If we could maybe just stay those F&F docs indefinitely, that’d be great


For more than a year, some Republicans and commentators on conservative news media outlets have floated theories that senior Obama officials must have approved the operation — deliberately fostering gun violence to provide a rationale for strengthening gun-control laws — and that they were engaged in a cover-up.

The inspector general’s investigation found no evidence to support those accusations.

?Fast and Furious? Report Recommends Disciplinary Reviews - Document - NYTimes.com

Then explain this?

"Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice have asked a federal court to indefinitely delay a lawsuit brought by watchdog group Judicial Watch. The lawsuit seeks the enforcement of open records requests relating to Operation Fast and Furious, as required by law."
The republican party has completely lost all integrity.

They are an empty shell filled with nothing but hate for no reason
And explain this?

"The GOP-led House voted Thursday to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for failing to provide key information pertaining to Operation Fast and Furious, making Holder the first sitting Cabinet member to be held in contempt.
The vote was 255-67
, with 17 Democrats breaking ranks to side with Republicans in favor of contempt. "

For more than a year, some Republicans and commentators on conservative news media outlets have floated theories that senior Obama officials must have approved the operation — deliberately fostering gun violence to provide a rationale for strengthening gun-control laws — and that they were engaged in a cover-up.

The inspector general’s investigation found no evidence to support those accusations.

?Fast and Furious? Report Recommends Disciplinary Reviews - Document - NYTimes.com

Then explain this?

"Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice have asked a federal court to indefinitely delay a lawsuit brought by watchdog group Judicial Watch. The lawsuit seeks the enforcement of open records requests relating to Operation Fast and Furious, as required by law."

shades of whitewater.

Nothing but bullshit intended to make the president LOOK corrupt
I can permanently cure you of Democrat Blinder Syndrome TM.

Just pretend Obama and Holder are Republicans.
dear idiots ,

it has been investigated 0ver and over.

There is nothing there but republican lies

You keep saying that, yet you offer no explanations why the administration is hiding the documents related to it. Come on give us a plausible reason Maobama and Holder are violating the FOIA laws to keep the facts hidden. Being such an honorable person where Truthmatters, I'm sure this is an easy question.
The republican party has completely lost all integrity.

They are an empty shell filled with nothing but hate for no reason

So wanting an administration to admit they lied to the American people when they were caught doing it is now hate... Got it.

For more than a year, some Republicans and commentators on conservative news media outlets have floated theories that senior Obama officials must have approved the operation — deliberately fostering gun violence to provide a rationale for strengthening gun-control laws — and that they were engaged in a cover-up.

The inspector general’s investigation found no evidence to support those accusations.
So you're trying to pass off the opinion of some leftist obama worshiper as some sort of fact?

Not happening.

I don't see any of this hurting the GOP. In fact, they should keep pushing until all questions are answered, and quite possibly an impeachment on obama, or jail for holder.
The republican party has completely lost all integrity.

They are an empty shell filled with nothing but hate for no reason

So wanting an administration to admit they lied to the American people when they were caught doing it is now hate... Got it.
She's pretty much a loony tune tjvh. She makes these nutjob blanket statements as though they have any credence, when the fact of the matter is they're nothing more than her liquored up dreams.
I sure hope all the people screaming right now for Executive Privilege to be ignored are consistent about that point of view.

I really do. It is bad for the soul to be hypocritical, and Executive Privilege is not something you should lightly brush aside to scratch a partisan itch.

On the flip side, I seem to recall Obama talking a lot in 2008 about how transparent his Administration would be if he was elected.

So many candidates who come from the Legislative branch make stupid promises such as that. It's almost as if they are unable to discern the complexities of the Executive by observing past Presidents. They seem to lack the wisdom which enables one to learn from the experiences of others and come to realize there are reasons why Presidents do what they do.

Then explain this?

"Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice have asked a federal court to indefinitely delay a lawsuit brought by watchdog group Judicial Watch. The lawsuit seeks the enforcement of open records requests relating to Operation Fast and Furious, as required by law."

shades of whitewater.

Nothing but bullshit intended to make the president LOOK corrupt

He does that all on his own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Obama administration is NOT going to turn over any papers just because a bunch of tin foil Pub dupes believe a lot of Pubcrappe. Give it up, chumps. Another Big Lie- see sig pp3 for more...

For more than a year, some Republicans and commentators on conservative news media outlets have floated theories that senior Obama officials must have approved the operation — deliberately fostering gun violence to provide a rationale for strengthening gun-control laws — and that they were engaged in a cover-up.

The inspector general’s investigation found no evidence to support those accusations.

Ah. "Some" Republicans and commentators" "floated theories."

Not quite the "right wing got outed as liars."

And of course the IG found nothing. Name me ONE instance where an Inspector General found any wrongdoing by any Attorney General.


There's nothing there, give it up already.

Yep. Any organization that doesn't have it's nose so far up Obama's rectum that it can taste what he had for breakfast doesn't have any rights. Those are reserved for good, boot licking liberal organizations.

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