If Twitter hadnt interfered in 2020 election, there never would have been a issue on Jan 6. The Dems caused Jan 6, they were right in the middle of it

Yeah, it's over.

We now KNOW, beyond any doubt, that the DemoKKKrat party ordered tech and media companies to censor content that may have damaged Biden's campaign, and those companies complied.
We also lnow that Russia used social media in 2016 to smear Clinton and help Trump get elected.

But I don't recall you MAGAts whining too much about that.

In fact you just looked the other way.

Why the double standard now?

There was no "proof" that OJ killed his wife, but those of us with common sense were able to put two and two together.
Just like those of us with common sense knew there was collusion with Russia in 2016 right?
You can believe whatever you want to believe, the fact is that we no longer have the C19 death count, even though it is over 1M, constantly showing on the TV after he moved out of the white house.
No...it's what IS, not what you need to believe.
Just like those of us with common sense knew there was collusion with Russia in 2016 right?

No, those of us with common sense knew that Trump did not collude with Russia and that has sense been proven after much wasted tax dollars.
Remember when the media covered social media nonstop in 2016 when they baselessly claimed Facebook got Trump elected? Where is that vigor to cover the Twitter Files now?

Lololol. Trump was tweeting day and night yet you blame the Democrats? 😂😂😂😂🤣😂. Wow. You're really pathetic.
You're a coward Jack. Otherwise you'd have stuck to the topic.
Trump lost the 2020 election. He played up going on six months before if he lost the election it was because of fraud. He used Twitter and every other social media platform to play this up. I didn't see ANY Democrats involved. He plays up a big event on January 6th, then proceeds to give an inflammatory speech at the Elipse....and we all know the rest of the story. January 6th was about Trump and his sycophants (supporters) trying to stop the peaceful transition of power. Again, I didn't see ANY Democrats involved. All I saw were Trump supporters.

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