CDZ If the Russians successfully "meddled" then we owe them a debt of gratitude.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
If the Russians meddled in our elections, then that means they either successfully breached our computer systems' defenses, or they successfully swayed voters with persuasive ads to vote for Donald Trump. Or both.

If they breached our computer defenses, then they showed us what our vulnerabilities are and as a result, we have better firewalls and protections (if not shame on us).

If they swayed voters to the point that they turned a Hillary victory into a Hillary loss then we should build a monument to Russia thanking them from saving us from what would have been the most destructive Presidency in the history of our country.

In any case, cyber warfare is war, and it is not reasonable to expect people at war to "play nice". That's like General Patton saying to General Rommel "Hey your shells are too strong for my tank's armor! Stop shooting those!"
If the Russians meddled in our elections, then that means they either successfully breached our computer systems' defenses, or they successfully swayed voters with persuasive ads to vote for Donald Trump. Or both.

If they breached our computer defenses, then they showed us what our vulnerabilities are and as a result, we have better firewalls and protections (if not shame on us).

If they swayed voters to the point that they turned a Hillary victory into a Hillary loss then we should build a monument to Russia thanking them from saving us from what would have been the most destructive Presidency in the history of our country.

In any case, cyber warfare is war, and it is not reasonable to expect people at war to "play nice". That's like General Patton saying to General Rommel "Hey your shells are too strong for my tank's armor! Stop shooting those!"

While I am daily thankful for President Trump, any successful election tampering by foreign actors which resulted in an outcome the American electoral system did not decide is not a cause for celebration, but, as you mentioned, an act of war and cheating the American people out of their right to suffrage and ancient heritage.
Yes by the same logic, you can also thank the pig that gave you swine flu, the prostitute that gave you the clap and the hacker who crashed your computer.
If the Russians meddled in our elections, then that means they either successfully breached our computer systems' defenses, or they successfully swayed voters with persuasive ads to vote for Donald Trump. Or both.

If they breached our computer defenses, then they showed us what our vulnerabilities are and as a result, we have better firewalls and protections (if not shame on us).

If they swayed voters to the point that they turned a Hillary victory into a Hillary loss then we should build a monument to Russia thanking them from saving us from what would have been the most destructive Presidency in the history of our country.

In any case, cyber warfare is war, and it is not reasonable to expect people at war to "play nice". That's like General Patton saying to General Rommel "Hey your shells are too strong for my tank's armor! Stop shooting those!"

And they did it on the Hussein’s watch.
Yes by the same logic, you can also thank the pig that gave you swine flu, the prostitute that gave you the clap and the hacker who crashed your computer.
Exactly you get a better immune system and better anti-virus software.
Whether those ham-fisted borscht-eating peasants interfered or not, I would like to personally thank them for showing the world just how much a bunch of slimeballs Hillary, the DNC, and the Democrat party actually are.

If the Russians meddled in our elections, then that means they either successfully breached our computer systems' defenses, or they successfully swayed voters with persuasive ads to vote for Donald Trump. Or both.

If they breached our computer defenses, then they showed us what our vulnerabilities are and as a result, we have better firewalls and protections (if not shame on us).

If they swayed voters to the point that they turned a Hillary victory into a Hillary loss then we should build a monument to Russia thanking them from saving us from what would have been the most destructive Presidency in the history of our country.

In any case, cyber warfare is war, and it is not reasonable to expect people at war to "play nice". That's like General Patton saying to General Rommel "Hey your shells are too strong for my tank's armor! Stop shooting those!"

Certainly we don't expect anyone to play nice.

But you are basically saying that we should have thanked the Japanese for bombing Pearl Harbor because it helped Hawaiian Tourism.

Or if Trump had been President he would have been explaining that the troubles with Japan were all because of the 'witch hunt' in the United States against him.
I cannot be thankful to the Russians for doing what they did more than I can be grateful to Edward Snowden or Bradley Manning. Yes, we are hopefully going to be better off in the long run, but it's really on us for being so lax in the first place. I mean, what the HELL were the Democrats thinking, they can't all be THAT stupid to leave they systems unprotected and unsecured to hacking.
If the Russians meddled in our elections, then that means they either successfully breached our computer systems' defenses, or they successfully swayed voters with persuasive ads to vote for Donald Trump. Or both.

If they breached our computer defenses, then they showed us what our vulnerabilities are and as a result, we have better firewalls and protections (if not shame on us).

If they swayed voters to the point that they turned a Hillary victory into a Hillary loss then we should build a monument to Russia thanking them from saving us from what would have been the most destructive Presidency in the history of our country.

In any case, cyber warfare is war, and it is not reasonable to expect people at war to "play nice". That's like General Patton saying to General Rommel "Hey your shells are too strong for my tank's armor! Stop shooting those!"

The Russians wanted hilary to win, they had already bought and paid for her through donations to the clinton the same time, they wanted to undermine her more than she had already undermined herself...... no one thought that Trump was going to win.... anyone who voted for hilary who says differently is lying...
I cannot be thankful to the Russians for doing what they did more than I can be grateful to Edward Snowden or Bradley Manning. Yes, we are hopefully going to be better off in the long run, but it's really on us for being so lax in the first place. I mean, what the HELL were the Democrats thinking, they can't all be THAT stupid to leave they systems unprotected and unsecured to hacking.

Hilary's servers were open for a price........ that is why emails went to unknown foriegn groups.
The only reason they stopped backing the already corrupted and owned Hillary and Barry was because the Faggot Vote in the DNC and its media friends turned on Putin for his failure to cave in to their campaigns in Russia, is all. End of story. Hillary lost because she and her Party are pieces of shit and treasonous criminal scum.
If the Russians meddled in our elections, then that means they either successfully breached our computer systems' defenses, or they successfully swayed voters with persuasive ads to vote for Donald Trump. Or both.

If they breached our computer defenses, then they showed us what our vulnerabilities are and as a result, we have better firewalls and protections (if not shame on us).

If they swayed voters to the point that they turned a Hillary victory into a Hillary loss then we should build a monument to Russia thanking them from saving us from what would have been the most destructive Presidency in the history of our country.

In any case, cyber warfare is war, and it is not reasonable to expect people at war to "play nice". That's like General Patton saying to General Rommel "Hey your shells are too strong for my tank's armor! Stop shooting those!"

One can meddle and still not be successful. It has been proven that they did meddle. Whether they were successful or not is not important.

Your applauding a foreign adversary meddling in our elections is precisely the disgusting climate that Trump has tried to create…it remains sheer insanity how the result of Trump—that you’re applauding the russians meddling—is making the nation great in any way shape or form. To call your post disgusting is not an opinion; it is the truth.

Moderators; please move this garbage to the bottom of the page. It has no business being in the serious area of your message board.
I guess conservatives are now no longer even pretending that there was no hacking. Remember a few months back? They insisted that there was no hacking.

Now, the hacking was a “good thing” and we owe them a “debt of gratitude”.

If/when it is revealed that Trump worked hand in glove with them financing the hacking…will anyone be surprised by conservatives trying to rationalize the actions?
If the Russians meddled in our elections, then that means they either successfully breached our computer systems' defenses, or they successfully swayed voters with persuasive ads to vote for Donald Trump. Or both.

If they breached our computer defenses, then they showed us what our vulnerabilities are and as a result, we have better firewalls and protections (if not shame on us).

If they swayed voters to the point that they turned a Hillary victory into a Hillary loss then we should build a monument to Russia thanking them from saving us from what would have been the most destructive Presidency in the history of our country.

In any case, cyber warfare is war, and it is not reasonable to expect people at war to "play nice". That's like General Patton saying to General Rommel "Hey your shells are too strong for my tank's armor! Stop shooting those!"

So we thank Stalin for making us stronger with that whole Cold War thing and you want me to make Mexico into a Communist Super Power?

If you are aligned with Putin's political goals, great.

If you think Putin shot himself in the foot with Trump support, great.

If you think Russia got the 1% or .01% of the vote Trump needed to win the electoral college and Trump is really better for America great.

If you think the sign that enough of us are idiots easily swayed by fake news is good news or something you can change great?
"Collusion," "meddling," "tampering," etc. Anyone else notice the pattern here?

ALL of these vague terms are deliberately being used to further the BIG LIE that President Trump wasn't legitimately elected in 2016.

Why buy into this BS?
If the Russians meddled in our elections, then that means they either successfully breached our computer systems' defenses, or they successfully swayed voters with persuasive ads to vote for Donald Trump. Or both.

If they breached our computer defenses, then they showed us what our vulnerabilities are and as a result, we have better firewalls and protections (if not shame on us).

If they swayed voters to the point that they turned a Hillary victory into a Hillary loss then we should build a monument to Russia thanking them from saving us from what would have been the most destructive Presidency in the history of our country.

In any case, cyber warfare is war, and it is not reasonable to expect people at war to "play nice". That's like General Patton saying to General Rommel "Hey your shells are too strong for my tank's armor! Stop shooting those!"
Most conservatives are indeed scum, this thread premise is proof of that.
If the Russians meddled in our elections, then that means they either successfully breached our computer systems' defenses, or they successfully swayed voters with persuasive ads to vote for Donald Trump. Or both.

If they breached our computer defenses, then they showed us what our vulnerabilities are and as a result, we have better firewalls and protections (if not shame on us).

If they swayed voters to the point that they turned a Hillary victory into a Hillary loss then we should build a monument to Russia thanking them from saving us from what would have been the most destructive Presidency in the history of our country.

In any case, cyber warfare is war, and it is not reasonable to expect people at war to "play nice". That's like General Patton saying to General Rommel "Hey your shells are too strong for my tank's armor! Stop shooting those!"
Most conservatives are indeed scum, this thread premise is proof of that.
So I'm scum for telling the truth? How about Hillary for ignoring Ambassador Stevens multiple requests for adequate security that ultimately led to his death and the three other Americans? Isn't that a bit more significant than a thread on USMB?
Every country in the world tries and hopes to influence American elections. We're a hegamon power, so frickin' DUH!!! re 'foreigners trying to infliuence our elections'. That's been the case since, oh , 1787 ...

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