If Republicans Wanted to Pack the Court They Would Have Done it back in 2017


May 23, 2014
But they didn't add 3 or 5 Justices when they controlled Congress because that would be wrong. Democrats disgraced the dignity of the Senate during ACB hearings by placing cardboard cutout's of themselves in the committee seats.(The cardboard probably has more of an IQ than the actual person). They still piss ,moan and bawl that Garland wasn't confirmed. If Democrats controlled the Senate in 2016 they would have ran him through just like GOP did with ACB. So they can shut the fuck-up with all their teary eyed psychobabble about Republicans "packing the Court." Also, let us not forget that it was the weasel Harry Reid that started it back in 2010 when he used the "nuclear option." Democrats started this battle and GOP is going to end it.
Fuck it. If we win we should pack the court too. Its time to start feeding the Democrat pieces of shit their own medicine
In the last 50 years, 13 justices have been appointed by Republicans while 4 have been appointed by Democrats


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