If the Republicans Take the House and Senate...


Rebelious Youngin
Oct 16, 2009
Well, I'm voting as a registered Republican in this coming election cycle. I'm going to be quiet honest though, I AM ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY skeptical of the GOP's claim that they want to "restore America" by winning the house and the senate in 2010. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Republicans have a good chance of winning the House and they COULD win the Senate if they can keep the momentum from swinging in a different direction. SO if the Republicans gain the house and the senate (and I'll be voting for them) here's what I want to see DONE:

1. I want them to put forth a REAL and COMPREHENSIVE plan to secure the borders. They have the majority at this point, so they BETTER be able to do this. I want to see them put their foot DOWN. I mean I want fullscale border security with the works. Attack dogs, armed guards, high security fences, etc. Then I want to see the Republicans pick their foot BACK UP and work with the democrats to pass legislation to punish corporations who hire illegals and provide an opportunity for amnesty for people already here as long as they pledge to serve in the US the military.

2. I want them to begin drawing back troops in bases overseas in places that haven't seen war in decades. That mostly involves Europe and parts of southeast Asia, I'd be fine if we kept a presence in Japan and South Korea to send a message to NK.

3. I want pressure on Obama to deal with China's harmful trade policies in a "Ronald Reagan" type manner and I want work done to deal with our trade deficit.

4. If you are going to repeal Obamacare...

I also want a comprehensive reform bill that includes Tort Reform, allowing families and businesses to buy health care accross state lines, allowing individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, and making it easier for states to reform their own health care system.



7. A payroll tax holiday.


1. Endless bickering about who's "more conservative", and mutiny and party bickering because of ideology, we saw that during the health care fiasco with the Dems. It turns folks off to see a disunified party.

2. Unwillingness to compromise. We saw THAT during the last congress as well on both sides. It sucks and shit doesn't get done.

3. Angry loudmouthed ideologues yelling about "socialism" and "nazi death camps". I also don't want to see people just "talking ideology" you NEED TO DO SOMETHING, not just talk about it.

4. Blaming the other party because you can't get things done. We know how that ended up for the democrats.

5. Thinking that because you won the majority Americans sent you there for ONE SPECIFIC GOAL and that this is the "end of liberalism in America" similar things were said about the Republicans in '06 and '08 when the Dems thought they had a "mandate" to just go buckwild. You don't. You have no mandate. America sends people to the congress to send a message not to swing the country far to the left or to the right.

That message is stop screwing up. We still run shit around here.

Now I'm writing this with the understandiing that the vast majority of the things I listed as "don'ts" will probably HAPPEN, and barely any of the things I listed as "do's" will probably NOT happen. So we'll be back again in 2012 with the reactionary voters swinging back and forth.
Well, I'm voting as a registered Republican in this coming election cycle. I'm going to be quiet honest though, I AM ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY skeptical of the GOP's claim that they want to "restore America" by winning the house and the senate in 2010. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Republicans have a good chance of winning the House and they COULD win the Senate if they can keep the momentum from swinging in a different direction. SO if the Republicans gain the house and the senate (and I'll be voting for them) here's what I want to see DONE:

1. I want them to put forth a REAL and COMPREHENSIVE plan to secure the borders. They have the majority at this point, so they BETTER be able to do this. I want to see them put their foot DOWN. I mean I want fullscale border security with the works. Attack dogs, armed guards, high security fences, etc. Then I want to see the Republicans pick their foot BACK UP and work with the democrats to pass legislation to punish corporations who hire illegals and provide an opportunity for amnesty for people already here as long as they pledge to serve in the US the military.

2. I want them to begin drawing back troops in bases overseas in places that haven't seen war in decades. That mostly involves Europe and parts of southeast Asia, I'd be fine if we kept a presence in Japan and South Korea to send a message to NK.

3. I want pressure on Obama to deal with China's harmful trade policies in a "Ronald Reagan" type manner and I want work done to deal with our trade deficit.

4. If you are going to repeal Obamacare...

I also want a comprehensive reform bill that includes Tort Reform, allowing families and businesses to buy health care accross state lines, allowing individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, and making it easier for states to reform their own health care system.



7. A payroll tax holiday.


1. Endless bickering about who's "more conservative", and mutiny and party bickering because of ideology, we saw that during the health care fiasco with the Dems. It turns folks off to see a disunified party.

2. Unwillingness to compromise. We saw THAT during the last congress as well on both sides. It sucks and shit doesn't get done.

3. Angry loudmouthed ideologues yelling about "socialism" and "nazi death camps". I also don't want to see people just "talking ideology" you NEED TO DO SOMETHING, not just talk about it.

4. Blaming the other party because you can't get things done. We know how that ended up for the democrats.

5. Thinking that because you won the majority Americans sent you there for ONE SPECIFIC GOAL and that this is the "end of liberalism in America" similar things were said about the Republicans in '06 and '08 when the Dems thought they had a "mandate" to just go buckwild. You don't. You have no mandate. America sends people to the congress to send a message not to swing the country far to the left or to the right.

That message is stop screwing up. We still run shit around here.

Now I'm writing this with the understandiing that the vast majority of the things I listed as "don'ts" will probably HAPPEN, and barely any of the things I listed as "do's" will probably NOT happen. So we'll be back again in 2012 with the reactionary voters swinging back and forth.

Yup and the viscous cycle will continue and eventually tear the country apart.
Well, I'm voting as a registered Republican in this coming election cycle. I'm going to be quiet honest though, I AM ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY skeptical of the GOP's claim that they want to "restore America" by winning the house and the senate in 2010. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Republicans have a good chance of winning the House and they COULD win the Senate if they can keep the momentum from swinging in a different direction. SO if the Republicans gain the house and the senate (and I'll be voting for them) here's what I want to see DONE:

1. I want them to put forth a REAL and COMPREHENSIVE plan to secure the borders. They have the majority at this point, so they BETTER be able to do this. I want to see them put their foot DOWN. I mean I want fullscale border security with the works. Attack dogs, armed guards, high security fences, etc. Then I want to see the Republicans pick their foot BACK UP and work with the democrats to pass legislation to punish corporations who hire illegals and provide an opportunity for amnesty for people already here as long as they pledge to serve in the US the military.

2. I want them to begin drawing back troops in bases overseas in places that haven't seen war in decades. That mostly involves Europe and parts of southeast Asia, I'd be fine if we kept a presence in Japan and South Korea to send a message to NK.

3. I want pressure on Obama to deal with China's harmful trade policies in a "Ronald Reagan" type manner and I want work done to deal with our trade deficit.

4. If you are going to repeal Obamacare...

I also want a comprehensive reform bill that includes Tort Reform, allowing families and businesses to buy health care accross state lines, allowing individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, and making it easier for states to reform their own health care system.



7. A payroll tax holiday.


1. Endless bickering about who's "more conservative", and mutiny and party bickering because of ideology, we saw that during the health care fiasco with the Dems. It turns folks off to see a disunified party.

2. Unwillingness to compromise. We saw THAT during the last congress as well on both sides. It sucks and shit doesn't get done.

3. Angry loudmouthed ideologues yelling about "socialism" and "nazi death camps". I also don't want to see people just "talking ideology" you NEED TO DO SOMETHING, not just talk about it.

4. Blaming the other party because you can't get things done. We know how that ended up for the democrats.

5. Thinking that because you won the majority Americans sent you there for ONE SPECIFIC GOAL and that this is the "end of liberalism in America" similar things were said about the Republicans in '06 and '08 when the Dems thought they had a "mandate" to just go buckwild. You don't. You have no mandate. America sends people to the congress to send a message not to swing the country far to the left or to the right.

That message is stop screwing up. We still run shit around here.

Now I'm writing this with the understandiing that the vast majority of the things I listed as "don'ts" will probably HAPPEN, and barely any of the things I listed as "do's" will probably NOT happen. So we'll be back again in 2012 with the reactionary voters swinging back and forth.

Well--I don't want to burst your bubble here--but even if they win the house and senate--we still have a problem with the President Barack Obama--who has installed Eric Holder as the Attorney General of the United States that is currently suing the state of Arizona for trying to enforce Federal Law. There's no stopping that even with a majority Republican house and senate.

However, if Barack Obama is anything like Bill Clinton and moves from far out left of Mars back to center and wants to get re-elected like Bill Clinton--he will work on securing the borders--and the other things on your list.

In my opinion--fat chance of that happening. I believe Barack Obama to be a narcistic indivdual--we will have grid-lock (thankfully) for the next 2 years so Obama can't do any more damage and you won't see real security and change until a republican President in 2012. As far as bail-outs--big spending--earmarks--etc. etc.--Color them gone immediately.
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Well, I'm voting as a registered Republican in this coming election cycle. I'm going to be quiet honest though, I AM ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY skeptical of the GOP's claim that they want to "restore America" by winning the house and the senate in 2010. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Republicans have a good chance of winning the House and they COULD win the Senate if they can keep the momentum from swinging in a different direction. SO if the Republicans gain the house and the senate (and I'll be voting for them) here's what I want to see DONE:

1. I want them to put forth a REAL and COMPREHENSIVE plan to secure the borders. They have the majority at this point, so they BETTER be able to do this. I want to see them put their foot DOWN. I mean I want fullscale border security with the works. Attack dogs, armed guards, high security fences, etc. Then I want to see the Republicans pick their foot BACK UP and work with the democrats to pass legislation to punish corporations who hire illegals and provide an opportunity for amnesty for people already here as long as they pledge to serve in the US the military.

2. I want them to begin drawing back troops in bases overseas in places that haven't seen war in decades. That mostly involves Europe and parts of southeast Asia, I'd be fine if we kept a presence in Japan and South Korea to send a message to NK.

3. I want pressure on Obama to deal with China's harmful trade policies in a "Ronald Reagan" type manner and I want work done to deal with our trade deficit.

4. If you are going to repeal Obamacare...

I also want a comprehensive reform bill that includes Tort Reform, allowing families and businesses to buy health care accross state lines, allowing individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, and making it easier for states to reform their own health care system.



7. A payroll tax holiday.


1. Endless bickering about who's "more conservative", and mutiny and party bickering because of ideology, we saw that during the health care fiasco with the Dems. It turns folks off to see a disunified party.

2. Unwillingness to compromise. We saw THAT during the last congress as well on both sides. It sucks and shit doesn't get done.

3. Angry loudmouthed ideologues yelling about "socialism" and "nazi death camps". I also don't want to see people just "talking ideology" you NEED TO DO SOMETHING, not just talk about it.

4. Blaming the other party because you can't get things done. We know how that ended up for the democrats.

5. Thinking that because you won the majority Americans sent you there for ONE SPECIFIC GOAL and that this is the "end of liberalism in America" similar things were said about the Republicans in '06 and '08 when the Dems thought they had a "mandate" to just go buckwild. You don't. You have no mandate. America sends people to the congress to send a message not to swing the country far to the left or to the right.

That message is stop screwing up. We still run shit around here.

Now I'm writing this with the understandiing that the vast majority of the things I listed as "don'ts" will probably HAPPEN, and barely any of the things I listed as "do's" will probably NOT happen. So we'll be back again in 2012 with the reactionary voters swinging back and forth.

Yup and the viscous cycle will continue and eventually tear the country apart.

That's what I fear the most.
Well, I'm voting as a registered Republican in this coming election cycle. I'm going to be quiet honest though, I AM ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY skeptical of the GOP's claim that they want to "restore America" by winning the house and the senate in 2010. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Republicans have a good chance of winning the House and they COULD win the Senate if they can keep the momentum from swinging in a different direction. SO if the Republicans gain the house and the senate (and I'll be voting for them) here's what I want to see DONE:

1. I want them to put forth a REAL and COMPREHENSIVE plan to secure the borders. They have the majority at this point, so they BETTER be able to do this. I want to see them put their foot DOWN. I mean I want fullscale border security with the works. Attack dogs, armed guards, high security fences, etc. Then I want to see the Republicans pick their foot BACK UP and work with the democrats to pass legislation to punish corporations who hire illegals and provide an opportunity for amnesty for people already here as long as they pledge to serve in the US the military.

2. I want them to begin drawing back troops in bases overseas in places that haven't seen war in decades. That mostly involves Europe and parts of southeast Asia, I'd be fine if we kept a presence in Japan and South Korea to send a message to NK.

3. I want pressure on Obama to deal with China's harmful trade policies in a "Ronald Reagan" type manner and I want work done to deal with our trade deficit.

4. If you are going to repeal Obamacare...

I also want a comprehensive reform bill that includes Tort Reform, allowing families and businesses to buy health care accross state lines, allowing individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, and making it easier for states to reform their own health care system.



7. A payroll tax holiday.


1. Endless bickering about who's "more conservative", and mutiny and party bickering because of ideology, we saw that during the health care fiasco with the Dems. It turns folks off to see a disunified party.

2. Unwillingness to compromise. We saw THAT during the last congress as well on both sides. It sucks and shit doesn't get done.

3. Angry loudmouthed ideologues yelling about "socialism" and "nazi death camps". I also don't want to see people just "talking ideology" you NEED TO DO SOMETHING, not just talk about it.

4. Blaming the other party because you can't get things done. We know how that ended up for the democrats.

5. Thinking that because you won the majority Americans sent you there for ONE SPECIFIC GOAL and that this is the "end of liberalism in America" similar things were said about the Republicans in '06 and '08 when the Dems thought they had a "mandate" to just go buckwild. You don't. You have no mandate. America sends people to the congress to send a message not to swing the country far to the left or to the right.

That message is stop screwing up. We still run shit around here.

Now I'm writing this with the understandiing that the vast majority of the things I listed as "don'ts" will probably HAPPEN, and barely any of the things I listed as "do's" will probably NOT happen. So we'll be back again in 2012 with the reactionary voters swinging back and forth.

Well--I don't want to burst your bubble here--but even if they win the house and senate--we still have a problem with the President Barack Obama--who has installed Eric Holder as the Attorney General of the United States that is currently suing the state of Arizona for trying to enforce Federal Law. There's no stopping that even with a majority Republican house and senate.

However, if Barack Obama is anything like Bill Clinton and moves from far out left of Mars back to center and wants to get re-elected like Bill Clinton--he will work on securing the borders--and the other things on your list.

In my opinion--fat chance of that happening. I believe Barack Obama to be a narcistic indivdual--we will have grid-lock (thankfully) for the next 2 years so Obama can't do any more damage and you won't see real security and change until a republican President in 2012.

I'm going to explain it like this, there's a list of "do's" and "don'ts" there EVEN IF they aren't able to "do" ANY of the "do's" I'll be happy if they can just refrain from doing the "don'ts" because that atleast shows effort from an organized party with principles.

If they fall apart and start running around acting crazy like the Dems did when they'll once again turn off the American electorate and spiral us into a worse situation then we're already in. My honest bet is they will.
Eric Holder as the Attorney General of the United States that is currently suing the state of Arizona for trying to enforce Federal Law.

Yes, and making federal law is not a states duty, it is a congressional duty. So change the federal law in DC to suit your purpose, instead of violating US citizen rights in Arizona. Impeach Holder!

Did we go to Arizona to declare war on Afghanistan? To send a man to the moon? You rightys seem confused of the separation of state and federal laws. Get a grip!
Well, I'm voting as a registered Republican in this coming election cycle. I'm going to be quiet honest though, I AM ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY skeptical of the GOP's claim that they want to "restore America" by winning the house and the senate in 2010. It's becoming increasingly obvious that the Republicans have a good chance of winning the House and they COULD win the Senate if they can keep the momentum from swinging in a different direction. SO if the Republicans gain the house and the senate (and I'll be voting for them) here's what I want to see DONE:

1. I want them to put forth a REAL and COMPREHENSIVE plan to secure the borders. They have the majority at this point, so they BETTER be able to do this. I want to see them put their foot DOWN. I mean I want fullscale border security with the works. Attack dogs, armed guards, high security fences, etc. Then I want to see the Republicans pick their foot BACK UP and work with the democrats to pass legislation to punish corporations who hire illegals and provide an opportunity for amnesty for people already here as long as they pledge to serve in the US the military.

2. I want them to begin drawing back troops in bases overseas in places that haven't seen war in decades. That mostly involves Europe and parts of southeast Asia, I'd be fine if we kept a presence in Japan and South Korea to send a message to NK.

3. I want pressure on Obama to deal with China's harmful trade policies in a "Ronald Reagan" type manner and I want work done to deal with our trade deficit.

4. If you are going to repeal Obamacare...

I also want a comprehensive reform bill that includes Tort Reform, allowing families and businesses to buy health care accross state lines, allowing individuals, small businesses, and trade associations to pool together and acquire health insurance at lower prices, and making it easier for states to reform their own health care system.



7. A payroll tax holiday.


1. Endless bickering about who's "more conservative", and mutiny and party bickering because of ideology, we saw that during the health care fiasco with the Dems. It turns folks off to see a disunified party.

2. Unwillingness to compromise. We saw THAT during the last congress as well on both sides. It sucks and shit doesn't get done.

3. Angry loudmouthed ideologues yelling about "socialism" and "nazi death camps". I also don't want to see people just "talking ideology" you NEED TO DO SOMETHING, not just talk about it.

4. Blaming the other party because you can't get things done. We know how that ended up for the democrats.

5. Thinking that because you won the majority Americans sent you there for ONE SPECIFIC GOAL and that this is the "end of liberalism in America" similar things were said about the Republicans in '06 and '08 when the Dems thought they had a "mandate" to just go buckwild. You don't. You have no mandate. America sends people to the congress to send a message not to swing the country far to the left or to the right.

That message is stop screwing up. We still run shit around here.

Now I'm writing this with the understandiing that the vast majority of the things I listed as "don'ts" will probably HAPPEN, and barely any of the things I listed as "do's" will probably NOT happen. So we'll be back again in 2012 with the reactionary voters swinging back and forth.

Well--I don't want to burst your bubble here--but even if they win the house and senate--we still have a problem with the President Barack Obama--who has installed Eric Holder as the Attorney General of the United States that is currently suing the state of Arizona for trying to enforce Federal Law. There's no stopping that even with a majority Republican house and senate.

However, if Barack Obama is anything like Bill Clinton and moves from far out left of Mars back to center and wants to get re-elected like Bill Clinton--he will work on securing the borders--and the other things on your list.

In my opinion--fat chance of that happening. I believe Barack Obama to be a narcistic indivdual--we will have grid-lock (thankfully) for the next 2 years so Obama can't do any more damage and you won't see real security and change until a republican President in 2012.

I'm going to explain it like this, there's a list of "do's" and "don'ts" there EVEN IF they aren't able to "do" ANY of the "do's" I'll be happy if they can just refrain from doing the "don'ts" because that atleast shows effort from an organized party with principles.

If they fall apart and start running around acting crazy like the Dems did when they'll once again turn off the American electorate and spiral us into a worse situation then we're already in. My honest bet is they will.

Oh--I don't think that's going to happen--:lol: The establishment Republicans have been getting their butts kicked--like in Alaska, Deleware and a host of other states--primarily because they voted in a liberal manner that their constituents didn't like. They didn't even win primaries.

Republicans know that they are going to have to live up to this Pledge in order to keep their seats. Anyone flip-flops or breaks their promise--the congressional door hits them in the butt on their way out--permanently. But, as I stated before even with a majority in both houses--there is still the President--who is in charge of Federal law regarding our borders. So I don't expect to see real change in this area until we can get BO out of the oval office in 2012--(not unless he has a dramatic change of heart about really securing our borders.)

I just don't think Barack Obama is a Bill Clinton. But be assured no more earmarks--descretionary spending will be frozen--no more bail-outs--and that is something that the congress can do immediately. The real worry I have is the "Cap n Tax". Remember it already passed the democrat house of representatives and is still sitting in the Senate. If we don't get a majority in the Senate it is very possible for the Democrat senate to pass it and Obama to sign it into law. Now whether or not that will happen--because I imagine democrats in the Senate would know that they would be commiting political suicide by doing it. But--I remember this same manuever to pass Obamacare. Remember they skipped a couple of procedures that got it passed.
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Oh--I don't think that's going to happen--:lol: The establishment Republicans have been getting their butts kicked--like in Alaska, Deleware and a host of other states--primarily because they voted in a liberal manner that their constituents didn't like. They didn't even win primaries.

True but in almost all of these races they would have done just as well and in a few cases far better in the general elections. I think it's safe to say that most people never dreamed of the chaos the Democratic Party came up with after they became the "majority party". Remember how the Democrats were screaming about how they were going to end the war, bring home the troops, repeal the Patriot Act, close down Guantanamo, and alot of them were going for the same "party purist" line that the Republicans are going for now. Americans were angry at the war then, now they're angry about the economy. Next week they'll be angry about something else.

Doesn't mean these republicans taking advantage of peoples anger like the Dems did in 06 will actually do what they say they're going to.

Republicans know that they are going to have to live up to this Pledge in order to keep their seats. Anyone flip-flops or breaks their promise--the congressional door hits them in the butt on their way out--permanently.

That's not so much what I'm talking about. I want solutions not neccesarily ideology. I want republican politicians to govern like the majority party and say, enough we have an agenda, the other side has an agenda, but the end of the day we all have the same job. I fear that the Republican Party's going for the most "ideologically pure" but is leaving out the most strategically qualified. I don't want a bunch of people who I think are going to yell at Democrats for being Democrats I want them to be Republicans.

But, as I stated before even with a majority in both houses--there is still the President--who is in charge of Federal law regarding our borders. So I don't expect to see real change in this area until we can get BO out of the oval office in 2012--(not unless he has a dramatic change of heart about really securing our borders.)

I think a compromised along the lines of tough border security in exchange for amnesty for service can be reached. It's going to take Republican leadership first and foremost. You can't just do what Obama did with Obamacare and slap an idea in the face of congress and just say take it or leave it. You have to bring it to pass. My question is are the Republicans ready to lead on this legislation? My question with Christine O'Donnell and Joe Miller is what is it that you are passionate about? What makes you not want to be a "good conservative" but a "good senator"? Someone who can point to a real achievement that helped people not just being able to say "I said some pretty harsh shit in congress that stirred shit up and then left".

I just don't think Barack Obama is a Bill Clinton.

I don't either. He is an ideologue for sure. Not that that is a bad thing, America needs ideologues on both sides from time to time, but it's a liability when it comes to governing. Obama was a first term Senator from a pretty safe blue state. He was never a mayor or a governor, he never had experience with having to be on top of two parties rather then just being a member of one party going against another, he never actually HAD to sit both sides down and say "look let's agree to disagree on this... this... this... and this." Clinton on the other hand was a liberal Governor of a southern red state, a task that made him more then ready to deal with partisan bickering. Obama didn't help himself by surrounding himself with more ideologues in his domestic cabinent. I think he should have utilized folks like Bill Clinton, Bill Richardson, and Tim Kaine more from the beginning. I think he's starting to wise up though.

But be assured no more earmarks--descretionary spending will be frozen--no more bail-outs--and that is something that the congress can do immediately. The real worry I have is the "Cap n Tax". Remember it already passed the democrat house of representatives and is still sitting in the Senate. If we don't get a majority in the Senate it is very possible for the Democrat senate to pass it and Obama to sign it into law. Now whether or not that will happen--because I imagine democrats in the Senate would know that they would be commiting political suicide by doing it. But--I remember this same manuever to pass Obamacare. Remember they skipped a couple of procedures that got it passed.

I'm not sure if I can "be assured" of anything right now, nor should the American electorate. We've been lied too to long. I'm against cap and trade and would hate to see it pass. If Republicans can hold that off and give me some concrete legislation banning bailouts, I'll be happy. If not, f-it I'm voting third party.

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