If Picking Ryan assured Obama a Win, where is the Bump in the Polls?


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
In the time since Romney Picked Ryan, on RCP Obama has gone from plus 4.7 to plus 4.

If we are to Believe Democrats who are telling us they are so Happy Ryan is the Pick, and Romney basically threw the Election by Picking him. Then shouldn't there be a Bump in Obama's Poll numbers and not a .7 point drop?
Also should note Obama's Number has not Dropped, Romney's went up .7, Which means it was Undecideds that Ticked it up.
Depends on which polls your looking at. People are still checking out Ryan with all the bells and whistles. In about a month is when we will really start to see which way the polls are truly going.
Reagan was behind Carter by 9 points at this time.

Though the Obama Presidency and Re-election Campaign have been a lot like Carter, I don't think the Comparison is really Relevant. Reagan Gained a Lot of Ground in the Final Months because of Public Reaction to Carters Handling of the Iran Hostage Crisis.
Depends on which polls your looking at. People are still checking out Ryan with all the bells and whistles. In about a month is when we will really start to see which way the polls are truly going.

That's why I will only ever post RCP, Because it's an Average of 10 Polls.

Not that said, My question is simple, Could one of you Dems who have been telling us By Picking Ryan Romney Lost the Election Answer it for me. Why has Obama's Lead on RCP shrank by .7 of a point in the time Since the Announcement instead of Growing?
That's really easy..............

the Dem Insiders lie

the Dem Lemmings suck the Koolaid and spread the lie

I've never seen anyone look so depressed and defensive as David Axelrod desperately spewing out the Ryan BS this Sunday.

The O is already well on his way to obscurity.

You'll start seeing a more obvious upward swing for the Comeback kids by the end of this week.
Like I said...................

the Dem Lemmings suck Koolaid and spread the lies :D
It's still summer. Vacationtime yet, and kids are getting ready to go back to school; so polls this time of year in a run-up to a general election are less reliable then reading Tarot cards or casting turtle shells.
After thge conventions things will start to get interesting. I predict a well orchestrated GOP convention (complete with gripes by the media that it is "stage managed") and disarray by the Democrats. At least they didnt stage it in San Fran like 1988 with scenes of "Dykes on Bikes."
Like I said...................

the Dem Lemmings suck Koolaid and spread the lies :D
Patience, grasshopper.

Why? What's going to happen in the next 2 months? Is unemployment going to 6%? Are household incomes going to rise significantly? Are people going to get off welfare and food stamps?
Oh, I know. Obama will abolish Congress and declare himself President for Life.
Because that's the only way that fucking loser is going to stay in office.
There hasn't been any polls out (that i'm aware of) since the announcement. I'm sure they will be looking good for Obama when they come out :up:
Patience, grasshopper.

Why? What's going to happen in the next 2 months? Is unemployment going to 6%? Are household incomes going to rise significantly? Are people going to get off welfare and food stamps?
Oh, I know. Obama will abolish Congress and declare himself President for Life.
Because that's the only way that fucking loser is going to stay in office.

Take some deep breaths, you'll be fine.
In the time since Romney Picked Ryan, on RCP Obama has gone from plus 4.7 to plus 4.

If we are to Believe Democrats who are telling us they are so Happy Ryan is the Pick, and Romney basically threw the Election by Picking him. Then shouldn't there be a Bump in Obama's Poll numbers and not a .7 point drop?

Given all the hype the republicans have given us around these parts I would think a much bigger loss is in order. Romney got a bigger boost when he finally became the nominee.

Of course, it is pretty much political knowledge and a given that announcing your VP pick will boost you in the polls. Even Sarah got mcCain a boost. You pretty much have to expect it.

Now where will this get Romney in the election that is about 3 months away? We will see after obama puts out all the dirt on him.
Patience, grasshopper.

Why? What's going to happen in the next 2 months? Is unemployment going to 6%? Are household incomes going to rise significantly? Are people going to get off welfare and food stamps?
Oh, I know. Obama will abolish Congress and declare himself President for Life.
Because that's the only way that fucking loser is going to stay in office.

Take some deep breaths, you'll be fine.
Translation: Obama is doomed.
Every day Romney looks better and better. Every day Obama looks worse and worse. He is reduced to telling not very believable lies and blaming the GOP for the failure of his own policies, passed by his own party.
In the time since Romney Picked Ryan, on RCP Obama has gone from plus 4.7 to plus 4.

If we are to Believe Democrats who are telling us they are so Happy Ryan is the Pick, and Romney basically threw the Election by Picking him. Then shouldn't there be a Bump in Obama's Poll numbers and not a .7 point drop?

President Obama 4.0

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

President Obama 3.9

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Obama: Favorable/Unfavorable

Governor Romney -2.5

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Romney: Favorable/Unfavorable

President Obama 237 Governor Romney 191

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Colorado President Obama 1.2

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Colorado: Romney vs. Obama

Florida President Obama 1.4

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Florida: Romney vs. Obama

Iowa President Obama 1.0

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Iowa: Romney vs. Obama

Nevada President Obama 5.3

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Nevada: Romney vs. Obama

New Hampshire President Obama 2.6

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - New Hampshire: Romney vs. Obama

North Carolina Governor Romney 1.0

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - North Carolina: Romney vs. Obama

Ohio President Obama 4.0

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Ohio: Romney vs. Obama

Virginia President Obama 3.2

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Virginia: Romney vs. Obama

Wisconsin President Obama 5.4

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin: Romney vs. Obama

Don't see much change here.

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