If Trump has his property seized, he will seize the WH in 2024. Over 22,000 New Yorkers will be made unemployed.

Even the Trump hating AP had to admit it.

Thanks. From your link.

There may be more dissolved companies than AP found. Legal experts caution that some 63(12) cases never show up in legal databases because they were settled, dropped or otherwise not reported.

Still, the only case the AP found of a business dissolved under the anti-fraud law without citing actual victims or losses was a relatively small company closed in 1972 for writing term papers for college students. In that case, the attorney general said the victim was the “integrity of the educational process.”
it was a show trial, nothing more or less.

They went to a law only used after conviction or civil judgement for fraud.

The appeals courts will have a field day.
I'm sure.you think so.

We will see how you react to their decision.
Talk about convoluted reasoning.


Incentive to stop fraud isn't convolated.
How do you know?

Damn. How stupid are you libs?! Because those cases were all companies suing other companies, and none spend millions on lawyers when there are no damages.
Yes their was. Trump got way better interest rates and loans because of his lies.
Nope. He got better interest rates because the bank wanted his business and cut him a deal. They knew fully well the value of his properties. They made $100 million and wanted to do future loans. last thing they wanted was a lawsuit brought by the state government on a matter between two parties, in which everyone was happy.
It shows Trump broke the law and evidently Trump supporters believe Trump is above the law.

What was done is typical in the real estate market, and as long as everyone meets their loan obligations, it’s all good. NOBODY has ever been charged on something like this before.
How do you feel Trump's appeal will go?
I think the lower court’s judgement will be overturned, with either the fine being reduced to $0 or to a small amount.
Thanks. From your link.

There may be more dissolved companies than AP found. Legal experts caution that some 63(12) cases never show up in legal databases because they were settled, dropped or otherwise not reported.

Still, the only case the AP found of a business dissolved under the anti-fraud law without citing actual victims or losses was a relatively small company closed in 1972 for writing term papers for college students. In that case, the attorney general said the victim was the “integrity of the educational process.”
Not sure how you think this helps you.

Deal with the reality "But an Associated Press analysis of nearly 70 years of similar cases showed Trump’s case stands apart: It’s the only big business found that was threatened with a shutdown without a showing of obvious victims and major losses."

Leticia got you Trump haters worked up over a bunch of bullshit. Zero precedent for her prosecution. ZERO.
In every state or county that I have owned property in, the tax assessor's office did their own valuations to determine the taxable value of property. If you thought they were wrong you could dispute it. I never got a letter asking me what the tax value of my property was, I was always told.
This the way it works here too.
Imagine the ads Trump can run, "I lost my property to stand up for you. While those who haven't created a job in their lives looked to destroy me for political gain".

Over 22000 people employed and will be newly unemployed so that a radical New York "Attorney General" can apply some Stalinist tactics in a state that will be quickly losing their billionaires.

Regardless of the Marxists on this and other sites for whom history is a subject they avoided in school, this is about as UnAmerican as it gets.

View attachment 922105
Not sure if you are daydreaming... lol.

The US Intelligence Community and Trump

The relationship between the US Intelligence Community and former President Donald Trump has been contentious. There have been instances where the intelligence community expressed concerns about Trump's actions and statements, and Trump, in turn, has criticized and questioned the intelligence community's findings and motives.

Evidence of Tension

1. Russian interference in the 2016 election: The intelligence community expressed alarm over Russian interference in the 2016 election on behalf of Trump. Trump, on the other hand, has been suspicious of the intelligence community's involvement in spying on his campaign.

2. Disparaging remarks: Trump has made disparaging remarks about the US intelligence community, including using air quotes around the word "intelligence" and questioning the community's findings on Russian involvement in the election.

3. Efforts to discredit the intelligence community: Trump has made concerted efforts to discredit the intelligence community, which some believe is aimed at protecting himself from adverse findings by investigations.

4. Accusations of bias: Trump's lawyers have accused the intelligence community of bias against him and have used this as part of their defense strategy in legal cases.

5. Impact on morale and credibility: Trump's actions have raised concerns about the impact on the morale and public stature of the intelligence professionals and the credibility of the intelligence community.


While it is clear that there has been tension between the US Intelligence Community and Trump, it is important to note that the relationship between presidents and intelligence agencies has often been testy. The specific dynamics and extent of the tension may vary depending on the president and the circumstances.

This tension is one reason why Trump will probably not enjoy himself again in WH. Do you think Trump can buy those Men In Black? lol. :)

Sources :

1. Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies (Published 2020)

2. Fact check: Trump and the intelligence community

3. Why is Donald Trump attacking the US intelligence community?

4. The Pattern and Practice of Trump’s Assaults on the Intelligence Community

5. Trump Signals Plans to Go After Intelligence Community in Document Case

6. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/26/trump-intelligence-agency-national-security-00142968
Never been a case like this before. Selective prosecution for the purpose of election interference, and it will be tossed by the SCOTUS.

It may be overruled at the State level. The appeals court has to know this is an abomination of law.
It may be overruled at the State level. The appeals court has to know this is an abomination of law.

Do they? Frankly, the courts have been watching Trump pull crap like this for years, maybe they are just getting tired of covering for him.
It may be overruled at the State level. The appeals court has to know this is an abomination of law.
My concern is that the state is blue, and full of leftists. My hope is that they will overrule anyway because they know it would look bad for them to be overruled by SCOTUS.
It's worse than that, the banks didn't loan on Trump's valuation, they did their own and lent on that valuation.xay.

It's not like the bank just took Trump's word on what the value of his collateral was... and even if they did, that's on the bank not Trump anyway.

Letitia was just looking for anything she could to get Trump into the courtroom because she knew the fix was in.
Do they? Frankly, the courts have been watching Trump pull crap like this for years, maybe they are just getting tired of covering for him.

If they want to uphold the rule of law, they do.

If James wanted to get him for fraud, she should have prosecuted him Criminally for it, or used a Civil Law that doesn't require a previous conviction, like the one James used.

The appeals court doesn't even have to rule on the merits, the use of the law by her is legally flawed itself.

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