If Romney doesn't win, what's next for the GOP?

The power rests in the hands of congress, if the GOP takes control of the Senate and holds the House then we have a future, otherwise, we march off the fiscal cliff.

We actually distanced ourselves from the fiscal cliff over the past four years (two with Dem-controlled congress and two with the Congress split).

They tried to scare you into voting for them and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Oldest trick in the book and it still works on some folks.

But the question is still: If it doesn't work on enough people to win, do they keep doing it?
If Romney doesn't win, what's next for the GOP?

A collective tantrum is a pretty good guess.

Another good guess is that the so-called proponents of personal responsibility will blame anyone and everyone else but themselves. Of course, they'll blame Romney and his team. They'll also say that the reason that he lost was because he wasn't conservative enough (which is what they said after McCain lost).

And then the party will likely lurch even FURTHER to the right as Rick Santorum comes forward to lay claim to the mantel as the presumptive frontrunner for 2016.

Speaking of personal responsibility...whzz up with Negros and the race card? Can't a black man ever take personal responsibility for his own actions or is it always whiteys fault?
Depending if GOP picks up any seats in the senate. Obama will have a hard time passing anymore social agendas.
Depending if GOP picks up any seats in the senate. Obama will have a hard time passing anymore social agendas.

The GOP has sucessfully ground the Senate to a halt with a minority. 247 fillabusters. As long as they keep at least 41 seats, they can continue to do the same.
We'll take a few states, start our own country.

You fuckers will get invaded by the Mexicans and Canadians.

You'll cry for help

We'll laugh
The power rests in the hands of congress, if the GOP takes control of the Senate and holds the House then we have a future, otherwise, we march off the fiscal cliff.

We actually distanced ourselves from the fiscal cliff over the past four years (two with Dem-controlled congress and two with the Congress split).

They tried to scare you into voting for them and you bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Oldest trick in the book and it still works on some folks.

But the question is still: If it doesn't work on enough people to win, do they keep doing it?

Not even the most ardent Leftards believe America has been 'distanced from the fiscal cliff.'

Depending if GOP picks up any seats in the senate. Obama will have a hard time passing anymore social agendas.

The GOP has sucessfully ground the Senate to a halt with a minority. 247 fillabusters. As long as they keep at least 41 seats, they can continue to do the same.

Harry Reid only needs 51 votes to pass a budget. He said 'Fuck You, America.'
We'll take a few states, start our own country.

You fuckers will get invaded by the Mexicans and Canadians.

You'll cry for help

We'll laugh

Civil War???????
Ok, at least you answered the question without pathetic deflections.
We'll take a few states, start our own country.

You fuckers will get invaded by the Mexicans and Canadians.

You'll cry for help

We'll laugh

Civil War???????
Ok, at least you answered the question without pathetic deflections.

Speaking of pathetic deflections of questions, I asked you this earlier and you did not answer. Does Harry Reid need more than 51 votes to pass a budget?

I think the OP is forgetting that even if Romney loses it is looking pretty likely the GOP will gain seats in Both Houses of Congress. That is hardly a Repudiation of them Blocking Obama in the Congress, It's a vote for them to continue.

If Obama wins and the GOP gains seats in Both Houses of Congress it will be a clear Vote by the American People for Divided Government. The Message to Obama will be clear, You get your 4 more years, but you better be willing to REALLY compromise this time and move you ass back to the Center, Unless you want to be a lame duck President for at least 2 years.

The GOP definition for "really compromise" has been - "Do it our way as if we had won."
So let me get this straight. You're spin is that by re-electing Obama, Americans would be signalling that they don't want him to pursue his agenda anymore?

And the GOP - after having shot every bullet they could to defeat Obama and failing - would read the message as "America wants you to keep doing what you're doing"?

Sorry but I don't agree. The problem has been both sides being to Rigid, not just the GOP. Obama enjoyed the Biggest Majorities in Congress any president had seen in a long time, he only needed to compromise enough to get a couple Republicans to come over. The Fact he could not on most items, shows that Both sides were unwilling to really Compromise. Sure the GOP was to Rigid, but so was Obama and the Dems in Congress. And don't point to the Individual Mandate and say see Obama compromised. It ended up attached to a monstrous Bill, Loaded with things Obama wanted and very little the GOP agreed with.

That's not real Compromise, it's a game. Here you can have this one thing, as long as you agree to this list of stuff I want, that's not Compromise.

Then after Obama got his ass handed to him in the Mid Terms. It became the Dems doing the Blocking through the Senate, and Obama was the one acting like he had not just lost big time in Both Houses of congress.

Sorry anyone who claims it was only the Dems, or only the GOP that kept Obama from getting things done is a Partisan hack.

What fucking planet are you on? If Obama didn't compromise on healthcare we'd have single payer. We don't have that, we don't even have a public option because Obama was too willing to pull these off the table since he knew Republicans wouldn't want to shift away from the private insurers. You are so beyond wrong here it's breath taking.
Depending if GOP picks up any seats in the senate. Obama will have a hard time passing anymore social agendas.

The GOP has sucessfully ground the Senate to a halt with a minority. 247 fillabusters. As long as they keep at least 41 seats, they can continue to do the same.

The GOP in the Senate hasn't had to do a damn thing. Harry Reid OWNS the place. Nothing happens without his approval and NOTHING has been what's happened.

As far as moving us AWAY from the Fiscal Cliff -- I thought Blue Dogs UNDERSTOOD basic accounting and math...
I'm going to quit working, and drive by OWS tents and blow my horn throughout the entire night, every night just to aggravate the stinky people if Romney loses.
If Mitt Romney doesn't win (and how big an if that is, is certainly open for interpretation) how does the GOP react?

From Inaguration Day until today, Republicans have done absolutely everything within their power to guarantee that Obama is a one term president. They've denied every bit of encouraging economic news; they've pooh-poohed the justice inflicted on Bin Laden; they've phoned-in 247 fillabusters in the Senate to grind government to a halt; they empowered a radical fringe group to question citizenship, religion, etc, and now that radical fringe group is biting them in the butt; and they even nominated a candidate even they didn't like because they thought he would be the most likely to beat Obama.

They've pulled every procedural and public relations gambit they could dream up in order to attack non-stop.

So what do they do if all that doesn't work?

Will they give statesmanship and leadership another chance to win back former-Republicans like myself who detest what they've turned themselves into? Or would admitting a mistake be too humiliating? Do they double-down on the snarling, sputtering, tantrums?

Christie. Unless the RNC pisses him off enough he switches parties.
Hey BlueDogFight....

Harry Reid Vows Senate Dems Will Not Work With Romney If He Wins… | Weasel Zippers

Five days before the election, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has ruled out trying to work with Mitt Romney should he win next week.

“Mitt Romney’s fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his ‘severely conservative’ agenda is laughable,” Mr. Reid said in a statement on

Friday, trying to puncture Mr. Romney’s closing election argument that he’ll be able to deliver on the bipartisanship President Obama promised in 2008 but has struggled to live up to.

With Democrats appearing poised to keep control of the Senate, a President Romney would have to be prepared to work with Mr. Reid, who would set the upper chamber’s schedule and determine what bills make it to the floor.

Mr. Reid flatly ruled out following Mr. Romney’s agenda, saying he and his colleagues have already voted down many of those proposals, including House Republicans’ budget, written by Republican vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan.

Go on.. Keep supporting EITHER of the clown parties. It's Einsteins' definition of insanity..

But PLEASE -- spare me the "he hit me first whining"...
If Mitt Romney doesn't win (and how big an if that is, is certainly open for interpretation) how does the GOP react?

From Inaguration Day until today, Republicans have done absolutely everything within their power to guarantee that Obama is a one term president. They've denied every bit of encouraging economic news; they've pooh-poohed the justice inflicted on Bin Laden; they've phoned-in 247 fillabusters in the Senate to grind government to a halt; they empowered a radical fringe group to question citizenship, religion, etc, and now that radical fringe group is biting them in the butt; and they even nominated a candidate even they didn't like because they thought he would be the most likely to beat Obama.

They've pulled every procedural and public relations gambit they could dream up in order to attack non-stop.

So what do they do if all that doesn't work?

Will they give statesmanship and leadership another chance to win back former-Republicans like myself who detest what they've turned themselves into? Or would admitting a mistake be too humiliating? Do they double-down on the snarling, sputtering, tantrums?

Yeah, the democrats were real open to input with Obamacare. Sheesh, some of you guys are so dishonest.

They were. Mandate.....GOP idea.....Buying across state lines....GOP idea.....Tort reform......GOP idea.....giving up on the public option.....GOP DEMAND.

That's just off the top of my head
If Mitt Romney doesn't win (and how big an if that is, is certainly open for interpretation) how does the GOP react?

From Inaguration Day until today, Republicans have done absolutely everything within their power to guarantee that Obama is a one term president. They've denied every bit of encouraging economic news; they've pooh-poohed the justice inflicted on Bin Laden; they've phoned-in 247 fillabusters in the Senate to grind government to a halt; they empowered a radical fringe group to question citizenship, religion, etc, and now that radical fringe group is biting them in the butt; and they even nominated a candidate even they didn't like because they thought he would be the most likely to beat Obama.

They've pulled every procedural and public relations gambit they could dream up in order to attack non-stop.

So what do they do if all that doesn't work?

Will they give statesmanship and leadership another chance to win back former-Republicans like myself who detest what they've turned themselves into? Or would admitting a mistake be too humiliating? Do they double-down on the snarling, sputtering, tantrums?

Yeah, the democrats were real open to input with Obamacare. Sheesh, some of you guys are so dishonest.

They were. Mandate.....GOP idea.....Buying across state lines....GOP idea.....Tort reform......GOP idea.....giving up on the public option.....GOP DEMAND.

That's just off the top of my head

No! that's something you've just pulled out of your ass.

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