If we all came from 2 people

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
Goddamn this is fucking stupid. No genius, the engineers of those hard drives know how to engineer both high and low end hard drives. That's why you can get hard drives from the same company that vary in price.
That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
Goddamn this is fucking stupid. No genius, the engineers of those hard drives know how to engineer both high and low end hard drives. That's why you can get hard drives from the same company that vary in price.

I will reiterate for the emotional and mentally retarded FFI...
Do you know how engineers and scientists come up with devices that actually work?
Pure dumb luck and countless hours of experimentation with various alloys.
They also work in competition with fellow scientists at their own companies.
They can only explain why something works after it works.

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.

Now be a good little jerk and check out different reviews on different pieces of hardware by different companies.
That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
Goddamn this is fucking stupid. No genius, the engineers of those hard drives know how to engineer both high and low end hard drives. That's why you can get hard drives from the same company that vary in price.

I will reiterate for the emotional and mentally retarded FFI...
Do you know how engineers and scientists come up with devices that actually work?
Pure dumb luck and countless hours of experimentation with various alloys.
They also work in competition with fellow scientists at their own companies.
They can only explain why something works after it works.

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.

Now be a good little jerk and check out different reviews on different pieces of hardware by different companies.
But those same engineers still subscribe to the theories that are the basis of their fields of science. An engineer may try different things, but the theory of electromagnetism will always hold. Just as evolutionary theory, an established fact, will always hold.

The things you are saying are fucking stupid. You only reserve this absurd bullshit for scientific knowledge which contradicts your stupid, magical voodoo. Tough shit, Shaman....evolution is fact, no matter what goofy sky wizard has caught your eye.
That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
Goddamn this is fucking stupid. No genius, the engineers of those hard drives know how to engineer both high and low end hard drives. That's why you can get hard drives from the same company that vary in price.

I will reiterate for the emotional and mentally retarded FFI...
Do you know how engineers and scientists come up with devices that actually work?
Pure dumb luck and countless hours of experimentation with various alloys.
They also work in competition with fellow scientists at their own companies.
They can only explain why something works after it works.

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.

Now be a good little jerk and check out different reviews on different pieces of hardware by different companies.
But those same engineers still subscribe to the theories that are the basis of their fields of science. An engineer may try different things, but the theory of electromagnetism will always hold. Just as evolutionary theory, an established fact, will always hold.

The things you are saying are fucking stupid. You only reserve this absurd bullshit for scientific knowledge which contradicts your stupid, magical voodoo. Tough shit, Shaman....evolution is fact, no matter what goofy sky wizard has caught your eye.

Thanks for admitting many scientists are stuck in their university years; in other words, they are worlds away from the real world until they're put under the gun...and even then they don't really succeed for the most part.
That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
Goddamn this is fucking stupid. No genius, the engineers of those hard drives know how to engineer both high and low end hard drives. That's why you can get hard drives from the same company that vary in price.

I will reiterate for the emotional and mentally retarded FFI...
Do you know how engineers and scientists come up with devices that actually work?
Pure dumb luck and countless hours of experimentation with various alloys.
They also work in competition with fellow scientists at their own companies.
They can only explain why something works after it works.

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.

Now be a good little jerk and check out different reviews on different pieces of hardware by different companies.
But those same engineers still subscribe to the theories that are the basis of their fields of science. An engineer may try different things, but the theory of electromagnetism will always hold. Just as evolutionary theory, an established fact, will always hold.

The things you are saying are fucking stupid. You only reserve this absurd bullshit for scientific knowledge which contradicts your stupid, magical voodoo. Tough shit, Shaman....evolution is fact, no matter what goofy sky wizard has caught your eye.

Thanks for admitting many scientists are stuck in their university years; in other words, they are worlds away from the real world until they're put under the gun...and even then they don't really succeed for the most part.
The best part of watching you embarrass yourself is that you are doing it on a quantum mechanical machine using electromagnetic waves to send your thoughts to satellites relying on general relativity which then send them along fiberoptic cables to my computer, which then shows them to me using light emitting diodes .

But the engineers of these wonders, in your estimation, didn't rely on any of those theories as "facts". They just got lucky. Oy vey, what a putz.
That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
Goddamn this is fucking stupid. No genius, the engineers of those hard drives know how to engineer both high and low end hard drives. That's why you can get hard drives from the same company that vary in price.

I will reiterate for the emotional and mentally retarded FFI...
Do you know how engineers and scientists come up with devices that actually work?
Pure dumb luck and countless hours of experimentation with various alloys.
They also work in competition with fellow scientists at their own companies.
They can only explain why something works after it works.

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.

Now be a good little jerk and check out different reviews on different pieces of hardware by different companies.
But those same engineers still subscribe to the theories that are the basis of their fields of science. An engineer may try different things, but the theory of electromagnetism will always hold. Just as evolutionary theory, an established fact, will always hold.

The things you are saying are fucking stupid. You only reserve this absurd bullshit for scientific knowledge which contradicts your stupid, magical voodoo. Tough shit, Shaman....evolution is fact, no matter what goofy sky wizard has caught your eye.

Thanks for admitting many scientists are stuck in their university years; in other words, they are worlds away from the real world until they're put under the gun...and even then they don't really succeed for the most part.
The best part of watching you embarrass yourself is that you are doing it on a quantum mechanical machine using electromagnetic waves to send your thoughts to satellites relying on general relativity which then send them along fiberoptic cables to my computer, which then shows them to me using light emitting diodes .

But the engineers of these wonders, in your estimation, didn't rely on any of those theories as "facts". They just got lucky. Oy vey, what a putz.
Which took how many decades to produce to work at the current level of quality?
And, in fact, there are still many issues to work at if you bother reading reviews of "state-of-the-art" Gaming Machines.
Of course I realize you feel like an idiot because you read some reviews and saw how flawed technology remains.
I have spent the last 2 weeks on several custom PC sites configuring $20,000.00 machines and people are still complaining about hard drives and heat issues.
And yet you continue to drivel.

Yep, those evolutionists you so adore are quite lucky they don't actually have to produce anything real.
That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
Goddamn this is fucking stupid. No genius, the engineers of those hard drives know how to engineer both high and low end hard drives. That's why you can get hard drives from the same company that vary in price.

I will reiterate for the emotional and mentally retarded FFI...
Do you know how engineers and scientists come up with devices that actually work?
Pure dumb luck and countless hours of experimentation with various alloys.
They also work in competition with fellow scientists at their own companies.
They can only explain why something works after it works.

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.

Now be a good little jerk and check out different reviews on different pieces of hardware by different companies.
But those same engineers still subscribe to the theories that are the basis of their fields of science. An engineer may try different things, but the theory of electromagnetism will always hold. Just as evolutionary theory, an established fact, will always hold.

The things you are saying are fucking stupid. You only reserve this absurd bullshit for scientific knowledge which contradicts your stupid, magical voodoo. Tough shit, Shaman....evolution is fact, no matter what goofy sky wizard has caught your eye.
LOLOL! You think evolution is a proven fact? Could you possibly be that stupid?
Which took how many decades to produce to work at the current level of quality?
...which didn't change the fundamental ideas of those theories. It took that long to so successfully build useful systems based on those theories; and these systems will continue to improve, while those theories remain in place and relatively unchanged. Similarly we continue top make breakthroughs in genetics and in fighting pathogens, using evolutionary theory.

The things you are mentioning are SUCCESS STORIES. Unwittingly, and because you are flailing about rabidly, you are actually describing the effectiveness of scientific theories. You are literally making my point and undermining your own.

In your backwards misrepresentation of the universe: "Oh look, the transistor worked.... hmm, I guess we can write quantum mechanical theory, now!"

Haha... no. In what the rest of us call reality: "We invented the transistor! Quantum mechanics is correct and works just how we predicted!"
That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
Goddamn this is fucking stupid. No genius, the engineers of those hard drives know how to engineer both high and low end hard drives. That's why you can get hard drives from the same company that vary in price.

I will reiterate for the emotional and mentally retarded FFI...
Do you know how engineers and scientists come up with devices that actually work?
Pure dumb luck and countless hours of experimentation with various alloys.
They also work in competition with fellow scientists at their own companies.
They can only explain why something works after it works.

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.

Now be a good little jerk and check out different reviews on different pieces of hardware by different companies.
But those same engineers still subscribe to the theories that are the basis of their fields of science. An engineer may try different things, but the theory of electromagnetism will always hold. Just as evolutionary theory, an established fact, will always hold.

The things you are saying are fucking stupid. You only reserve this absurd bullshit for scientific knowledge which contradicts your stupid, magical voodoo. Tough shit, Shaman....evolution is fact, no matter what goofy sky wizard has caught your eye.
LOLOL! You think evolution is a proven fact? Could you possibly be that stupid?
Yes, Shaman Cackles, evolution is fact.
Verse 5 in Genesis says there was not a man to till the ground. What that verse most assuredly does NOT say is that there were no men.

In Genesis 2 : 2 we find that the seven day creation is completed. But go back to Genesis 1: 26 and 27 and you find that man was created.

That is why you have the theory of Adam man being an "eighth day" creation. So, either what you're quoting is a repeat of the first chapter of Genesis (and that is theory not fact) or the chay creation explains the fact that there were people (as we know them) before Adam. In any event the evidence proves over and over that you are wrong as wrong can be.
yea, it also says no plants and no water

Are you just trolling or do you have a point?
Lol There was man before water and oxygen? How did that work out?
"not a man to till the ground"
How else could someone interpret that?

I suppose you have a point. You are only one that will understand it.

Summation: God created the heavens and the earth; he created the water, land, etc. THEN he created man. WHEN God created Adam man, the Bible says there was no man to till the ground. Where did you go south on such a few so easy sentences?

Again, one theory holds that Genesis chapter 2 is a repeat of Genesis chapter 1. Either way, the order of things does not change. I simply think that when God created the chay beings, that accounts for the pre-Adamic race.

If you like debating this stuff so much, maybe you should actually read it before trying to debate it.
By simply reading what genesis says, no one but me but would understand it? Thanks for the compliment, but there are billions of literate humans on this planet.
AGAIN< "pre adamic" theory is PAGANISM

Know this:

You don't have a clue about biblical history. The pre-Adamic view was the first viewpoint of the people that are responsible for the Old Testament. You are trying to bluff your way out of this one and demonstrating either really poor reading comprehension skills or terrible attempts to B.S. your way through the thread.

It would appear to me that IF you could find these made up theories to which you claim existed, they probably co-opted the idea from the earliest Christians.
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read. How fucking stupid.

That's the thing about science: it doesn't matter who does it. Facts stand for themselves. Good science is true no matter what you think.

And evolution is a fact, no matter what Rabbi Dumbass has for breakfast

The theory of evolution is just that - theory.
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read. How fucking stupid.

That's the thing about science: it doesn't matter who does it. Facts stand for themselves. Good science is true no matter what you think.

And evolution is a fact, no matter what Rabbi Dumbass has for breakfast

The theory of evolution is just that - theory.
That's an absurd thing to say. Scientific theories can also be facts.
Which took how many decades to produce to work at the current level of quality?
...which didn't change the fundamental ideas of those theories. It took that long to so successfully build useful systems based on those theories; and these systems will continue to improve, while those theories remain in place and relatively unchanged. Similarly we continue top make breakthroughs in genetics and in fighting pathogens, using evolutionary theory.

The things you are mentioning are SUCCESS STORIES. Unwittingly, and because you are flailing about rabidly, you are actually describing the effectiveness of scientific theories. You are literally making my point and undermining your own.

In your backwards misrepresentation of the universe: "Oh look, the transistor worked.... hmm, I guess we can write quantum mechanical theory, now!"

Haha... no. In what the rest of us call reality: "We invented the transistor! Quantum mechanics is correct and works just how we predicted!"
Now let's not forget how those evolutionists are on target when 99% of the scientists producing "state-of-the-art" forks, knives, spoons and cookware can't get it right.
It was a nightmare making a start-of-the-art cooking environment for my wife and I threshing through all the reviews of how shitty 99% of the products wound up to be.
But thanks to hundreds upon hundreds of reviews on Amazon I finally was able to get what we wanted.

But according to you, every evolutionist is right on the money.
Your ego can't let go of itself...the result of eliminating God and replacing God with yourself.
Now let's not forget how those evolutionists are on target when 99% of the scientists producing "state-of-the-art" forks, knives, spoons and cookware can't get it right.
Again... those people's successes or failures do not affect, say, electromagnetic theory, or alloy theory. Get that through your thick yarmulke, dude....
But according to you, every evolutionist is right on the money.

When they say evolutionary theory is fact? Correct, they are. Just as every spoon and fork maker would be spot on, when they ALL said and ALL agreed that alloy theory is fact.


How are you not getting this? Right now, you're the one kid in the class without his face in his palm.
That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.
Goddamn this is fucking stupid. No genius, the engineers of those hard drives know how to engineer both high and low end hard drives. That's why you can get hard drives from the same company that vary in price.

I will reiterate for the emotional and mentally retarded FFI...
Do you know how engineers and scientists come up with devices that actually work?
Pure dumb luck and countless hours of experimentation with various alloys.
They also work in competition with fellow scientists at their own companies.
They can only explain why something works after it works.

That's why most Hard Drives get lousy reviews on Amazon...some "scientists" at some corporations simply get luckier than "scientists" at other corporations.

Now be a good little jerk and check out different reviews on different pieces of hardware by different companies.
But those same engineers still subscribe to the theories that are the basis of their fields of science. An engineer may try different things, but the theory of electromagnetism will always hold. Just as evolutionary theory, an established fact, will always hold.

The things you are saying are fucking stupid. You only reserve this absurd bullshit for scientific knowledge which contradicts your stupid, magical voodoo. Tough shit, Shaman....evolution is fact, no matter what goofy sky wizard has caught your eye.

Thanks for admitting many scientists are stuck in their university years; in other words, they are worlds away from the real world until they're put under the gun...and even then they don't really succeed for the most part.
The best part of watching you embarrass yourself is that you are doing it on a quantum mechanical machine using electromagnetic waves to send your thoughts to satellites relying on general relativity which then send them along fiberoptic cables to my computer, which then shows them to me using light emitting diodes .

But the engineers of these wonders, in your estimation, didn't rely on any of those theories as "facts". They just got lucky. Oy vey, what a putz.
Light emitting diodes? You don't have an LCD?

Now thats embarrassing...
yea, it also says no plants and no water

Are you just trolling or do you have a point?
Lol There was man before water and oxygen? How did that work out?
"not a man to till the ground"
How else could someone interpret that?

I suppose you have a point. You are only one that will understand it.

Summation: God created the heavens and the earth; he created the water, land, etc. THEN he created man. WHEN God created Adam man, the Bible says there was no man to till the ground. Where did you go south on such a few so easy sentences?

Again, one theory holds that Genesis chapter 2 is a repeat of Genesis chapter 1. Either way, the order of things does not change. I simply think that when God created the chay beings, that accounts for the pre-Adamic race.

If you like debating this stuff so much, maybe you should actually read it before trying to debate it.
By simply reading what genesis says, no one but me but would understand it? Thanks for the compliment, but there are billions of literate humans on this planet.
AGAIN< "pre adamic" theory is PAGANISM

Know this:

You don't have a clue about biblical history. The pre-Adamic view was the first viewpoint of the people that are responsible for the Old Testament. You are trying to bluff your way out of this one and demonstrating either really poor reading comprehension skills or terrible attempts to B.S. your way through the thread.

It would appear to me that IF you could find these made up theories to which you claim existed, they probably co-opted the idea from the earliest Christians.
Are these the same scientists who develop products on Amazon that get horrible reviews?
Oh yeah, they are.
That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read. How fucking stupid.

That's the thing about science: it doesn't matter who does it. Facts stand for themselves. Good science is true no matter what you think.

And evolution is a fact, no matter what Rabbi Dumbass has for breakfast

The theory of evolution is just that - theory.
And scientists can't even agree on it. There are competing evolutionary theories. There is no scientific evidence for any of them.
Now let's not forget how those evolutionists are on target when 99% of the scientists producing "state-of-the-art" forks, knives, spoons and cookware can't get it right.
Again... those people's successes or failures do not affect, say, electromagnetic theory, or alloy theory. Get that through your thick yarmulke, dude....
But according to you, every evolutionist is right on the money.

When they say evolutionary theory is fact? Correct, they are. Just as every spoon and fork maker would be spot on, when they ALL said and ALL agreed that alloy theory is fact.


How are you not getting this? Right now, you're the one kid in the class without his face in his palm.
You are one major dupe...evolutionists got it right!...jerk.
And scientists can't even agree on it.
Of course, they nearly all agree on it. It is the most well-supported scientific theory in the history of mankind. It makes sense of every observation and prediction of flora or fauna, looking backwards or forward. It is an established fact.
Now let's not forget how those evolutionists are on target when 99% of the scientists producing "state-of-the-art" forks, knives, spoons and cookware can't get it right.
Again... those people's successes or failures do not affect, say, electromagnetic theory, or alloy theory. Get that through your thick yarmulke, dude....
But according to you, every evolutionist is right on the money.

When they say evolutionary theory is fact? Correct, they are. Just as every spoon and fork maker would be spot on, when they ALL said and ALL agreed that alloy theory is fact.


How are you not getting this? Right now, you're the one kid in the class without his face in his palm.
You are one major dupe...evolutionists got it right!...jerk.
Correct, the theory of evolution got right, and evolution is a fact.

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