If Roe Is Overturned, It Will Mark The First Time In The History Of The Constitution Civil Rights Were Taken Away, Not Expanded

"Overturning Roe v. Wade would be such a significant decision because it would be the first time in the history of the Constitution that precedent would be overturned to limit civil rights, not expand them," according to Neama Rahmani, the president of West Coast Trial Lawyers and a former federal prosecutor.

There is no right to murder babies, ghoul.
"Overturning Roe v. Wade would be such a significant decision because it would be the first time in the history of the Constitution that precedent would be overturned to limit civil rights, not expand them," according to Neama Rahmani, the president of West Coast Trial Lawyers and a former federal prosecutor.

Republicans... targeting women and minorities since the 1970s.
Same thing with Substantive due process. Due process has a very narrow meaning but substantive due process was made up in the 20th century, to create both fake rights and fake powers of government.
Fake rights? Such as?
Fake rights? Such as?
Privacy, abortion, same-sex marriage, contraceptives. But more important than the rights, themselves, is the legal idea that substantive due process allows the Supreme Court to overturn State law in areas that the Federal Government has no constitutional authority. Under the theory of substantive due process, everything the State passes can be scrutinized and if the Supreme Court decides they exceeded reasonable exercise of police power, the Court can throw out the State statute.

Virtually every legal scholar who has written about substantive due process recognizes that due process originally was about physical process and that the idea of substantive due process only came about in the very late 19th and into the 20th century. Virtually no one argues that it wasn't a made up authority; they simply use it anyway.

Every single amendment to The US Constitutionsince the original Constitutional Convention in 1891 was voted on and ratified by state legislatures.
Amendments are not acts of Congress. Congress does not create rights, only legislative privileges that can be taken away.
"Overturning Roe v. Wade would be such a significant decision because it would be the first time in the history of the Constitution that precedent would be overturned to limit civil rights, not expand them," according to Neama Rahmani, the president of West Coast Trial Lawyers and a former federal prosecutor.

Unless of course, you are the one in the womb.

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