If the Fat kid millenial dictator drops 4 missiles within 20 miles of Guam, what should we do?

What should our response be if the fat kid drops 4 missiles within 20 miles of Guam?

  • More Sanctions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Send Hillary to Pyongyang to negotiate a treaty

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • More "Fire and Fury" rhetoric

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Conventional Military response

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • Nuclear Military response

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Have Bill Clinton jizz on Kim's jacket (Bill thought Kim was a chick)

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Assassinate the fat kid somehow

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Get China to pressure NoKo

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Freak out and scream that it's all Trumps fault

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This whole thing is bullshit and it's the fault of every administration PRIOR to Trump...yes, Bush as well.

This mess is not Trump's fault....at all. He has not been in government and was not involved in the decision to pay extortion money to NOKO that they used to further their nuclear program.
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We should avoid becoming hysterical until it happens. The pot bellied pig plays the U.S. media like a violin. Where was the N.K. threat in the last eight freaking years?
We should send the entire tRump family so Kim has a better target to help the world move forward.
Can I choose "Send Hillary to Pyongyang to negotiate a treaty" AND "Nuclear Military response" in that order?
No it is not Trump's fault, this can has been kicked down the road since the Bush 1 admin. Unfortunately it is now his problem and a very dicey one it is, I am not sure what actions should be taken but my feeling is now that no matter what missiles lil Kim shoots off they should be shot down immediately.
This whole thing is bullshit and it's the fault of every administration PRIOR to Trump...yes, Bush as well.

This mess is not Trump's fault....at all. He has not been in government and was not involved in the decision to pay extortion money to NOKO that they used to further their nuclear program.
So let me get this straight.

The rising stock market, Trump gets credit even though its been rising for 8 years.

The low unemployment rate which Trump claimed was really 42% is now magically authentically 4.3% and Trump gets the credit for it.

Trump said "not gonna happen" as far as North Korea getting an ICBM which could reach the US. Now that it appears they will get one, Trump gets no blame.

This whole thing is bullshit and it's the fault of every administration PRIOR to

Yes, Carter negotiated all of this, Clinton want all-in with the Appeasement, Bush said 'That's not enough' but did not go far enough himself, and after they had gotten nukes Obama made it possible for Iran and NK to work together in mutual cooperation which has resulted in NK getting the capability to reach the US....

Yes, It has now been dumped in Trump's lap...

...but what do you do if NK pumps 4 rounds into Guam?

Many experts still doubt their accuracy. Yup, they have hit the ocean so far, proving nothing....but then again, how accurate do you have to be with a NUKE?!

If NK actually NUKED Guam...there would be no alternative but to turn NK into a glass parking lot....
What the real issue here is South Korea; had those jackasses since the Korean war moved or built a new city away from the damned border away from the North's artillery reach, and built up some serious defense, we would not be in this jam. Meantime, their president gives us a hard time about even having THAAD. They don't want to "antagonize" the pot belly pig. If not for them we would have no problem, but if we go in preemptively, they blow the shit out of Seoul. If we don't launch and just sit on our hands, we are made to look like the idiots, bullied by this little country, or worse, they get off 10 nuclear ICBM's and a third or half of them hit U.S. Targets. THEN we launch a nuclear counter-strike after millions of Americans die, we blow the smithereens out of North Korea, but not before South Korea takes it in the head.

Either way, South Korea gets its ass handed to them, so I say that unless China acts VERY VERY SOON to stop Kim and disarm his nuclear arms, we GO IN and take out Kim and his bottle rockets WHILE WE STILL CAN. Before we wait too long. And that includes his subs. Last people to make such threats against us was al-Quada--- --- and they gave us 9/11 with just a handful of pilots, and like now, we heard the warnings but JUST KEPT WAITING TOO LONG.
We have AEGIS ships which can blow Kim's missiles out of the sky without breaking a sweat.

The question is what is Trump doing to prevent that even being necessary?

Oh, that's right. He's busy improving his golf handicap, which he also lies about.
What the real issue here is South Korea; had those jackasses since the Korean war moved or built a new city away from the damned border away from the North's artillery reach, and built up some serious defense, we would not be in this jam. Meantime, their president gives us a hard time about even having THAAD. They don't want to "antagonize" the pot belly pig. If not for them we would have no problem, but if we go in preemptively, they blow the shit out of Seoul. If we don't launch and just sit on our hands, we are made to look like the idiots, bullied by this little country, or worse, they get off 10 nuclear ICBM's and a third or half of them hit U.S. Targets. THEN we launch a nuclear counter-strike after millions of Americans die, we blow the smithereens out of North Korea, but not before South Korea takes it in the head.

Either way, South Korea gets its ass handed to them, so I say that unless China acts VERY VERY SOON to stop Kim and disarm his nuclear arms, we GO IN and take out Kim and his bottle rockets WHILE WE STILL CAN. Before we wait too long. And that includes his subs. Last people to make such threats against us was al-Quada--- --- and they gave us 9/11 with just a handful of pilots, and like now, we heard the warnings but JUST KEPT WAITING TOO LONG.
Move a city.

Um, yeah.

Go back to playing with your Legos.
This whole thing is bullshit and it's the fault of every administration PRIOR to Trump...yes, Bush as well.

This mess is not Trump's fault....at all. He has not been in government and was not involved in the decision to pay extortion money to NOKO that they used to further their nuclear program.
I would say conventional, surgical response on missile sites....bunker busters....MOABs....and try to actually hit something worthwhile, not an empty runway with several dozen $$$$$ cruise missiles.
What the real issue here is South Korea; had those jackasses since the Korean war moved or built a new city away from the damned border away from the North's artillery reach, and built up some serious defense, we would not be in this jam. Meantime, their president gives us a hard time about even having THAAD. They don't want to "antagonize" the pot belly pig. If not for them we would have no problem, but if we go in preemptively, they blow the shit out of Seoul. If we don't launch and just sit on our hands, we are made to look like the idiots, bullied by this little country, or worse, they get off 10 nuclear ICBM's and a third or half of them hit U.S. Targets. THEN we launch a nuclear counter-strike after millions of Americans die, we blow the smithereens out of North Korea, but not before South Korea takes it in the head.

Either way, South Korea gets its ass handed to them, so I say that unless China acts VERY VERY SOON to stop Kim and disarm his nuclear arms, we GO IN and take out Kim and his bottle rockets WHILE WE STILL CAN. Before we wait too long. And that includes his subs. Last people to make such threats against us was al-Quada--- --- and they gave us 9/11 with just a handful of pilots, and like now, we heard the warnings but JUST KEPT WAITING TOO LONG.

This is unreal.

Blowjob Clinton assured the world he had this shit handled
If it doesn't reveal the shortcomings of the system somehow, why not destroy the missiles in flight? That would seem to be justified and proportional.

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