If we all came from 2 people

I dont doubt the last sentence a bit. It wouldnt surprise me if humans were older than they think as well. And im not just talking about finding a skeleton that moves it back 50K years, im talking much older.
Human history is something we will probably never nail down completely and that is a shame :/
We have evidence of home sapiens as far back as 150k right now. That does not mean we do not find some thing 250k tomarrow!
Aww hek, last year they found a homo sapien skull in Morocco that was over 300K years old!
Can extreme heat age a skeleton?
Extreme heat can break collagen and make bones fragile. Im thinking its around 200 degrees
Search for the Malbim on the flood.
The Earth’s core came to the surface.
Where do you get this stuff? Is there a comic book or something that I can buy?
We have evidence of home sapiens as far back as 150k right now. That does not mean we do not find some thing 250k tomarrow!
Aww hek, last year they found a homo sapien skull in Morocco that was over 300K years old!
Can extreme heat age a skeleton?
Extreme heat can break collagen and make bones fragile. Im thinking its around 200 degrees
Search for the Malbim on the flood.
The Earth’s core came to the surface.
Where do you get this stuff? Is there a comic book or something that I can buy?
I read an article yesterday by scientists that the Earth’s polar caps will eventually flip flop.
I presume you buy into such.
Believing or considering different scenarios does not place restrictions on my life.
The bible clearly indicates that more then Adam and Eve existed. Remember Cane he left and lived with OTHER humans, nor does it say that Adam and Eve's offspring mated with one another.
And genises chapter 2 says that adam came before rain plants and other living beings.
I believe this is one of the biggest conundrums in genises. Some biblical historians say cain must have met his before he went to nod. In other words, his sister

I hope you don't believe such horse hooey. The Bible says Cain went into the land of Nod. He did not go into the wilderness. He went to a specific place. There he took a wife from among a pre-Adamic creation.
So Geneses was a lie?

There is no lie since the Bible does not say what the preachers claim. The Bible is just not about every race, creed, color, etc. of mankind. It only claims to be about one people:

"This is the book of the generations of Adam." Genesis 5 : 1

If people tell you something about the Bible, they should be able to back it up by the Bible. If you read the links provided, you wouldn't be asking the question you did. Neither would you be pretending to be a skeptic about a subject you haven't studied. The Bible even answers the critics I'll generate:

" He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him." Proverbs 18 : 13
So God didnt create humans.. He created Jews only?

Actually, God created all humans, but He chose the Jewish people. At one time (according to the stories), He went to each group of people and offered them His Word, but nobody wanted to follow the whole thing, they just wanted to cherry pick the parts they liked, and ignore the parts they didn't. When God went and offered His Word to the Jewish people, they didn't hesitate, they simply said they would hear and obey. That is why the Jewish people are chosen by God. Ask a rabbi sometime.
It doesn’t say that.
It says that an evening (bad translation) followed by day break (bad translation) is a day (bad translation).
There was no sun until “day” 4.
You don’t know Hebrew.
You have stated more than once you won’t open a Bible to read even 1 verse.
Thus, I don’t know why I’m responding to you because you don’t care anyway.
So you have no proof of the 6 days creation thingy. So ya, why did you respond if you know you have nothing?
Why do ask if you don’t have the intelligence to read a post?
Maybe I'm too stupid to believe that a vengeful ghost from a book is real? Is that it? Is it?
What vengeful ghost?
Explain in context.
God. He tossed out Adam and Eve for getting it on, he drowned nearly everyone in a flood because he didn't like them anymore, or messed up making them, depending on the interpretation, sends souls to hell because they did something he didn't like, ...

Dude................Adam and Eve weren't kicked out of the Garden because they "were getting it on", they were kicked out because they ate of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, and when asked about it, they didn't take responsibility for their actions, choosing instead to blame each other and the serpent.

As far as the flood? God had seen that because of the angels mating with the daughters of Eve (humans), they had created Nephilim, which are half angel and half human. Think of a human with superpowers who doesn't know what kind of power they wield. And, the angels had also taught mankind things like magic and war, which is why God found one righteous man and decided to save him and his family (Noah).

And, interestingly enough, according to both the Jewish tradition and the Gospel of Thomas, nobody stays in hell forever. Think of it as more like a place to get clean and be purged of your sins before you rejoin God in Heaven. Christians are the ones who like to tell others they will go to hell for eternity.
Maybe I'm too stupid to believe that a vengeful ghost from a book is real? Is that it? Is it?

If that's the case, your only motive for being on this thread is to troll those in a productive conversation. Isn't that trolling? Is that prohibited by the rules here?
If my questions are too probing for you, then back off. Pretty simple really.

You're being responded to. You just don't seem to be able to handle the truth.
So what's the truth that I'm missing?

You wrote:

"That peter quote means that time doesn't matter when you're with god. Please try again."

Your explanation cites NOTHING in support of the position whereas I said that God does not reckon time the same way men do... and what you said was little more than paraphrasing my point.

You know Humorme, whenever people start arguing for literal time when it comes to the creation story, I have a little joke that helps me to explain the point.....................

A guy is talking to God, and he asks, "God, you are the creator of time, and just out of curiosity, what is a millenium to you? God replied, "About a minute".

The man then said, "God, with all your wealth, how much is 10 million dollars to you?" God then replied "about a penny".

The man then asked "God, can you give me a penny?"

God replied "In a minute".
"Adam and Eve" is allegorical.
Haha....yeah...lots of people say that now, since we now know it is demonstrably incorrect. How convenient!
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
Because scientists know everything...except how to produce a hot water urn that doesn't leak.
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read. How fucking stupid.

That's the thing about science: it doesn't matter who does it. Facts stand for themselves. Good science is true no matter what you think.

And evolution is a fact, no matter what Rabbi Dumbass has for breakfast
"Adam and Eve" is allegorical.
Haha....yeah...lots of people say that now, since we now know it is demonstrably incorrect. How convenient!
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
Because scientists know everything...except how to produce a hot water urn that doesn't leak.

I wouldn't be blaming the scientists, I would blame the crappy manufacturer who made the damn thing. Scientists come up with the theories of how things work, and the manufacturers take that knowledge and use it to make their products.

Chances are, your crappy hot water urn that leaks was made in China.

Blame the manufacturers, not the scientists.
"Adam and Eve" is allegorical.
Haha....yeah...lots of people say that now, since we now know it is demonstrably incorrect. How convenient!
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
Because scientists know everything...except how to produce a hot water urn that doesn't leak.

I wouldn't be blaming the scientists, I would blame the crappy manufacturer who made the damn thing. Scientists come up with the theories of how things work, and the manufacturers take that knowledge and use it to make their products.

Chances are, your crappy hot water urn that leaks was made in China.

Blame the manufacturers, not the scientists.
You're not going to get through to him. He did not arrive at his absurd position via reason, so you certainly are not going to dislodge him from it using reason. He only reserves this absurd standard for science that contradicts his magical voodoo, period. Else he would trust no science, ever.
"Adam and Eve" is allegorical.
Haha....yeah...lots of people say that now, since we now know it is demonstrably incorrect. How convenient!
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
Because scientists know everything...except how to produce a hot water urn that doesn't leak.

I wouldn't be blaming the scientists, I would blame the crappy manufacturer who made the damn thing. Scientists come up with the theories of how things work, and the manufacturers take that knowledge and use it to make their products.

Chances are, your crappy hot water urn that leaks was made in China.

Blame the manufacturers, not the scientists.
You're not going to get through to him. He did not arrive at his absurd position via reason, so you certainly are not going to dislodge him from it using reason. He only reserves this absurd standard for science that contradicts his magical voodoo, period. Else he would trust no science, ever.

If people don't trust science, then why do they post on messageboards with their computers and smartphones?
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read. How fucking stupid.

That's the thing about science: it doesn't matter who does it. Facts stand for themselves. Good science is true no matter what you think.

And evolution is a fact, no matter what Rabbi Dumbass has for breakfast
You mean the scientists who are so accurate at developing multi-billion dollar devices to predict the weather 48 hours from now and still get it wrong about 90% of the time?
Yeah, those scientists.

I notice how you never address any of my points with anything but ad hominems.
"Adam and Eve" is allegorical.
Haha....yeah...lots of people say that now, since we now know it is demonstrably incorrect. How convenient!
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
Because scientists know everything...except how to produce a hot water urn that doesn't leak.

I wouldn't be blaming the scientists, I would blame the crappy manufacturer who made the damn thing. Scientists come up with the theories of how things work, and the manufacturers take that knowledge and use it to make their products.

Chances are, your crappy hot water urn that leaks was made in China.

Blame the manufacturers, not the scientists.
You're not going to get through to him. He did not arrive at his absurd position via reason, so you certainly are not going to dislodge him from it using reason. He only reserves this absurd standard for science that contradicts his magical voodoo, period. Else he would trust no science, ever.

If people don't trust science, then why do they post on messageboards with their computers and smartphones?
Because after 20 years they finally sort of got them right.
The questions is, would you trust your phone to control your car on the highway?
I bet the answer is no.
"Adam and Eve" is allegorical.
Haha....yeah...lots of people say that now, since we now know it is demonstrably incorrect. How convenient!
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
Because scientists know everything...except how to produce a hot water urn that doesn't leak.

I wouldn't be blaming the scientists, I would blame the crappy manufacturer who made the damn thing. Scientists come up with the theories of how things work, and the manufacturers take that knowledge and use it to make their products.

Chances are, your crappy hot water urn that leaks was made in China.

Blame the manufacturers, not the scientists.
You're not going to get through to him. He did not arrive at his absurd position via reason, so you certainly are not going to dislodge him from it using reason. He only reserves this absurd standard for science that contradicts his magical voodoo, period. Else he would trust no science, ever.
I use far more reason than you and I actually know dozens of scientists.
Haha....yeah...lots of people say that now, since we now know it is demonstrably incorrect. How convenient!
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
Because scientists know everything...except how to produce a hot water urn that doesn't leak.

I wouldn't be blaming the scientists, I would blame the crappy manufacturer who made the damn thing. Scientists come up with the theories of how things work, and the manufacturers take that knowledge and use it to make their products.

Chances are, your crappy hot water urn that leaks was made in China.

Blame the manufacturers, not the scientists.
You're not going to get through to him. He did not arrive at his absurd position via reason, so you certainly are not going to dislodge him from it using reason. He only reserves this absurd standard for science that contradicts his magical voodoo, period. Else he would trust no science, ever.

If people don't trust science, then why do they post on messageboards with their computers and smartphones?
Because after 20 years they finally sort of got them right.
The questions is, would you trust your phone to control your car on the highway?
I bet the answer is no.

If I had enough spare change laying around for a smart car, yeah, I'd buy one.
If people don't trust science
That's my point.... They DO trust science....right up until it contradicts their ridiculous, magical bullshit. Then, suddenly, scientists are all liars and incompetent, and science cannot be trusted. It's embarrassing.
"Adam and Eve" is allegorical.
Haha....yeah...lots of people say that now, since we now know it is demonstrably incorrect. How convenient!
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
Because scientists know everything...except how to produce a hot water urn that doesn't leak.

I wouldn't be blaming the scientists, I would blame the crappy manufacturer who made the damn thing. Scientists come up with the theories of how things work, and the manufacturers take that knowledge and use it to make their products.

Chances are, your crappy hot water urn that leaks was made in China.

Blame the manufacturers, not the scientists.
You're not going to get through to him. He did not arrive at his absurd position via reason, so you certainly are not going to dislodge him from it using reason. He only reserves this absurd standard for science that contradicts his magical voodoo, period. Else he would trust no science, ever.
I use far more reason than you and I actually know dozens of scientists.
Haha...is your schwartz as big as mine?

You "know" lots of scientists? Haha Haha.....so fucking what? ...oh man, embarrassing...
If people don't trust science
That's my point.... They DO trust science....right up until it contradicts their ridiculous, magical bullshit. Then, suddenly, scientists are all liars and incompetent, and science cannot be trusted. It's embarrassing.
Do you know how engineers and scientists come up with devices that actually work?
Pure dumb luck and countless hours of experimentation with various alloys.
They also work in competition with fellow scientists at their own companies.
They can only explain why something works after it works.

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
You mean the scientists who are so accurate at developing multi-billion dollar devices to predict the weather 48 hours from now and still get it wrong about 90% of the time?
Yeah, those scientists.
Goddamn that is fucking stupid. Really, truly, painfully stupid. Scientists dont claim to be able to predict the weather with 100% accuracy, even 12 hours from now. So you are flailing with both arms at a little boogeyman which does not exist.

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