If You Are Still A Birther -- You Are A Racist, Period...

8 pages on this useless troll thread??!?! I just contributed to it?!?!? UGH!
Trump is still reportedly pushing his racist "birther" conspiracy theory about Obama

I have little patience for people when it comes to the Obama birther conspiracy -- the simple fact is that if you ever trafficked in that BS or turned a blind eye to people around you engaging in that BS -- you are a racist, period.

Still to this day, you have over 40% of republicans who still believe Obama is not a citizen and was born in Kenya -- 40%?? They overwhelmingly support a man whose whole political credibility was born from his support of the birther movement. What's even funnier is that Obama has shown more evidence of his place of birth than Trump has -- Obama has released his long form certificate, had state officials vouch him, and his birth was announced in the local newspaper -- Trump on the other hand, was always believed to be a US citizen because he is white.

So explain to me how one can still call himself a birther or even try to claim they have some doubt about his place of birth, but not be a racist??

Dude, are you trying to convince yourself? Personally, I don't give a shit where Barrypuppet's slut mom squirted him out.....but the certificate of live birth that was put on the Dot Gov website was a fraud.
NO, the left uses different flavors of personal attacks, but just as unfounded and just as vile.
You for example, are a race baiter. That is incredibly vile and divisive.

Is Mr Powell a raced baiter too?

Colin Powell Is Right: Birtherism Is Racism

What do you think you just did there by citing Powell? I made a point. If you disagree, explain why or STFU,

Per usual, your point sucked. It falls right into the Pee Wee/ Francis bin .. a favorite these days with Trumptards.


I asked you to explain your point. That is the opposite of childish.
Your reluctance to answer suggests an answer.
One more chance for you to clarify your point, before I make it for you, leftie.

Oh please DO make it for me Orangeling - I succumb to your undeniable wisdumb :wink:

First of all, fuck you lefty.

Second of all, you brought up Colin Powell, because of your racist belief that his black skin makes him an expert on something.
NO, the left uses different flavors of personal attacks, but just as unfounded and just as vile.
You for example, are a race baiter. That is incredibly vile and divisive.

Is Mr Powell a raced baiter too?

Colin Powell Is Right: Birtherism Is Racism

What do you think you just did there by citing Powell? I made a point. If you disagree, explain why or STFU,

Per usual, your point sucked. It falls right into the Pee Wee/ Francis bin .. a favorite these days with Trumptards.


I asked you to explain your point. That is the opposite of childish.

Your reluctance to answer suggests an answer.

One more chance for you to clarify your point, before I make it for you, leftie.
Since Trump lovers, once they can't really refute any points always resort to the "both sides do it" defense

Can you show me where liberals have done this to Herman Cain or Ben Carson?? Liberals may have disagreed with Carson, but we didn't say he wasn't a real brain surgeon and he never went to "real college" -- we never questioned he was born in the US

and we never attacked his mother or called his children monkeys or his wife a man...can you show me a "both sides" example or will you continue to keep getting your weak deflections destroyed?

NO, you attacked them in other ways. I already covered that. Are you playing stupid?
Oh please DO make it for me Orangeling - I succumb to your undeniable wisdumb :wink:

First of all, fuck you lefty.
Second of all, you brought up Colin Powell, because of your racist belief that his black skin makes him an expert on something.

And fuck you back. Second of all, that ^ may be the goofiest thing you've ever said. No small feat .. there is a treasure trove of goofy in there.
Oh please DO make it for me Orangeling - I succumb to your undeniable wisdumb :wink:

First of all, fuck you lefty.
Second of all, you brought up Colin Powell, because of your racist belief that his black skin makes him an expert on something.

And fuck you back. Second of all, that ^ may be the goofiest thing you've ever said. No small feat .. there is a treasure trove of goofy in there.

And yet, if that is not the correct reason, it is strange that you are still keeping your "Real" reason a secret.

Almost like you were called on your racism, and you are trying to deflect from that truth. Maybe stall for time until you can invent a plausible sounding lie.

YOu race baiting piece of shit.
Trump is still reportedly pushing his racist "birther" conspiracy theory about Obama

I have little patience for people when it comes to the Obama birther conspiracy -- the simple fact is that if you ever trafficked in that BS or turned a blind eye to people around you engaging in that BS -- you are a racist, period.

Still to this day, you have over 40% of republicans who still believe Obama is not a citizen and was born in Kenya -- 40%?? They overwhelmingly support a man whose whole political credibility was born from his support of the birther movement. What's even funnier is that Obama has shown more evidence of his place of birth than Trump has -- Obama has released his long form certificate, had state officials vouch him, and his birth was announced in the local newspaper -- Trump on the other hand, was always believed to be a US citizen because he is white.

So explain to me how one can still call himself a birther or even try to claim they have some doubt about his place of birth, but not be a racist??

Fuck you and your OP it wasn't racist

It was about the Constituiton and the Hillary camp made it go National in the first place, it started when he was running for illinois senator.

And your "Hillary made us do it" excuse -- only emphasizes your level of stupidity....

You idiots should credit Andy Martin with your birther delusions since he started it in 2004 -- but blame it on Hillary if you like....doesn't change the fact that you folks still run with it today -- because Hillary made you? idiots...

The Man Behind the Whispers About Obama

It wasn't Hillary made us do it, it was her camp and once again who made it national and sheriff joe took off with it.

Trump made it national. The Birther in Chief.

Trump used the idiotic Birther claims until he got nominated by the Republicans- and then announced he suddenly believed Obama was born in the United States.

What changed? Only one thing- Trump got the nomination.

Trump used Birthers like he uses two bit whores.
If you observed this, you observed who is the first BIRTHER = QUEER-O

and that makes you RACIST.... apparently...

Who is the first Birther?

Not Barack Obama- since Barack Obama never claimed he was born in Hawaii.

The article you post wasn't even discovered by Birthers until 2011- 3 years after Birthers started their lies about Obama.

And of course- as you know- the editor of that article stated clearly that mistake was her mistake- and that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Not all Birthers were Birthers because they were racists. But all Birthers are idiots- and lots and lots of Birthers became Birthers because they couldn't stand the idea of a black man in the White House.
Bullshit I am a Chicago guy and followed that senate race for illinois when I lived there.

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

No shit .like I said and Hillary's camp made it go national..

Learn how to read, please and thank you

She did not start it. You are welcome.

I never said she did retard I said her camp made it go national in 2007 , sheriff Joe took over then Trump ..

Her camp had nothing to do with it. An outside supporter acting on his own bough it up. Arpiao continued and Trump increased it's visibility and national reach while making it an issue for several years.

And that supporter only passed on an email that was already being circulated.

It went national really in 2009 around the inaugeration- that is when I first heard about it. There were a couple of law suits- and then the crack Birthers went to work- a convicted con man was trying to sell a Kenyan Birth Certificate on line- Birthers loved that one- an anti-abortion cultist minister came up with a story, and a dentist/lawyer/real estate agent went on the war path.

All pretty much imploded and the whole thing was mostly a joke until Trump jumped in when he was testing the presidential campaign waters in 2011. Then Trump became the very visibile- and national face of Birther idiocy.
Trump is still reportedly pushing his racist "birther" conspiracy theory about Obama

I have little patience for people when it comes to the Obama birther conspiracy -- the simple fact is that if you ever trafficked in that BS or turned a blind eye to people around you engaging in that BS -- you are a racist, period.

Still to this day, you have over 40% of republicans who still believe Obama is not a citizen and was born in Kenya -- 40%?? They overwhelmingly support a man whose whole political credibility was born from his support of the birther movement. What's even funnier is that Obama has shown more evidence of his place of birth than Trump has -- Obama has released his long form certificate, had state officials vouch him, and his birth was announced in the local newspaper -- Trump on the other hand, was always believed to be a US citizen because he is white.

So explain to me how one can still call himself a birther or even try to claim they have some doubt about his place of birth, but not be a racist??

Fuck you and your OP it wasn't racist

It was about the Constituiton and the Hillary camp made it go National in the first place, it started when he was running for illinois senator.

Actually that is false.

Bullshit I am a Chicago guy and followed that senate race for illinois when I lived there.

No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Good article- and generally correct- the part about the senate race and Andy Martin is a key point.

But the first rumors about Barack Obama Jr. being born in Kenya started online in March of 2008 on right wing websites- and that was the genesis of the emails that started circulating and that the one Clinton supporter forwarded.

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