If Trump does lose the election...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.

It's really Harris who is running. Even their signs say so, it's the only time they've been honest about anything in years.

Personally should Harris win & by the way things are going with Californians invading the place & turned blue in the process, I'm heading out into the country.
God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.


IF Biden wins, and IF the democrats seize both houses of Congress, then their sweeping victory was foretold, planned. Every now and then we get the sense, when staring long into the eyes of a Presidential Candidate, that he was chosen, perhaps from birth, to occupy the highest office in our civilization and to reign over it—much like the Old World monarchs of ancient times.

However, IF our democratic election processes genuinely work as advertised to us since our earliest government school classes, then we believe a Biden victory will be a subversion of those time honored and perhaps once trustworthy processes. The only man in American history, outside of George Washington, NOT "chosen" to be POTUS, we believe, was/is Donald Trump. DJT was and remains a great fluke—a glitch in the American "Matrix".

As for life after a Biden/democratic party 2020 sweeping victory . . . we could experience few immediate changes in our daily lives or we could experience immediate Hell on Earth. We live as do frogs in a pot on a stove on a burner. The burner's heat is increased in micro-elevations; so small are these increases in heat we just barely notice the water in our pot getting warmer, warmer and warmer still. "They" have been preparing us for a totalitarian America for many, many years. Biden could, perhaps, jack up the burner beneath our pot of water to "high" or continue the slow heat increases.

Time will tell. How many fairy/pansy radical democrat leftists believed Trump's 2016 victory marked the end of their lives? Either way, I am taking no chances with my family and those I love. We're getting out to a safer location, just in case. I fully recommend others to do the same.
It's really Harris who is running. Even their signs say so, it's the only time they've been honest about anything in years.

Personally should Harris win & by the way things are going with Californians invading the place & turned blue in the process, I'm heading out into the country.

Where would you go? This is the last bastion of freedom on planet earth.

This election is a plebiscite on individual liberty and self-government.

If Trump loses we go into a thousand year dark age.

Today we debate on computers, in a hundred years if the Marxists win, we will debate with grunts and shrugs.
God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.


IF Biden wins, and IF the democrats seize both houses of Congress, then their sweeping victory was foretold, planned. Every now and then we get the sense, when staring long into the eyes of a Presidential Candidate, that he was chosen, perhaps from birth, to occupy the highest office in our civilization and to reign over it—much like the Old World monarchs of ancient times.

However, IF our democratic election processes genuinely work as advertised to us since our earliest government school classes, then we believe a Biden victory will be a subversion of those time honored and perhaps once trustworthy processes. The only man in American history, outside of George Washington, NOT "chosen" to be POTUS, we believe, was/is Donald Trump. DJT was and remains a great fluke—a glitch in the American "Matrix".

As for life after a Biden/democratic party 2020 sweeping victory . . . we could experience few immediate changes in our daily lives or we could experience immediate Hell on Earth. We live as do frogs in a pot on a stove on a burner. The burner's heat is increased in micro-elevations; so small are these increases in heat we just barely notice the water in our pot getting warmer, warmer and warmer still. "They" have been preparing us for a totalitarian America for many, many years. Biden could, perhaps, jack up the burner beneath our pot of water to "high" or continue the slow heat increases.

Time will tell. How many fairy/pansy radical democrat leftists believed Trump's 2016 victory marked the end of their lives? Either way, I am taking no chances with my family and those I love. We're getting out to a safer location, just in case. I fully recommend others to do the same.

This is it folks, there is no where to go. IF the Marxists seize power, we can fight and die here or be slaves. There is nowhere to run, the world becomes a prison camp run by China.
OP, dems are the rioters. But if they start shooting at us we will shoot back...and then some.

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God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.


IF Biden wins, and IF the democrats seize both houses of Congress, then their sweeping victory was foretold, planned. Every now and then we get the sense, when staring long into the eyes of a Presidential Candidate, that he was chosen, perhaps from birth, to occupy the highest office in our civilization and to reign over it—much like the Old World monarchs of ancient times.

However, IF our democratic election processes genuinely work as advertised to us since our earliest government school classes, then we believe a Biden victory will be a subversion of those time honored and perhaps once trustworthy processes. The only man in American history, outside of George Washington, NOT "chosen" to be POTUS, we believe, was/is Donald Trump. DJT was and remains a great fluke—a glitch in the American "Matrix".

As for life after a Biden/democratic party 2020 sweeping victory . . . we could experience few immediate changes in our daily lives or we could experience immediate Hell on Earth. We live as do frogs in a pot on a stove on a burner. The burner's heat is increased in micro-elevations; so small are these increases in heat we just barely notice the water in our pot getting warmer, warmer and warmer still. "They" have been preparing us for a totalitarian America for many, many years. Biden could, perhaps, jack up the burner beneath our pot of water to "high" or continue the slow heat increases.

Time will tell. How many fairy/pansy radical democrat leftists believed Trump's 2016 victory marked the end of their lives? Either way, I am taking no chances with my family and those I love. We're getting out to a safer location, just in case. I fully recommend others to do the same.

This is it folks, there is no where to go. IF the Marxists seize power, we can fight and die here or be slaves. There is nowhere to run, the world becomes a prison camp run by China.

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God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.


IF Biden wins, and IF the democrats seize both houses of Congress, then their sweeping victory was foretold, planned. Every now and then we get the sense, when staring long into the eyes of a Presidential Candidate, that he was chosen, perhaps from birth, to occupy the highest office in our civilization and to reign over it—much like the Old World monarchs of ancient times.

However, IF our democratic election processes genuinely work as advertised to us since our earliest government school classes, then we believe a Biden victory will be a subversion of those time honored and perhaps once trustworthy processes. The only man in American history, outside of George Washington, NOT "chosen" to be POTUS, we believe, was/is Donald Trump. DJT was and remains a great fluke—a glitch in the American "Matrix".

As for life after a Biden/democratic party 2020 sweeping victory . . . we could experience few immediate changes in our daily lives or we could experience immediate Hell on Earth. We live as do frogs in a pot on a stove on a burner. The burner's heat is increased in micro-elevations; so small are these increases in heat we just barely notice the water in our pot getting warmer, warmer and warmer still. "They" have been preparing us for a totalitarian America for many, many years. Biden could, perhaps, jack up the burner beneath our pot of water to "high" or continue the slow heat increases.

Time will tell. How many fairy/pansy radical democrat leftists believed Trump's 2016 victory marked the end of their lives? Either way, I am taking no chances with my family and those I love. We're getting out to a safer location, just in case. I fully recommend others to do the same.

This is it folks, there is no where to go. IF the Marxists seize power, we can fight and die here or be slaves. There is nowhere to run, the world becomes a prison camp run by China.

While I mostly agree, there are a few places one could hole up in, but not indefinitely. Mexico is a bad idea, for most Americans. Canada supposedly won't let you in if you've had a DUI. I picture millions of American refugees fleeing north and south, across both borders, in the event of a Biden dictatorship.
The polls show biden with a 99 percent lead over Trump! He's sure to win. lmao. I'll tell you this, if that filthy lying child molester does win, we ALL lose.

My wife and I voted on the first day of early voting here which was last tuesday, for Trump, and several other conservatives who were on the ballot. There was a long line there when it opened and something happened that upset me a bit. A man in line ahead of us had a mask that said something about Trump, some pro Trump statement. One of the workers came up to him and made him take it off.

So, I was on crutches and it was somewhat uncomfortable but not that bad. When I got to the table where they take your info and gave you the code to vote she looked at me and said "We can move you to the front of the line if you like." I said, "Lady, I am at the front of the line!" Then I said I had a question. She said ok, what is it? I said there was a sign on the door that says masks are required in here, yet you just told that man to take his off because it showed his support for Trump. Why, I said? She said they had to do it because they didn't allow anything that might influence someone to vote. I said well you must really be proud of that one then.

C'mon man! Do they really think all these people standing in line haven't decided who they were going to vote for? And that some yahoo wearing a Trump hat or mask was gonna change some dumbass biden voters mind? Are they that simple minded? Gimme a break! So I called the county voter office and told them about it and she said the mask sign was the schools doing not the voting authorities and that you did not have to wear a mask to vote. She also said that it was a class B misdemeanor to wear anything that may influence someone's vote. So I said we need to vote those jackasses out then, whoever came up with that dumbass law!

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, I was carrying a gun in the school. Fuck them!
While I mostly agree, there are a few places one could hole up in, but not indefinitely. Mexico is a bad idea, for most Americans. Canada supposedly won't let you in if you've had a DUI. I picture millions of American refugees fleeing north and south, across both borders, in the event of a Biden dictatorship.

Biden would be gone within weeks of Inauguration. Perhaps Nancy's 25th Chicanery, but more likely he will "step down so the HISTORIC VICTORY of placing an AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN in the Presidency" can be realized. Never mind that Willie Brown's little love muffin isn't of African descent.
The polls show biden with a 99 percent lead over Trump! He's sure to win. lmao. I'll tell you this, if that filthy lying child molester does win, we ALL lose.

My wife and I voted on the first day of early voting here which was last tuesday, for Trump, and several other conservatives who were on the ballot. There was a long line there when it opened and something happened that upset me a bit. A man in line ahead of us had a mask that said something about Trump, some pro Trump statement. One of the workers came up to him and made him take it off.

So, I was on crutches and it was somewhat uncomfortable but not that bad. When I got to the table where they take your info and gave you the code to vote she looked at me and said "We can move you to the front of the line if you like." I said, "Lady, I am at the front of the line!" Then I said I had a question. She said ok, what is it? I said there was a sign on the door that says masks are required in here, yet you just told that man to take his off because it showed his support for Trump. Why, I said? She said they had to do it because they didn't allow anything that might influence someone to vote. I said well you must really be proud of that one then.

C'mon man! Do they really think all these people standing in line haven't decided who they were going to vote for? And that some yahoo wearing a Trump hat or mask was gonna change some dumbass biden voters mind? Are they that simple minded? Gimme a break! So I called the county voter office and told them about it and she said the mask sign was the schools doing not the voting authorities and that you did not have to wear a mask to vote. She also said that it was a class B misdemeanor to wear anything that may influence someone's vote. So I said we need to vote those jackasses out then, whoever came up with that dumbass law!

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, I was carrying a gun in the school. Fuck them!

Amen. We carry, my wife and I, as if our EDCs are welded to our bodies.
It's really Harris who is running. Even their signs say so, it's the only time they've been honest about anything in years.

Personally should Harris win & by the way things are going with Californians invading the place & turned blue in the process, I'm heading out into the country.

Where would you go? This is the last bastion of freedom on planet earth.

This election is a plebiscite on individual liberty and self-government.

If Trump loses we go into a thousand year dark age.

Today we debate on computers, in a hundred years if the Marxists win, we will debate with grunts and shrugs.

About 1.5 hours from here. My fear is Californian's are moving there as well. We already debate grunts and shrugs, look at this website, 95% of PROG-posts have no meaning.
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God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.


"can we riot? "
Seriously, you are an idiot. You don't need permission to do that.
God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.


"can we riot? "
Seriously, you are an idiot. You don't need permission to do that.

You PROGS really get lost on content & context huh? Perhaps if you used your own brain as opposed the one PROG-Stench provides you? Your post is ironic as fuck.
God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.


"can we riot? "
Seriously, you are an idiot. You don't need permission to do that.
You clowns prove you don't have the sense that God gave a worm when you make remarks like this.
It's true.
America has been moving far Left for a very long time...like the post above said...it's the slow frog boil.
Difference is....we're only a degree or two below boiling now.

One thing we can certainly count on this time is an immense push to reduce the number of arms held by Americans.

I have no doubt that Biden will indeed appoint Beto O'Rourke and he will indeed go after first AR15's and AK47's but incrementally after EVERY firearm, even BB guns (don't laugh...they did in California and NewYork)

You can expect AR's and AK's to be outlawed and felony status to be assigned to so much as possession.
It'll begin as a "buy back". You'll get $100 for ANY AR or AK. Then when that phase is over it will be a forced confiscation.
Neighbors will be offered cash incentives and such to turn you in.

The disarming of America will be a major priority UNLESS war breaks out. If it does you'll be told you must give them to the military for National Defense.
ANYTHING to take them.

But consider the left will absolutely appease China and kneel to Xi, we probably won't have to worry about war....just slavery.

Your best bet is to move to a strong Red state where the governor and local militias will not give in to illegal Leftist pressures.
Remote Alaska is one of my options. Communities of heavily armed Patiots will coalesce to protect the community....until they send in the jets.
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God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.


IF Biden wins, and IF the democrats seize both houses of Congress, then their sweeping victory was foretold, planned. Every now and then we get the sense, when staring long into the eyes of a Presidential Candidate, that he was chosen, perhaps from birth, to occupy the highest office in our civilization and to reign over it—much like the Old World monarchs of ancient times.

However, IF our democratic election processes genuinely work as advertised to us since our earliest government school classes, then we believe a Biden victory will be a subversion of those time honored and perhaps once trustworthy processes. The only man in American history, outside of George Washington, NOT "chosen" to be POTUS, we believe, was/is Donald Trump. DJT was and remains a great fluke—a glitch in the American "Matrix".

As for life after a Biden/democratic party 2020 sweeping victory . . . we could experience few immediate changes in our daily lives or we could experience immediate Hell on Earth. We live as do frogs in a pot on a stove on a burner. The burner's heat is increased in micro-elevations; so small are these increases in heat we just barely notice the water in our pot getting warmer, warmer and warmer still. "They" have been preparing us for a totalitarian America for many, many years. Biden could, perhaps, jack up the burner beneath our pot of water to "high" or continue the slow heat increases.

Time will tell. How many fairy/pansy radical democrat leftists believed Trump's 2016 victory marked the end of their lives? Either way, I am taking no chances with my family and those I love. We're getting out to a safer location, just in case. I fully recommend others to do the same.
Yes, they’re all out to get you. You and all your right wing friends better go hide in the attic. We’ll tell you when it’s safe to come out.
God forbid that scumbag sociopath Biden actually wins, but if it happens can we riot? Maybe set a Whole Foods on fire or destroy CNN head quarters? How about occupy DC and shit all over the place? If it works for the bed wetters why don't we try it?

Obviously I'm joking and I hope no one on our side does anything stupid, but with all the new revelations proving Biden is a corrupt sociopath and his filthy family is a political mafia, I don't see how the democrooks win without some serious ballot box stuffing. I'm not really worried about Trump losing at this point but I'm hoping it's a colossal landslide and the AG actually starts arresting these pieces of shit.


IF Biden wins, and IF the democrats seize both houses of Congress, then their sweeping victory was foretold, planned. Every now and then we get the sense, when staring long into the eyes of a Presidential Candidate, that he was chosen, perhaps from birth, to occupy the highest office in our civilization and to reign over it—much like the Old World monarchs of ancient times.

However, IF our democratic election processes genuinely work as advertised to us since our earliest government school classes, then we believe a Biden victory will be a subversion of those time honored and perhaps once trustworthy processes. The only man in American history, outside of George Washington, NOT "chosen" to be POTUS, we believe, was/is Donald Trump. DJT was and remains a great fluke—a glitch in the American "Matrix".

As for life after a Biden/democratic party 2020 sweeping victory . . . we could experience few immediate changes in our daily lives or we could experience immediate Hell on Earth. We live as do frogs in a pot on a stove on a burner. The burner's heat is increased in micro-elevations; so small are these increases in heat we just barely notice the water in our pot getting warmer, warmer and warmer still. "They" have been preparing us for a totalitarian America for many, many years. Biden could, perhaps, jack up the burner beneath our pot of water to "high" or continue the slow heat increases.

Time will tell. How many fairy/pansy radical democrat leftists believed Trump's 2016 victory marked the end of their lives? Either way, I am taking no chances with my family and those I love. We're getting out to a safer location, just in case. I fully recommend others to do the same.
Yes, they’re all out to get you. You and all your right wing friends better go hide in the attic. We’ll tell you when it’s safe to come out.
You filth can't make us do shit.

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