responding to.

too stupid as usual. OP is at issue before Supreme Court today; yes this very day!!!! What planet are you from??See why we are positive a liberal will be slow? What other conclusion is possible???
Just as STUPIDITY is not "unconstitutional"

OMG!! Yes, stupidity is unconstitutional. The entire point of the Constitution is to create intelligent government. It is the duty of the Supremes to make intelligent decisions, not dumb ones!!!

I did not know that the U.S. Constitution has an "anti-stupid politician" clause. Thanks for setting me straight!

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