If we had more jobs , wages would go up. Case in point North Dakota

This thread is repeated daily on this board, over and over...and it has been repeated in various forms and in various facts situations for a very long time--ever since the first man sectioned off a piece of land and called it his own; and farmed it for his family; and sold the excess to his neighbors.

It is called the battle of the Haves v. the Have Nots...and no adherent of either side has ever had his mind changed by the other....ever.

It is the constant battle of Socialism v. a concept called "the profit incentive".

Socialism has failed in every single instance that it has ever been tried, and I defy any one of you Loons to point out an example of its success....

I appreciate the entertainment value that socialists present when ever they try question the mysterious workings of profit-driven business.

In this thread they're all scratching their heads over how a store could pay for $17/hr labor in N. Dakota, but less in other locations. As if, in every other location store net revenue is exactly the same as N. Dakota; As if, in every other location, competition is exactly the same as N. Dakota. They have no notion of the simplest of commercial concepts.

The centralized world view is hysterical, and its inflexablity is the primary cause of the demise of centralized economic planning which manifests itself in a national minimum wage.
This thread is repeated daily on this board, over and over...and it has been repeated in various forms and in various facts situations for a very long time--ever since the first man sectioned off a piece of land and called it his own; and farmed it for his family; and sold the excess to his neighbors.

It is called the battle of the Haves v. the Have Nots...and no adherent of either side has ever had his mind changed by the other....ever.

It is the constant battle of Socialism v. a concept called "the profit incentive".

Socialism has failed in every single instance that it has ever been tried, and I defy any one of you Loons to point out an example of its success. It was a popular concept in this country way back on the early 1800's where communes were started with metronomic regularity...and every one of them failed for the same reason...the slackards realized they could sit on the porch and pretend to have a back ache and still eat just as good as the workers...until the slackards gradually increased in number sufficiently to where the workers took off and tried a component of the profit incentive called self reliance.

Socialism has always failed and socialism is what you Loons are basically advocating even if you wan't admit it or even if you don't understand that is what you are advocating.

The profit inventive, on the other hand, along with Jeffersonian Values and Christian Ideals, has built the greatest society in the history of mankind...ever. America.

It does have one vice which requires us to be on our guard--Greed. It is out of control right now right up there in Yankee Land--in New York City, on Wall Street, and the people who are in charge of doing something about it are two Socialists--Obama and Holder---but the Greed Mongers in New York have bought them and they now own them.

So, there is a problem, but instead of cleaning up you own house, you Loons in New York see the need to police a vice, not by good strong honest leadership, but by resorting to that which has failed EVERY TIME throughout history--Socialism.

Try self-reliance. You will feel better about yourself. You will set a good example for your kids. And clean up that cesspool in New York.

lol, another meltdown.


Wouldn't it have been shrewder to not post anything at all....and pretend you never read the message...Rather than respond with this foolishness, and let every one know you have have nothing in defense?
This thread is repeated daily on this board, over and over...and it has been repeated in various forms and in various facts situations for a very long time--ever since the first man sectioned off a piece of land and called it his own; and farmed it for his family; and sold the excess to his neighbors.

It is called the battle of the Haves v. the Have Nots...and no adherent of either side has ever had his mind changed by the other....ever.

It is the constant battle of Socialism v. a concept called "the profit incentive".

Socialism has failed in every single instance that it has ever been tried, and I defy any one of you Loons to point out an example of its success....

I appreciate the entertainment value that socialists present when ever they try question the mysterious workings of profit-driven business.

In this thread they're all scratching their heads over how a store could pay for $17/hr labor in N. Dakota, but less in other locations. As if, in every other location store net revenue is exactly the same as N. Dakota; As if, in every other location, competition is exactly the same as N. Dakota. They have no notion of the simplest of commercial concepts.

The centralized world view is hysterical, and its inflexablity is the primary cause of the demise of centralized economic planning which manifests itself in a national minimum wage.

And then you have to spoil it all by writing 'socialist.' Don't you know that socialist ideology helps the middle class prosper?
Last time I checked a studio apartment rented for $1900.00/mo, a full hookup RV space rented for $900.00/mo. Both required a credit card for payment.

Seems the greed monster has hit ND.
At those prices, I can think of several cities I'd prefer to live in.
This thread is repeated daily on this board, over and over...and it has been repeated in various forms and in various facts situations for a very long time--ever since the first man sectioned off a piece of land and called it his own; and farmed it for his family; and sold the excess to his neighbors.

It is called the battle of the Haves v. the Have Nots...and no adherent of either side has ever had his mind changed by the other....ever.

It is the constant battle of Socialism v. a concept called "the profit incentive".

Socialism has failed in every single instance that it has ever been tried, and I defy any one of you Loons to point out an example of its success. It was a popular concept in this country way back on the early 1800's where communes were started with metronomic regularity...and every one of them failed for the same reason...the slackards realized they could sit on the porch and pretend to have a back ache and still eat just as good as the workers...until the slackards gradually increased in number sufficiently to where the workers took off and tried a component of the profit incentive called self reliance.

Socialism has always failed and socialism is what you Loons are basically advocating even if you wan't admit it or even if you don't understand that is what you are advocating.

The profit inventive, on the other hand, along with Jeffersonian Values and Christian Ideals, has built the greatest society in the history of mankind...ever. America.

It does have one vice which requires us to be on our guard--Greed. It is out of control right now right up there in Yankee Land--in New York City, on Wall Street, and the people who are in charge of doing something about it are two Socialists--Obama and Holder---but the Greed Mongers in New York have bought them and they now own them.

So, there is a problem, but instead of cleaning up you own house, you Loons in New York see the need to police a vice, not by good strong honest leadership, but by resorting to that which has failed EVERY TIME throughout history--Socialism.

Try self-reliance. You will feel better about yourself. You will set a good example for your kids. And clean up that cesspool in New York.

lol, another meltdown.


Wouldn't it have been shrewder to not post anything at all....and pretend you never read the message...Rather than respond with this foolishness, and let every one know you have have nothing in defense?

What am I supposed to defend out of an irrational rant that includes some delusional attacks on me?

You want me to defend non-profit versus the profit incentive? Fine. You tell me then why I get better service at better prices from my credit union, which is non-profit, than I would from a for-profit bank,

and why I get better service at better prices from my electric co-op, which is non-profit, than I would from a for-profit utility company.

Work on those.
This thread is repeated daily on this board, over and over...and it has been repeated in various forms and in various facts situations for a very long time--ever since the first man sectioned off a piece of land and called it his own; and farmed it for his family; and sold the excess to his neighbors.

It is called the battle of the Haves v. the Have Nots...and no adherent of either side has ever had his mind changed by the other....ever.

It is the constant battle of Socialism v. a concept called "the profit incentive".

Socialism has failed in every single instance that it has ever been tried, and I defy any one of you Loons to point out an example of its success....

I appreciate the entertainment value that socialists present when ever they try question the mysterious workings of profit-driven business.

In this thread they're all scratching their heads over how a store could pay for $17/hr labor in N. Dakota, but less in other locations. As if, in every other location store net revenue is exactly the same as N. Dakota; As if, in every other location, competition is exactly the same as N. Dakota. They have no notion of the simplest of commercial concepts.

The centralized world view is hysterical, and its inflexablity is the primary cause of the demise of centralized economic planning which manifests itself in a national minimum wage.

They're not paying $17 an hour because their revenues are higher and they're generously passing the extra along to their employees as a bonus are they?

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