If we keep letting in all these illegal aliens, they will take over and start deporting US!

A difference without distinction fallacy

Blending cultures eradicates the diversity of each culture.
No it doesn't many cultures survive quite well and maintain their identity in close proximity to other communities, while providing the opportunity to learn about and not fear one another

Some Liberals point towards Medieval Sicily as a great example of Multiculturalism of Greeks, Italians, Arabs & Jew.

Only problem is they all were assimilated into Italian culture.
I don't have a problem with that. It's called cultural evolution. Yet those other cultures still exist and thrive. It's sort of like the fact that while we can from monkeys, monkeys still exist.

A.) What cultural evolution? Like the infusion of Spanish & Indios in Mexico?
B.)Then American Jews should assimilate to extinction for cultural evolution, no?
C.) What we actually have is Capitalist cultural replacement, Olive Garden over real Italian, Taco Bell over real Mexican & KFC over real Southern fried chicken.
Dude, you need to find better places to eat.
Blending cultures eradicates the diversity of each culture.
No it doesn't many cultures survive quite well and maintain their identity in close proximity to other communities, while providing the opportunity to learn about and not fear one another

Some Liberals point towards Medieval Sicily as a great example of Multiculturalism of Greeks, Italians, Arabs & Jew.

Only problem is they all were assimilated into Italian culture.
I don't have a problem with that. It's called cultural evolution. Yet those other cultures still exist and thrive. It's sort of like the fact that while we can from monkeys, monkeys still exist.

A.) What cultural evolution? Like the infusion of Spanish & Indios in Mexico?
B.)Then American Jews should assimilate to extinction for cultural evolution, no?
C.) What we actually have is Capitalist cultural replacement, Olive Garden over real Italian, Taco Bell over real Mexican & KFC over real Southern fried chicken.
Dude, you need to find better places to eat.

I'm clearly mocked these Capitalist junk restaurants.
They have a path to legal status and have chosen to bypass that provision. Screw them, deport their law-breaking asses. Why don't you think they should follow established laws? Why would you give them a pass when so many are following the laws in order to establish legal status and citizenship? What makes these illegal invaders so special that they deserve special treatment?
Because it is just a little more complicated than you xenophobes want to believe or admit. The difference between people like you and me is that we understand that these are human being who actions have been driven by complex social, political and economic forces -often the result of US policies and actions in the countries that they are fleeing. Another difference is that we are not "clutching pearls" over the browning of America and are not frightened by multiculturalism but rather value diversity. As an aside, my brother in law was once one of those "invaders " He is no a citizen, a grand father, a hard worker and a productive and responsible member of the community.

Because diversity is the melting pot.
Except not really.
Ultimately the melting pot replaces diversity, more like a blender.
A difference without distinction fallacy

Blending cultures eradicates the diversity of each culture.
You assume that the cultures will "blend". Not recently, they haven't. They celebrate their diversity at the cost of others, specifically, Caucasians. It's OK, though. To hate white people is all the fad and is never called what it is, racism.

Even if they did blend, it's still unacceptable, because it erases diverse, and unique cultures.
Then American Jews should assimilate to extinction for cultural evolution, no?
If they so choose, but many don't. In my town we have a vibrant Orthodox Jewish community along side of many other ethnic and religious groups. I would not say that they should assimilate but we need to clarify what assimilate actually means. Apparently you think that it means abandoning their identity, I do not.

Multiculturalism either causes conflict, I.E prejudices, riots, massacres, war, and genocide.
Multiculturalism causes assimilation to extinction.

I don't know what sickos consider either option acceptable.
You are entitled to your grim view of humanity and our ability to coexist and benefit from our diversity. You seem to be very fearful of a diverse world . I feel sorry for you, sort of.
What cultural evolution? Like the infusion of Spanish & Indios in Mexico?
Yes . So what?

Because Mexicans are such an improvement over Spaniards. (Rolls eyes)
I have no problem with Mexicans. They are not inferior to anyone else. You're just engaging in cultural judgmentalism which you have not right to do.

So, why is Mexico is behind Spain in lower wealth, and higher murder rates?
Then American Jews should assimilate to extinction for cultural evolution, no?
If they so choose, but many don't. In my town we have a vibrant Orthodox Jewish community along side of many other ethnic and religious groups. I would not say that they should assimilate but we need to clarify what assimilate actually means. Apparently you think that it means abandoning their identity, I do not.

Multiculturalism either causes conflict, I.E prejudices, riots, massacres, war, and genocide.
Multiculturalism causes assimilation to extinction.

I don't know what sickos consider either option acceptable.
You are entitled to your grim view of humanity and our ability to coexist and benefit from our diversity. You seem to be very fearful of a diverse world . I feel sorry for you, sort of.

Who's the victims of racism in a homogeneous society?

There's been riots, massacres, war, and genocide all over the World due to Multiculturalism.

Look at Darfur genocide, Yugoslavia war & massacres, Rwanda genocide, Ukraine's war in Donbass, Israel vs Palestine, Rohingya genocide, China vs Uighurs, or Sunni vs Shiite in Syria & Iraq.

Multiculturalism is the problem, not the solution.
How was Dixie even "racist"? If they even had racial science, they didn't use it to make many points. They liked the terms Ethiopian for the "Christians" from Ethiopia or acted like there was a learning curve, or they said at one point that blacks were the most difficult of all the races to teach.
At some point, even the stupidest liberal Democrat has to admit we have a problem with illegal immigration.

Trump brain washed you very well.

The closest to that is if we let the nazis, hate groups that supports Trump. Start ethnics cleansing of minorities. Not the other way around.
It's possible that they ethnic cleanse us.

Hope they start with you.

When the shit inevitably hits the fan, the blacks and browns all hyped up on racial resentment won't be able to tell apart the gringos and crackers who voted for Trump from the ones who supported the coup attempt. Better stock up on ammo.

Settle down, Charles Manson.
One thing about Charlie. He'da made a great chickenhawk. He never actually killed anyone.
I'm beginning to see more and more jobs for me that require I speak Spanish to get the job. So now, even lawyers are impacted by all this crazy illegal immigration.

Sounds like you need to upgrade your skills.
What we actually have is Capitalist cultural replacement, Olive Garden over real Italian, Taco Bell over real Mexican & KFC over real Southern fried chicken.
Yup, those chain restaurants are an abomination and an insult to those cultures and I would not be caught dead in one. But they have not rendered the genuine cultures extinct. We also have many authentic Italian and Spanish establishments here - southern not so much in the North East.

What “not so much in the NE”?
The invaders from all over the world have no intention of living in a multicultural society. Especially muslims who have take a blood oath NOT to live in a multicultural society. That's the problem with tribalism. The tribes end up going to war with one another.

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