If You Deny ‘Structural Racism’, You’re a Racist


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
More Science (TM) comin' at ya, hot:

“People who deny the existence of structural racism, a combination of institutional and societal factors that reinforce racial inequity, likely also exhibit anti-Black prejudices, a new study has found.”

Really? The only structural racism there is, is against WHITE PEOPLE. Yep, you heard that right! We white people are the only group that can't have our own month, can't be proud of who we're, can't get extra help in schools, the system doesn't bow down to us to get us as a white person into a job over everyone else and 50 million other things that non-white people get that we don't get.

There's literally a ton of laws, regs and benefits that non-white people get that we don't. Shined into law. I am so sick of this crap.
More Science (TM) comin' at ya, hot:

“People who deny the existence of structural racism, a combination of institutional and societal factors that reinforce racial inequity, likely also exhibit anti-Black prejudices, a new study has found.”

Kind of like in the old Motherland USSR where denying you hated the Party meant you hated the Party. Yeah, we get it.
The questions of that survey, and how they judged someone to be “racist,” were biased waaaaay to the left.

They said that people who deny the existence of structural racism ALSO tend to be opposed to “equity.” And being opposed to “equity,” the survey said, means you’re a racist.

And that is what we are seeing from today’s left. Unless you think blacks should be made to have the same OUTCOMES, on average as a group, as whites, then you’re racist.

There is no way that blacks will have equal outcomes, again as a group, to whites with a 74% out of wedlock birthrate, which is strongly correlated with poverty. if and when blacks get that OOW rate under control, and around the same as whites, we can then consider racism if they are still falling behind, as a group.

But to demand that girls (ooops….birthing people) who have babies they can’t afford and don’t complete their education have “equity” with a responsible girl who went to college, studied hard, worked to pay for it, and developed a career is ridiculous. Thinking so doesn’t make one racist, and it’s way past time we stop with the crap.
Studies, polls, etc., can be, and often are, manipulated to show ANY result it's creators desire in order to reinforce their argument.

Blacks have countless advantages in our society. From Affirmative Action, endless welfare handouts, lowered standards in schools and colleges, to hiring preferences that virtually erase qualifications only for blacks, on and on.

Blacks have incredible advantages today. And blacks can fix the problems that do exist in their own communities, IF THEY HAVE THE WILL TO DO SO. But it's time for blacks to step up and be honest about the problems they bring on themselves.

Blacks make their own decisions. They behave and act out according to their own choices. If they choose to commit crimes, do drugs, be worthless and lazy, drop babies like animals, they have to learn to take responsibility for those choices.

In most ways, blacks are their own worst enemies. They seem to choose to be hateful assholes just to show whitey they can get away with ANY disgusting behavior they choose to engage in.

They have to ask - HONESTLY - why would any sane person want to live near, work with, or have ANY kind of relationship with any group of people who seem capable only of causing endless problems?

What problems?
Destroying property, arson, riots, thievery, assault, being the worst and noisiest neighbors to be found. Refusing to take ANY responsibility for their own situation.

They can take this "study" and use it as toilet paper. That's THE only good it will ever serve.

Stop begging for free shit. Earn your own way. Respect is EARNED, not attained through brainless demands, whining, or attempted intimidation.
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Really? The only structural racism there is, is against WHITE PEOPLE. Yep, you heard that right! We white people are the only group that can't have our own month, can't be proud of who we're, can't get extra help in schools, the system doesn't bow down to us to get us as a white person into a job over everyone else and 50 million other things that non-white people get that we don't get.

There's literally a ton of laws, regs and benefits that non-white people get that we don't. Shined into law. I am so sick of this crap.
Whites have basically all 12 months. Whites have all kinds of heritage celebrations, whites have gotten extra help for nearly 246 years, the system has bowed to whites for the same nearly 246 years. There is nothing non whites get that whites don't get more of.

Stop whining and blaming your failure on non whites. Get a job. Get educated. Wear a rubber.

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