If Warren is Dem nominee who is her VP pick?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Who do you think would help her? Personally I wouldn't mind seeing her pick Tulsi Gabbard and let her handle Foreign Policy, The Congressman Ryan from Ohio might help her win Ohio or other rust belt states....who else should she consider? I would think it would be male or at the very least someone more moderate and from the midwest or south to help the democrats try and swing states like Florida,North Carolina,Virginia,Michigan,Pennsylvania,Minnesota,Wisconsin etc.

Just curious from those who WOULDN'T vote for her and those that will..
Al Gore...

He's looking for work...
Ya know,you might actually have a point...Male,Moderate,From the south....Hey MAYBE she can pick Bill Clinton! We know what would happen though. Warren would "commit suicide" or "die in an accident" and Bill becomes President then he dies and Hillary hides it and she is de facto president. Lol. Anyways.
Who do you think would help her? Personally I wouldn't mind seeing her pick Tulsi Gabbard and let her handle Foreign Policy, The Congressman Ryan from Ohio might help her win Ohio or other rust belt states....who else should she consider? I would think it would be male or at the very least someone more moderate and from the midwest or south to help the democrats try and swing states like Florida,North Carolina,Virginia,Michigan,Pennsylvania,Minnesota,Wisconsin etc.

Just curious from those who WOULDN'T vote for her and those that will..

Harris will be the first choice because being black and being a woman.

The left will be looking to play the race baiting card along with the sexism card if Harris is the VP choice.

Next up will be Hillary Clinton and why her?

They will be running on righting a wrong in their minds and spinning how Russia stole the election from Hillary Clinton.

Next could be Beto because of his anti-second Amendment stance and hoping they can turn Texas Purple.

Finally, Michelle Obama and because she was popular with the college kids ( not you nimrod ) , minorities, and progressives...
She'll never make it. Bloomberg will step in first.
Who do you think would help her? Personally I wouldn't mind seeing her pick Tulsi Gabbard and let her handle Foreign Policy, The Congressman Ryan from Ohio might help her win Ohio or other rust belt states....who else should she consider? I would think it would be male or at the very least someone more moderate and from the midwest or south to help the democrats try and swing states like Florida,North Carolina,Virginia,Michigan,Pennsylvania,Minnesota,Wisconsin etc.

Just curious from those who WOULDN'T vote for her and those that will..

Harris will be the first choice because being black and being a woman.

The left will be looking to play the race baiting card along with the sexism card if Harris is the VP choice.

Next up will be Hillary Clinton and why her?

They will be running on righting a wrong in their minds and spinning how Russia stole the election from Hillary Clinton.

Next could be Beto because of his anti-second Amendment stance and hoping they can turn Texas Purple.

Finally, Michelle Obama and because she was popular with the college kids ( not you nimrod ) , minorities, and progressives...
Interesting,I can see why she would choose any of those but do you think a 2 female ticket would win? I mean I don't think ANY democrat wins either way but I think an all female ticket would be the worst choice,Beto I can see for the reasons you stated also Castro from Texas as well.
She'll never make it. Bloomberg will step in first.

I see swing voters just dumping their vote Libertarian, Green or just staying home...

This election make me wish I lived in North Korea where it would be safer... Well as long as I worship fat boy...
They can’t run on any success it has to be race it’s gender and Latin is the next pander up
Who do you think would help her? Personally I wouldn't mind seeing her pick Tulsi Gabbard and let her handle Foreign Policy, The Congressman Ryan from Ohio might help her win Ohio or other rust belt states....who else should she consider? I would think it would be male or at the very least someone more moderate and from the midwest or south to help the democrats try and swing states like Florida,North Carolina,Virginia,Michigan,Pennsylvania,Minnesota,Wisconsin etc.

Just curious from those who WOULDN'T vote for her and those that will..
Maduro or Raoul Castro
Who do you think would help her? Personally I wouldn't mind seeing her pick Tulsi Gabbard and let her handle Foreign Policy, The Congressman Ryan from Ohio might help her win Ohio or other rust belt states....who else should she consider? I would think it would be male or at the very least someone more moderate and from the midwest or south to help the democrats try and swing states like Florida,North Carolina,Virginia,Michigan,Pennsylvania,Minnesota,Wisconsin etc.

Just curious from those who WOULDN'T vote for her and those that will..

Harris will be the first choice because being black and being a woman.

The left will be looking to play the race baiting card along with the sexism card if Harris is the VP choice.

Next up will be Hillary Clinton and why her?

They will be running on righting a wrong in their minds and spinning how Russia stole the election from Hillary Clinton.

Next could be Beto because of his anti-second Amendment stance and hoping they can turn Texas Purple.

Finally, Michelle Obama and because she was popular with the college kids ( not you nimrod ) , minorities, and progressives...
Interesting,I can see why she would choose any of those but do you think a 2 female ticket would win? I mean I don't think ANY democrat wins either way but I think an all female ticket would be the worst choice,Beto I can see for the reasons you stated also Castro from Texas as well.

Castro in my mind is weak. If Warren were smart she would reach for Gavin Newsom as VP even if I dislike the guy but I have a feeling she want someone that has been up there debating with her.

Can a two woman ticket win?


I do not believe a woman in today time can win at all but I do believe the Democrats will be looking to play the gender and race card this election.
She'll never make it. Bloomberg will step in first.

I see swing voters just dumping their vote Libertarian, Green or just staying home...

This election make me wish I lived in North Korea where it would be safer... Well as long as I worship fat boy...
I am continually astounded at how dumb this nation is, and how easily programmed they are.

That they can even make this whole new "impeach" thing fly? When all he did was inquire after the Biden corruption thing?

I am pretty sure since Bloomberg has more cash, AND the media on his side, he could lay out Trump in a fight. He has made it clear that Wall Street and the establishment think all the DNC candidates except Biden are too extreme, and too loony. If Biden goes out, It would not surprise me if he will get in.
Either that, or, as you say, Hillary getting back in. But the left is still pissed at her.
She'll never make it. Bloomberg will step in first.

I see swing voters just dumping their vote Libertarian, Green or just staying home...

This election make me wish I lived in North Korea where it would be safer... Well as long as I worship fat boy...
I am continually astounded at how dumb this nation is, and how easily programmed they are.

That they can even make this whole new "impeach" thing fly? When all he did was inquire after the Biden corruption thing?

I am pretty sure since Bloomberg has more cash, AND the media on his side, he could lay out Trump in a fight. He has made it clear that Wall Street and the establishment think all the DNC candidates except Biden are too extreme, and too loony. If Biden goes out, It would not surprise me if he will get in.

Bloomberg is the odd duck and has issues from his days as Mayor of New York.

Would he be a horrible choice to sit in the Oval Office?

No, but the left would never back him like Warren or Sanders and the right hates him now.

Democrats might have to reach for Gavin Newsom if they believe Warren is weak.

I actually believe Newsom can go toe to toe with Trump even if I disagree with his politics.

The man is America Justin Trudeau in my opinion.
She would choose a man and a military combat vet...if he is from the south or midwest all the better...I hear she has contacted her uncle.....

If Warren were smart she would reach for Gavin Newsom as VP even if I dislike the guy but I have a feeling she want someone that has been up there debating with her.

IMO Bruce_T_Laney spot on analysis... The guy is a real gomer, but it would be a personal jab at the Trump Family also...

You know where I am going because there is a connection there that no one sees... Is his ex-wife still with one of the Trump boys?
A black gay guy would provide a good balance with a straight Indian squaw with a taste for fire water.

If Sen. Booker came out as a Tranny, (s)he'd be a shoo-in for the nomination IMHO.

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