If Rush or Sean Would Have Said This......

It became a story after Al And Jessie told the liberal media to take out the knives
That kind of contradicts most of your comments in this thread. That's what happens when you let newsbusters do your thinking for you. Let's take a look and laugh at some of your previous comments.

The point is, these comments have been downplayed in the media...As I asked in the first post - you know what would be happening if Rush or Sean (or any conservative) had said the same things

It would still be the lead story in most paper and nightly news shows

I wonder if we would ahve heard more about this if Rush or Sean would ahve made these comments?

Of course Imus is a liberal butt kisser so not much has ben reported. If a conservative host would have made these comments Pelosi and reid would trample over each other to get to the TV cameras

I do not listen to him, so I do not care

The double standard is what I am talking about.

Now Imus is bowing before Rev Al this morning

I still ask if libs would be so tolerant if a conservative tlak show host had said the same things

Where was all the coverage when elected Dems make racial slurs against black conservatives?

I do not see Rev Al, Jessie, or the NAACP jump on them

Nor do I see the same level of national media coverage

The story was mentioned, the outrage was no where to be found - of course they were black conservatives - they do not count
and when did I start this thread? 4/7/200. Days after Imus made the comment and only when the liberal media started their 24 hour coverage

Try again
and when did I start this thread? 4/7/200. Days after Imus made the comment and only when the liberal media started their 24 hour coverage
Now you're defending that you were wrong? Why not just admit it? Everyone knows you were. Here let me help you out. Repeat after me:

I, Red States Rule, was wrong that this story was underreported and that there is no double standard. Imus was fired and Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh are still on the air.
Now you're defending that you were wrong? Why not just admit it? Everyone knows you were. Here let me help you out. Repeat after me:

I, Red States Rule, was wrong that this story was underreported and that there is no double standard. Imus was fired and Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh are still on the air.

I was not wrong. It was not a big story until the "black leaders" started screaming

and yes, libs now have their sights on conservative talk radio - since they can't beat them they have to silence them

Didn't you just argue until you were blue in the face that Imus was a liberal? That makes no sense. Why would liberals target their own?

Imus made one mistake - he took a cheap shot at black girls and got the attention of Rev Al and Jessie

Now the left is using this as an excuse to go after conservative talk radio
Are we seriously so tightly wrapped as a nation that we can't say, "gee, I don't agree with that statement," without needing to lead the person who said it to the guillotine?
Red States, and William are completely right.

It is ok, Nay, it is actually encouraged in this country to attack, white christian, heterosexual men, say the most vile things about them, but say anything bad about a jew, black, or muslim, and YOU will be lynched (no pun intended)

And im a jew lol :)
There are two kinds of blacks in the black community.

Those who accept racism and sexism, against there own people and against whitey :lol: , and those who wish to stop it. I prefer the lattter.

Also, we must not only blame the black rapper, but the white ceo, who puts out the garbage with his record label, and the mostly white consumer who buys this sh**.

I do NOT like people who are ghetto, People who are ghetto may include but are not limited to, white, black, asian, hispanic, etc etc.
the hypocrisy is, rosie, can be a vile, fiend, and don imus cant. Lets be consisent. :eusa_dance:

Free speech: a type of speech, that does not offend anyone

NOT free speech: any speech that offends atleast ONE person.:D
Back on topic.

RSR you were dead wrong with this whole thread. You claimed that this wouldn't make the news and that it was underreported. In reality, the whole incident was overblown (IMO) and Imus was shitcanned. You claimed that there was a double standard for liberal media when there was none. In fact, Michael Savage says things far worse than Imus and says them on just about every broadcast but is still on the air. Rush Limbaugh says these things about once or twice a week and is still on the air. If there even is a double standard, we know where it lies.

This thread stands as a testament of how wrong you are and I'm glad you posted it. No amount of red herring's you throw in about Jesus or the 1st Amendment is going to change how off base you were with this story.

:lol: @ Red States Rule for being so wrong.

To liberals like you only conservatives are racists, black conservatives are fair game from the left when it comes to racial slurs, and only black liberals are entitled to the protections of the NAACP
To liberals like you only conservatives are racists, black conservatives are fair game from the left when it comes to racial slurs, and only black liberals are entitled to the protections of the NAACP

everybody who disagress with you is a "liberal".......ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!......even those that have defended your sorry butt and Republicans........ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!
everybody who disagress with you is a "liberal".......ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!......even those that have defended your sorry butt and Republicans........ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!ha!Ha!!Ha!

to you, Chris Matthews is a Republican
The PC Police will arrest you for the above post

Muslims are the victims in the war on terror - or didn't you read the DNC talking points?

This is nothing more than bullshit. Muslims are not the victims in the war on terrorism and the Democratic Party's position on the war on terrorism is more strong than the Bush administration. Bush is the one who said that Osama bin Laden wasn't a priority while Democrats were and are calling for the capture and elimination of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. The Democrats favored going into Afghanistan because that is where al-Qaeda was holed up and we wanted to capture those responsible for 9-11 yet Bush decided that al-Qaeda wasn't as important as Saddam Hussein and where has that gotten us? With Osama bin Laden free to plan another attack and Saddam Hussein is dead. This twisted priority has led us into a war which is very unlikely to see a resolution and which will only result in more bloodshed and death and will spread hatred of America in the Middle East. You can spread all the propaganda you want but so long as we are in Iraq there will be only more death and more terrorism and worst there is a civil war going on in Iraq and we are asinine enough to side with one of the factions in that country over the others and what will this do? The answer to that is make those who we side with happy and make those we side against more intent on killing us for thinking that our votes in our elections should decide the course of their country.

If you want to win the war on terrorism let's begin by strengthening our national defense infrastructure, providing our troops with the resources they need, and re-deploying them out of Iraq and either to the U.S. or to strategic points of defense and than we can go after the terrorists instead of having our young men and women in uniform die in a war that weakens our military and spreads it out. Unless we are going to invade every country where terrorists are and unless we are going to topple every government we disagree with we will need to use more common sense and decide that it is time to make these countries our friends instead of our enemies and appeal to their self-interest instead the jackass Bush insults them, calls them an axis of evil and leave them with no option other than to say, "if we are an axis of evil and you won't talk with us than YES we will support terrorists because it is in our interests to do so." But Bush and Republicans tend to be stupid and can't seem to comprehend this one simple fact.
You obviously have no clue what conservatism is. Perhaps they are "conservative" in an international sense. But conservatives in this nation are trying to conserve liberty established by the constitution.

Only in your dreams. As far as I am concerned conservatives in this country have done nothing but undermine the principles of the constitution. As for liberty I doubt very much that conservatives understand what liberty is or have an understanding of the value that is placed on liberty. What you seem to fail to take into consideration is that the Democratic Party and liberalism can be traced back to Thomas Jefferson while the Republican Party and conservatism can be traced to Alexander Hamilton. Do you want to take a wild guess at which one said that the British system of government was the best in the world and openly advocated that we establish the same form of government that Britain had during the Constitutional Convention and had a fit and left because the Constitution didn't create a strong enough central government? The answer to that question is quite obvious that Alexander Hamilton decided to return because he felt that the Constitution gave him a lot of what he wanted. Conservatism has never been conserving liberty instead it has been about conserving twisted values.

When the values you are trying to conserve are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness its hard to pretend that those conservatives are anything like the so called "Muslims conservatives" who espouse a culture of death, government oppression, and misery. Sounds more like the so called "liberals" in America to me.

You are so delusional. If you believe that the vanguard of liberty are conservatives than you are beyond hope because the conservative movement intends to accomplish the exact opposite and only preaches liberty so that they can deceive the rest of us. Even Jefferson noted this of Hamilton when he said that Hamilton only accepted our system of government because it was the lessor of two evils and that if they could not have a king than they would settle for a strong central government and a strong executive and to this day you see conservatives putting their trust in the President while liberals prefer to trust Congress. Why is that? The answer is quite obvious. The conservatives love a King and love a monarch and so long as the President has the characteristics of a monarch than they will be happy to support him but when Congress begins to represent the people and begin to legislate and to take positive steps to represent the people that is when every conservative will challenge. Liberalism on the other hand has been about preserving the ideals of Jefferson and to protect, preserve and to promote freedom and liberty and to continue the vision of such great men and to move forward towards a more perfect system of government. It is interesting to hear conservatives quote Jefferson (this is to deceive us into thinking that they too believe in the ideals he espoused) when he was the anti-thesis of this so-called conserving of the liberty in the Constitution instead believing that change must occur and that we must build upon what was accomplished in 1787-1789. The conservatives in the Constitutional Convention supported a central government and they still do notwithstanding all their talk about federalism because all this talk about federalism only exists when they get what they want from the states but when the states disagree with them than it becomes a matter of a strong executive and a strong central government.
my question is: would you expect the media to manufacture outrage if none were present?

Tough question, I know....it's kind of like a Zen puzzle.

Reading your question and than his non-answers and than reading you asking the same question several more times with him refusing to answer with a straight is funny. I have obtained my dose of amusement today. This idiot simpy cannot grasp the concept that the media should not manufacture a story where there isn't one. Anyone with a brain would see that this story has evolved over time as does any story that remains in the news for any length of time. It is because these idiots cannot grasp this that they see some conspiracy by an apparent lack of coverage on one count and what appears to be ample coverage on another. I don't think Imus should have been fired because I believe it undermines freedom of speech yet only idiots like red state see a conspiracy against Imus in this coverage. He is an idiot and a moron and needs to get a life. The amount of time he spends posting here probably reflects his lack of a life. :lol:
That would be your guy Robert Byrd dipshit

Time must be heavy on your hands - why not go piss on a grave at Arlington?

I am sure it will make you feel better and help let out some of your rage

You are a piece of shit for suggesting that anyone should piss on a soldiers grave you fucking traitor. How many people do you tell to piss on the graves of people who have served this country? You sick fucking bastard. It seems that you are fixated on pissing on people's graves and if you are so fucking eager to have someone piss on a soldiers grave than I suggest you try it so I can laugh when you get your ass kicked by the liberal son of the liberal WWII vet who served and died for this country. Now shut the fuck up you piece of shit. I don't want to hear you telling other people to piss on the graves of our soldiers you fucking traitor. If you hate our soldiers so much that you would want others to piss on their graves than you should have your ass kicked you bastard.
where did I say I was a Byrd fan?

when will you answer my questions?

What would you have the media do? Invent outrage?
answer the fucking question, asshole.

I wouldn't expect an answer from the fucking retard. All he likes to do is tell others to piss on the graves of our soldiers or burn the American flag. I hope the fucking traitor gets his ass kicked by someone who watches him post such shit. I also hope his wife, child or parent walks up as he posts this garbage and give him a good roundhouse to the face for his fucking comments. He has nothing other than telling others to hate this country, burn the flag or piss on the graves of soldiers because he has no loyalty to this country.

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