if Trump gets another term, i'm gonna puke blood. this guy's crazy, he'll throw our best like Bill Maher in Guantanamo, nothing will stop him in 2nd T

Bill Maher: was “afraid for his own well being” that Trump would put him in Guantánamo Bay

Conclusion: Trump is a nut, DeSantis is not, vote for the normal guy, not Captain CrazyPants

DeSantis will be far worse than Trump.

I've always said that there was a silver lining to Trump. He rode a populist, arguably fascist, wave into office, but mostly he sat on it. He did his share of damage, but he wasn't Hitler. He bloviated plenty about what he would do to get back at his enemies, but he had no agenda to speak of and he was largely inept.

DeSantis is different. He's shown he's eager to use state power to get revenge on his political enemies. He's ready, willing and able to go full fascist in the name of the culture war.
DeSantis will be far worse than Trump.

I've always said that there was a silver lining to Trump. He rode a populist, arguably fascist, wave into office, but mostly he sat on it. He did his share of damage, but he wasn't Hitler. He bloviated plenty about what he would do to get back at his enemies, but he had no agenda to speak of and he was largely inept.

DeSantis is different. He's shown he's eager to use state power to get revenge on his political enemies. He's ready, willing and able to go full fascist in the name of the culture war.
/———/ “arguably fascist, wave into office, but mostly he sat on it. He did his share of damage,”
What fascist? What damage? Typical libtard, long on accusations, and short on evidence.
/——/ I love America too much to ever vote for Obama or any other democRAT.
/———/ “arguably fascist, wave into office, but mostly he sat on it. He did his share of damage,”
What fascist? What damage? Typical libtard, long on accusations, and short on evidence.

President Trump literally had the least Fascist instincts of any President.

No wars
No mandates
No use of the intelligence agencies to spy on people.
No Patriot Act
No phone and pen

Covid gave him the opportunity to do anything, and he refused to consolidate power.

Somethings the left simply get things wrong.
Other times they are insane

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