if Trump gets another term, i'm gonna puke blood. this guy's crazy, he'll throw our best like Bill Maher in Guantanamo, nothing will stop him in 2nd T

Anything is better than Poopeypants there Dimwit.
Trump is hated by Dims and RINOs because he is interested in serving real Americans and not himself, and is a threat to these egocrats only interested in their power and bank accounts.
Too bad your tiny brain cannot grasp these basic concepts Looneytunes.

Well, the Cult speaks.
You have no clue why you like Trump do you? Trump serves himself first and foremost. everyone knows that except you.
You have no idea that ALL of his SCOTUS appointments were solid Establishment hacks do you?

He's not a threat to the establishment...he does as the Establishment tells him, like all the others.
You've been fooled by a good cop bad cop game that the far smarter than you Left has pulled over your eyes and you fell for it exactly the same as all the Leftards fall for CNN and MSNBC.

Notice in your wimpy post you didn't cite A SINGLE thing to back your rubbish. Just talk. Like all Trumpettes.

It is exactly low information Cult followers like you that will insure the Left always wins and you will always be treated like the peasant you are.

DUMP TRUMP! DeSantis is the TRUE Constitutional leader America needs.
But of course, you will fall smack into the Lefts trap and waste your one vote on the one they WANT to run....
along with the other 50 million low information emotionally drive haters in the Trumpette basket.

The Left sends you love.....and laughs hysterically at you.
Anything is better than Poopeypants there Dimwit.
Trump is hated by Dims and RINOs because he is interested in serving real Americans and not himself, and is a threat to these egocrats only interested in their power and bank accounts.
Too bad your tiny brain cannot grasp these basic concepts Looneytunes.

That one is harmless, but he is insane.
Two things. Democracy will elect the next president. Secondly, stop looking at character, look at economic results, what the president delivers, leave feelings at home.

America is screwed up because Biden is like a rabbit in head lights, he hasn't a clue what to do with inflation, energy, walking up steps, and cycling.
Whether the president has competency on economy or energy is secondary to who is given him advice.
Economic advisor: the chair of that is Jared Bernstein.
Energy advisor Amos Hochstein.
Do those people have a clue?

nobody elects a president based on how well the president walks up steps.
Whether the president has competency on economy or energy is secondary to who is given him advice.
Economic advisor: the chair of that is Jared Bernstein.
Energy advisor Amos Hochstein.
Do those people have a clue?

nobody elects a president based on how well the president walks up steps.
/——-/ “nobody elects a president based on how well the president walks up steps.”
Physical and mental health is key, but democRATs have managed to change that.
/——-/ “nobody elects a president based on how well the president walks up steps.”
Physical and mental health is key, but democRATs have managed to change that.

Unverifiable mail in ballots literally means that no qualifications are needed.
Just make sure your guy is counting the votes.
Two things. Democracy will elect the next president. Secondly, stop looking at character, look at economic results, what the president delivers, leave feelings at home.

America is screwed up because Biden is like a rabbit in head lights, he hasn't a clue what to do with inflation, energy, walking up steps, and cycling.
The term is "deer in the headlights". Rabbits are not usually on the roads.
Bill Maher: was “afraid for his own well being” that Trump would put him in Guantánamo Bay

Conclusion: Trump is a nut, DeSantis is not, vote for the normal guy, not Captain CrazyPants

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