If you could pick your career ???

Anything works

I honestly wish I was a brilliant genius scientist !!
The next Einstein or Newton
I would settle for Feynman , Planck or Maxwell.
A Darwin or Tesla

I could be famous and change the world

We can wish

Dictator............UH.............I mean President of the USA!!!

That, or the Omnipotent Ruler of Earth.

I'm not that picky, either one will do.
Yeah- bet it would be almost as good as a sharp stick to the eyeball.
Damn. It's our first big fight! But can we survive it?

Would it help if I offered you a Bad Babtist?

I have done a number of things before I ended up in law school. Sort of like what happens to aspiring actors. I didn't even plan on law school. It just sort of happened.
Anything works

I honestly wish I was a brilliant genius scientist !!
The next Einstein or Newton
I would settle for Feynman , Planck or Maxwell.
A Darwin or Tesla

I could be famous and change the world

We can wish

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