If Trump doesn't have the power to exclude unruly White House reporters...

...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

"Unruly" is asking the president questions he doesn't like?

Don't you think a president should have to be accountable for his actions before the media which is protected by the Constitution?
The President has Twitter available to communicate to the people.

There are things he can do, and IMHO, should do, to get the press corps acting correctly.

One, eliminate all plumbing in the Press Room. The reporters can use the facilities at the Texaco station across the street if nature calls.

Second, Trump is the first president without dogs in the White House. This should change. If the President were to adopt 15 or 20 mutts from the local shelter, pit bulls, rotts, German police dogs, it could help keep these reporters in line. Using the Washington Post on the floor for the dogs to do their business would communicate a message to reporters about what he thinks of their paper.
The President has Twitter available to communicate to the people.

There are things he can do, and IMHO, should do, to get the press corps acting correctly.

One, eliminate all plumbing in the Press Room. The reporters can use the facilities at the Texaco station across the street if nature calls.

Second, Trump is the first president without dogs in the White House. This should change. If the President were to adopt 15 or 20 mutts from the local shelter, pit bulls, rotts, German police dogs, it could help keep these reporters in line. Using the Washington Post on the floor for the dogs to do their business would communicate a message to reporters about what he thinks of their paper.

Childish, but it sounds like something that obese orange fool might try to do.
...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

He shouldn't have them anyway so he is to prone to lying and ignorant statements.

But then again sarah sanders is too and she ugly as shit.
...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

"Unruly" is asking the president questions he doesn't like?

Don't you think a president should have to be accountable for his actions before the media which is protected by the Constitution?
Acosta didn't ask a question. He made a statement and dared the president to disagree.
Trump should find the meanest, bad tempered bad ass Navy seal there is and have him pass the mic around the press room. :muahaha:
...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

Unruly? Don't you mean reporters that ask thorny, pressing, and uncomfortable questions?

He did not have the right to hog the mic.
How long did he hog the mic? How long of that time was tiny trump being rude and insulting him?

No one else at that news conference acted like a spoiled inconsiderate child.
The reporter was being rude ,Trump just responded.
It's like the reporter was never raised right in how to act in society.
Even the other reporters faces looked upset or shocked at his rudeness.
...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

"Unruly" is asking the president questions he doesn't like?

Don't you think a president should have to be accountable for his actions before the media which is protected by the Constitution?
Acosta didn't ask a question. He made a statement and dared the president to disagree.

Actually he asked TWO QUESTIONS and attempted to ask a third before being interrupted by Trump. It's right there in the transcript if you'd bother to do some research.
...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

"Unruly" is asking the president questions he doesn't like?

Don't you think a president should have to be accountable for his actions before the media which is protected by the Constitution?
Acosta didn't ask a question. He made a statement and dared the president to disagree.

Actually he asked TWO QUESTIONS and attempted to ask a third before being interrupted by Trump. It's right there in the transcript if you'd bother to do some research.

No he did a challenge.

"Okay. Thank you, Mr. President. I wanted to challenge you on one of the statements that you made in the tail end of the campaign in the midterms, that this —"

That is not a question he asked.
...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

"Unruly" is asking the president questions he doesn't like?

Don't you think a president should have to be accountable for his actions before the media which is protected by the Constitution?
Acosta didn't ask a question. He made a statement and dared the president to disagree.

Actually he asked TWO QUESTIONS and attempted to ask a third before being interrupted by Trump. It's right there in the transcript if you'd bother to do some research.

No he did a challenge.

"Okay. Thank you, Mr. President. I wanted to challenge you on one of the statements that you made in the tail end of the campaign in the midterms, that this —"

That is not a question he asked.

Oh my god.

"Why did you characterize it as such?"

A question. He was asking why Trump characterized the caravan as an invasion. A perfectly legitimate question to ask of a President.

"Q But do you think that you demonized immigrants [sic] in this election —"

Would have been a question had Trump not interrupted him.

A valid question asking the president what he thinks.

"Q But let me ask, if I — if I may ask one other question —"

"THE PRESIDENT: Okay, that’s enough."

"Q Are you worried —"

Maybe three questions then.
...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

"Unruly" is asking the president questions he doesn't like?

Don't you think a president should have to be accountable for his actions before the media which is protected by the Constitution?
Acosta didn't ask a question. He made a statement and dared the president to disagree.

Actually he asked TWO QUESTIONS and attempted to ask a third before being interrupted by Trump. It's right there in the transcript if you'd bother to do some research.

No he did a challenge.

"Okay. Thank you, Mr. President. I wanted to challenge you on one of the statements that you made in the tail end of the campaign in the midterms, that this —"

That is not a question he asked.

Oh my god.

"Why did you characterize it as such?"

A question. He was asking why Trump characterized the caravan as an invasion. A perfectly legitimate question to ask of a President.

"Q But do you think that you demonized immigrants [sic] in this election —"

Would have been a question had Trump not interrupted him.

A valid question asking the president what he thinks.

"Q But let me ask, if I — if I may ask one other question —"

"THE PRESIDENT: Okay, that’s enough."

"Q Are you worried —"

Maybe three questions then.

That was the direct quote from Acosta.
"I want to challenge you"
That is not a question.
That's a statement.
"Unruly" is asking the president questions he doesn't like?

Don't you think a president should have to be accountable for his actions before the media which is protected by the Constitution?
Acosta didn't ask a question. He made a statement and dared the president to disagree.

Actually he asked TWO QUESTIONS and attempted to ask a third before being interrupted by Trump. It's right there in the transcript if you'd bother to do some research.

No he did a challenge.

"Okay. Thank you, Mr. President. I wanted to challenge you on one of the statements that you made in the tail end of the campaign in the midterms, that this —"

That is not a question he asked.

Oh my god.

"Why did you characterize it as such?"

A question. He was asking why Trump characterized the caravan as an invasion. A perfectly legitimate question to ask of a President.

"Q But do you think that you demonized immigrants [sic] in this election —"

Would have been a question had Trump not interrupted him.

A valid question asking the president what he thinks.

"Q But let me ask, if I — if I may ask one other question —"

"THE PRESIDENT: Okay, that’s enough."

"Q Are you worried —"

Maybe three questions then.

That was the direct quote from Acosta.
"I want to challenge you"
That is not a question.
That's a statement.

I got that.

What you're not getting is that you said he didn't ask a question. Your reasoning of why he didn't ask a question was because he said "I want to challenge you" which is ridiculous.

Firstly it's ridiculous because it ignores EVERYTHING ELSE HE SAID

Second it's ridiculous because you think someone who knows how to employ language a little better than your president must actually be saying what they said directly.

He could have said "I want to ask you" "I would like you to explain", there are lots of ways of saying that.

That you've ignored everything else and are trying to squeeze everything out of one word is telling.
Acosta played the “it’s my mike and I’m going to keep talking” game and it did not turn out well. We learn that in kindergarten. Perhaps he never went
Acosta played the “it’s my mike and I’m going to keep talking” and it did not turn out well. We learn that in kindergarten. Perhaps he never went

And Trump played it like "it's my mike and I'm going to get it".

Only it's not Trump's, it belongs to THE COUNTRY.
...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

"Unruly" is asking the president questions he doesn't like?

Don't you think a president should have to be accountable for his actions before the media which is protected by the Constitution?
Acosta didn't ask a question. He made a statement and dared the president to disagree.

Actually he asked TWO QUESTIONS and attempted to ask a third before being interrupted by Trump. It's right there in the transcript if you'd bother to do some research.
He was entitled to ask only ONE question. He wasn't asking any questions.

Did you ever wonder why the entire room full of reporters only had ONE microphone? The protocol is that once a question was asked, the whitehouse staff took the mic and gave it to the next reporter.

Why do you imagine this was the system? To stop just what James Acosta did from happening.
...then he will have no alternative but to call off all press conferences.

"Unruly" is asking the president questions he doesn't like?

Don't you think a president should have to be accountable for his actions before the media which is protected by the Constitution?
Acosta didn't ask a question. He made a statement and dared the president to disagree.

Actually he asked TWO QUESTIONS and attempted to ask a third before being interrupted by Trump. It's right there in the transcript if you'd bother to do some research.
He was entitled to ask only ONE question. He wasn't asking any questions.

Did you ever wonder why the entire room full of reporters only had ONE microphone? The protocol is that once a question was asked, the whitehouse staff took the mic and gave it to the next reporter.

Why do you imagine this was the system? To stop just what James Acosta did from happening.

Protocol would be great if.... if Trump didn't act like a complete dick.

"[CNN’s Jim Acosta] Q Okay. Thank you, Mr. President. I wanted to challenge you on one of the statements that you made in the tail end of the campaign in the midterms, that this —

THE PRESIDENT: Here we go."

Wait, what? A report stands up and says something. He doesn't even get to finish what he's saying before a teenager dressed up as the US President says "Here we go".

Here we go what? You're the fucking president and you're accountable to people and they have a right to know what you're thinking about things.

"Q Well, if you don’t mind, Mr. President —

THE PRESIDENT: Let’s go. Let’s go. Come on."

So the reporter then tries to get back on track and that fucking teenager dressed up as the President kicks in again.

How the fuck is the reporter supposed to ask a question if TWICE he's interrupted with pointless time wasting childish behavior?

"Q That this caravan was an “invasion.” As you know, Mr. President —

THE PRESIDENT: I consider it to be an invasion.

Q As you know, Mr. President, the caravan was not an invasion. It’s a group of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border with the U.S."

So, the reporter tries to carry on asking his question and Trump interrupts AGAIN.

So, the report responds to what Trump has just said. What else is he supposed to do?

"THE PRESIDENT: Thank you for telling me that. I appreciate it. [Sarcastic]

Q Why did you characterize it as such? And "

So the reporter is almost at the point of asking the question he wants to ask.

And it just keeps going. If Trump wants ONE QUESTION from each reporter, then he needs to wait and listen to the fucking question.


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