If you are of Chinese descent and live in Chicago...you should get a gun...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep.....good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns....

Chinese American in Chicago teaches fellow Chinese about guns (VIDEO)

“Unless you can take away all the guns from criminals, I will not give up my guns,” said Jun Wang, a software engineer living in Evanston, a few miles north of Chicago, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Wang was born and raised in China, where he played with toy guns and watched shows like Garrison’s Gorillas. Back then, he didn’t handle any real guns. But when he came to America in the mid-1990’s, he became concerned about his safety after hearing about violent crime, and incidents in which Asians are specifically targeted. Having little more than a kitchen knife for self defense, he decided to arm himself.

At first, his wife, Zhiling Lan, didn’t want him to buy any guns. But when he explained it was for their safety, she came around.

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

“I have two weapons always within easy reach,” says Wang in the beginning of the short documentary. “One is my shotgun. It’s always loaded. And the other one I usually take and give to Alan, because Alan knows how to use it. This is his rifle.”

Alan is Wang’s 13-year-old son. He’s been teaching his boy about gun use and safety for years, and Alan is proficient in the use of many kinds of guns. In the short doc, Alan loads his rifle with his eyes closed. Wang’s 7-year-old son, Aiden, isn’t allowed to touch the guns in the home quite yet, though in the documentary, Wang allows him to fire off a couple rounds at the range.
Interesting comment: “In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”
Interesting comment: “In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

Yes.....they use tanks to run people over in china....and of course, in the past I have linked to articles about criminals in china with guns.......
Interesting comment: “In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

Yeah...gun control fails even in communist china...

Staring Down the Barrel: the Rise of Guns in China

Erosion in China's gun controls reflects the Communist Party's slow retreat from most people's daily lives. Chinese increasingly spend their free time as they want. The Party also has less power to control the supply of guns at a time when the wealthy are looking for protection and recreation, and criminals are searching for an advantage.

The main source of guns appears to be lax control of gun factories and theft from arsenals. China is one of the world's largest gun manufacturers -- for the export market and for its security forces. Older guns are left from past wars and a time when hunting was common. The police have also busted workshops that forge guns and bullets by hand inside China. Meanwhile, people illegally import replicas -- exact-looking imitations of guns.

The government holds gun-surrender drives, appealing to citizens with posters in subways to turn in arms with no questions asked, or even for cash. A six-month campaign this year netted 79,000 guns, 1.8 million replica guns and 5.75 million bullets, the Ministry of Public Security said last month. A similar effort in 2006 turned up 178,000 guns and 638,000 replicas in four months.


The Ministry of Public Security says its police increasingly face armed and aggressive suspects. Most Chinese police aren't armed, and they sometimes are provided little more than a uniform to do their job. An emerging market for bulletproofing underscores the need. At a police-gear trade show in Beijing last April, bulletproof vests bearing Chinese police logos were on display, along with bulletproof BMWs and Jaguars. DuPont Co. showed the protective qualities of Kevlar.


Possession of a single gun is grounds for a prison sentence of as long as three years, and the penalty for a gun crime often is execution. In July, a Shanghai man drew a prison sentence of 12 years, and his wife 11 years, for possessing three guns and 600,000 bullets, plus peddling weapons on the Internet.

Chinese authorities say they dealt with 4,666 gun cases last year. Officials often respond to sensational gun crimes in the U.S. and elsewhere by affirming the need to maintain tough laws.


But increasingly, gun fans are gaining access to guns -- and hunting illegally. In rural Anhui province last year, a group of wealthy businessmen, gun-club owners and former army officers organized wild-fowl shoots. Feasting on game cooked in a spicy brown sauce, one of them toasted, "Guns have brought us together."

Gun buffs can turn to Small Arms, a twice-monthly glossy magazine that claims 60,000 subscribers. The Beretta M9 semiautomatic pistol "is classic," said Zheng Zhoujian, an 18-year-old reader. "I envy people in other countries where guns a
re legal


Chinese 'Gun Violence' Revealed - The Truth About Guns

“The shooting of two government officials during a meeting Wednesday comes amid a rise in gun-related crimes in China, which has maintained a stringent, decades long ban on owning firearms,” wsj.com reports (and not for the first time). Wait. Does China’s soaring “gun violence” mean that anti-gunners who point to The People’s Republic as an example of the joys of civilian disarmament are wrong? Well . . .

It’s important to realize that the people running The People’s Republic aren’t big fans of a free and independent press. Any information on Chinese “gun violence” comes through a fascist filter, which usually means total censorship. (Reporters Without Borders gives China’s press the worst ranking on their five-point scale.) So any report of Chinese firearms-related crime should be viewed as tip of the iceberg stuff.

That said, here’s the Wall Street Journal’s all-too-credulous but still revealing take on the topic:

Gun violence and the use of firearms to commit crimes are unusual in China, where rules effectively ban all private ownership and police exercise wide authority to question and detain suspects. Violent crimes tend to be committed with knives or explosives available for mining and road construction.

Government statistics show the number of violations of controls on firearms and ammunition rising by more than 50% in one year, to 81,668 cases in 2015. The national police ministry said in August that overall gun-related crimes are continuing to rise, especially internet sales of guns, “seriously affecting public safety and stability and the people’s sense of security.”

You gotta love any organization that wrings its hands about “the people’s sense of security” rather than their actual security. Organizations like…all of America’s gun control advocacy groups. Orgs that would like nothing more than to see The Land of The Free become a gun-free people’s paradise — despite the fact that there is and can never be any such thing. Even under a brutal totalitarian regime.

Despite restrictions and public attitudes, handguns, rifles and other firearms still circulate in China. Primary sources include smuggling, theft and lax controls at arsenals and factories producing them for export or law enforcement. Others originate from small-scale workshops forging guns and homemade devices.

Last year, a Beijing judge was fatally shot by attackers armed with a homemade gun. A villager in the southern county of Dongyuan used a homemade shotgun to kill three people last summer in what was believed to be a property dispute.

A man from Hong Kong, a partly autonomous Chinese territory, was caught late in the year smuggling two dozen guns and thousands of ammunition rounds over the border by Shenzhen customs officials.

The Ministry of Public Security routinely announces crackdowns and sweeps urging citizens to turn in guns and call in tips for generous rewards. Hunan province last year began offering rewards as high as 100,000 yuan ($14,400) for tips pertaining to gun violations.
Interesting comment: “In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

That's right. And since we have beaten back the Democrats' totalitarian dreams at every turn, it's unlikely that we ever will be.
Yep.....good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns....

Chinese American in Chicago teaches fellow Chinese about guns (VIDEO)

“Unless you can take away all the guns from criminals, I will not give up my guns,” said Jun Wang, a software engineer living in Evanston, a few miles north of Chicago, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Wang was born and raised in China, where he played with toy guns and watched shows like Garrison’s Gorillas. Back then, he didn’t handle any real guns. But when he came to America in the mid-1990’s, he became concerned about his safety after hearing about violent crime, and incidents in which Asians are specifically targeted. Having little more than a kitchen knife for self defense, he decided to arm himself.

At first, his wife, Zhiling Lan, didn’t want him to buy any guns. But when he explained it was for their safety, she came around.

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

“I have two weapons always within easy reach,” says Wang in the beginning of the short documentary. “One is my shotgun. It’s always loaded. And the other one I usually take and give to Alan, because Alan knows how to use it. This is his rifle.”

Alan is Wang’s 13-year-old son. He’s been teaching his boy about gun use and safety for years, and Alan is proficient in the use of many kinds of guns. In the short doc, Alan loads his rifle with his eyes closed. Wang’s 7-year-old son, Aiden, isn’t allowed to touch the guns in the home quite yet, though in the documentary, Wang allows him to fire off a couple rounds at the range.

I guess your right wing more guns equals less crime theory; just got, denied and disparaged

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”
Yep.....good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns....

Chinese American in Chicago teaches fellow Chinese about guns (VIDEO)

“Unless you can take away all the guns from criminals, I will not give up my guns,” said Jun Wang, a software engineer living in Evanston, a few miles north of Chicago, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Wang was born and raised in China, where he played with toy guns and watched shows like Garrison’s Gorillas. Back then, he didn’t handle any real guns. But when he came to America in the mid-1990’s, he became concerned about his safety after hearing about violent crime, and incidents in which Asians are specifically targeted. Having little more than a kitchen knife for self defense, he decided to arm himself.

At first, his wife, Zhiling Lan, didn’t want him to buy any guns. But when he explained it was for their safety, she came around.

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

“I have two weapons always within easy reach,” says Wang in the beginning of the short documentary. “One is my shotgun. It’s always loaded. And the other one I usually take and give to Alan, because Alan knows how to use it. This is his rifle.”

Alan is Wang’s 13-year-old son. He’s been teaching his boy about gun use and safety for years, and Alan is proficient in the use of many kinds of guns. In the short doc, Alan loads his rifle with his eyes closed. Wang’s 7-year-old son, Aiden, isn’t allowed to touch the guns in the home quite yet, though in the documentary, Wang allows him to fire off a couple rounds at the range.

I guess your right wing more guns equals less crime theory; just got, denied and disparaged

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

And from my links you can see it isn't true numb nuts......chinese criminals, even in a police state, can still get guns....normal people like this man....can't.......and they get run over by tanks when they protest...because they don't have guns to fight back.....

And, moron........the fact is this....in the U.S. in the 1990s, we had 200 million guns in private hands, and over 4.7 million people carried guns for self defense....are you following so far? In 2016 we had 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense.....

In that time our gun murder rate...went down 47%......our violent crime rate......went down 77%.....so yes........more guns = less crime...that is in a country that is not a police state. The core belief of anti-gun fools such as yourself is wrong......your entire premise for gun control is wrong.......
Yep.....good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns....

Chinese American in Chicago teaches fellow Chinese about guns (VIDEO)

“Unless you can take away all the guns from criminals, I will not give up my guns,” said Jun Wang, a software engineer living in Evanston, a few miles north of Chicago, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Wang was born and raised in China, where he played with toy guns and watched shows like Garrison’s Gorillas. Back then, he didn’t handle any real guns. But when he came to America in the mid-1990’s, he became concerned about his safety after hearing about violent crime, and incidents in which Asians are specifically targeted. Having little more than a kitchen knife for self defense, he decided to arm himself.

At first, his wife, Zhiling Lan, didn’t want him to buy any guns. But when he explained it was for their safety, she came around.

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

“I have two weapons always within easy reach,” says Wang in the beginning of the short documentary. “One is my shotgun. It’s always loaded. And the other one I usually take and give to Alan, because Alan knows how to use it. This is his rifle.”

Alan is Wang’s 13-year-old son. He’s been teaching his boy about gun use and safety for years, and Alan is proficient in the use of many kinds of guns. In the short doc, Alan loads his rifle with his eyes closed. Wang’s 7-year-old son, Aiden, isn’t allowed to touch the guns in the home quite yet, though in the documentary, Wang allows him to fire off a couple rounds at the range.

I guess your right wing more guns equals less crime theory; just got, denied and disparaged

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

And from my links you can see it isn't true numb nuts......chinese criminals, even in a police state, can still get guns....normal people like this man....can't.......and they get run over by tanks when they protest...because they don't have guns to fight back.....

And, moron........the fact is this....in the U.S. in the 1990s, we had 200 million guns in private hands, and over 4.7 million people carried guns for self defense....are you following so far? In 2016 we had 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense.....

In that time our gun murder rate...went down 47%......our violent crime rate......went down 77%.....so yes........more guns = less crime...that is in a country that is not a police state. The core belief of anti-gun fools such as yourself is wrong......your entire premise for gun control is wrong.......
Just more national socialist right wing, propaganda?

All countries compared for Crime > Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents
Yep.....good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns....

Chinese American in Chicago teaches fellow Chinese about guns (VIDEO)

“Unless you can take away all the guns from criminals, I will not give up my guns,” said Jun Wang, a software engineer living in Evanston, a few miles north of Chicago, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Wang was born and raised in China, where he played with toy guns and watched shows like Garrison’s Gorillas. Back then, he didn’t handle any real guns. But when he came to America in the mid-1990’s, he became concerned about his safety after hearing about violent crime, and incidents in which Asians are specifically targeted. Having little more than a kitchen knife for self defense, he decided to arm himself.

At first, his wife, Zhiling Lan, didn’t want him to buy any guns. But when he explained it was for their safety, she came around.

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

“I have two weapons always within easy reach,” says Wang in the beginning of the short documentary. “One is my shotgun. It’s always loaded. And the other one I usually take and give to Alan, because Alan knows how to use it. This is his rifle.”

Alan is Wang’s 13-year-old son. He’s been teaching his boy about gun use and safety for years, and Alan is proficient in the use of many kinds of guns. In the short doc, Alan loads his rifle with his eyes closed. Wang’s 7-year-old son, Aiden, isn’t allowed to touch the guns in the home quite yet, though in the documentary, Wang allows him to fire off a couple rounds at the range.

I guess your right wing more guns equals less crime theory; just got, denied and disparaged

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

And from my links you can see it isn't true numb nuts......chinese criminals, even in a police state, can still get guns....normal people like this man....can't.......and they get run over by tanks when they protest...because they don't have guns to fight back.....

And, moron........the fact is this....in the U.S. in the 1990s, we had 200 million guns in private hands, and over 4.7 million people carried guns for self defense....are you following so far? In 2016 we had 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense.....

In that time our gun murder rate...went down 47%......our violent crime rate......went down 77%.....so yes........more guns = less crime...that is in a country that is not a police state. The core belief of anti-gun fools such as yourself is wrong......your entire premise for gun control is wrong.......
Just more national socialist right wing, propaganda?

All countries compared for Crime > Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents

No....I am a modern American conservative, not a democrat lefty.............and again...the criminals in the country drive the murder rate.......our criminals murder often, the criminals in Europe do not...even though they too get their hands on guns easily.....
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... ya don't wanna bring kung-fu...

... to a gunfight."
Yep.....good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns....

Chinese American in Chicago teaches fellow Chinese about guns (VIDEO)

“Unless you can take away all the guns from criminals, I will not give up my guns,” said Jun Wang, a software engineer living in Evanston, a few miles north of Chicago, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

Wang was born and raised in China, where he played with toy guns and watched shows like Garrison’s Gorillas. Back then, he didn’t handle any real guns. But when he came to America in the mid-1990’s, he became concerned about his safety after hearing about violent crime, and incidents in which Asians are specifically targeted. Having little more than a kitchen knife for self defense, he decided to arm himself.

At first, his wife, Zhiling Lan, didn’t want him to buy any guns. But when he explained it was for their safety, she came around.

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

“I have two weapons always within easy reach,” says Wang in the beginning of the short documentary. “One is my shotgun. It’s always loaded. And the other one I usually take and give to Alan, because Alan knows how to use it. This is his rifle.”

Alan is Wang’s 13-year-old son. He’s been teaching his boy about gun use and safety for years, and Alan is proficient in the use of many kinds of guns. In the short doc, Alan loads his rifle with his eyes closed. Wang’s 7-year-old son, Aiden, isn’t allowed to touch the guns in the home quite yet, though in the documentary, Wang allows him to fire off a couple rounds at the range.

I guess your right wing more guns equals less crime theory; just got, denied and disparaged

“In China, nobody has guns, and we (were) used to the environment (in which) nobody has a gun. Everyone will be safe,” Lan said. “But once you come to this country, you realize that this is not China.”

And from my links you can see it isn't true numb nuts......chinese criminals, even in a police state, can still get guns....normal people like this man....can't.......and they get run over by tanks when they protest...because they don't have guns to fight back.....

And, moron........the fact is this....in the U.S. in the 1990s, we had 200 million guns in private hands, and over 4.7 million people carried guns for self defense....are you following so far? In 2016 we had 357-400 million guns in private hands and over 15 million people carrying guns for self defense.....

In that time our gun murder rate...went down 47%......our violent crime rate......went down 77%.....so yes........more guns = less crime...that is in a country that is not a police state. The core belief of anti-gun fools such as yourself is wrong......your entire premise for gun control is wrong.......
Just more national socialist right wing, propaganda?

All countries compared for Crime > Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents

No....I am a modern American conservative, not a democrat lefty.............and again...the criminals in the country drive the murder rate.......our criminals murder often, the criminals in Europe do not...even though they too get their hands on guns easily.....
Only national socialist right wing fantasy.

The point is, more guns equals more crime.

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