If you eat fried chicken with a fork you are a scumbag and a criminal.


Its too late for you drummy....
Whom ever puts ketchup on a hot dog must be put to death by a firing squad .

Normally, I would not be in favor of capital punishment ... however, in this instance, it is only justice.
What if you're like me and use a knife and fork on chicken so my hands don't become greasy and slimy? I'll have you know that I like the rough friction of my dry hands whenever I jack off (& orgasm like water from a broken fire hydrant, launching me off the bed and slamming me into the ceiling with the sheer force of its power). I need my hands to be rough and dry without chicken grease. In all sexual matters I like it "unlubed."
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Kinda depends where/how it’s being served for me. Others are free to do as they please.

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