If you give them no work

but if you give them welfare they will! :rolleyes:

there lies the answer.

No welfare then. Yes? Yes!:thup:

or rather

No? No welfare then:04:
Nothing wrong with working people here legally, but not in a dependent subsidizing of the wealthy kind of way.

Otherwise we shouldn't be allowing business owners to hire hords of low wage labor from another country, and then pay them $7.00 dollars an hour while the government gives the workers welfare, healthcare, free schooling for their children etc.

This inturn creates a huge disincentive for these same employers to hire or give decent fair employment offers to American's.

It got so bad that the nation's top commander and chief "Bush" at the time, used the sorry excuse of "hey they're just doing the Jobs American's won't do".... Total bullcrap and we know it.
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Nothing wrong with working people here legally, but not in a dependent subsidizing of the wealthy kind of way.

Otherwise we shouldn't be allowing business owners to hire hords of low wage labor from another country, and then pay them $7.00 dollars an hour while the government gives the workers welfare, healthcare, free schooling for their children etc.

This inturn creates a huge disincentive for these same employers to hire or give decent fair employment offers to American's.

It got so bad that the nation's top commander and chief "Bush" at the time, used the sorry excuse of "hey they're just doing the Jobs American's won't do".... Total bullcrap and we know it.
Cheap labor just fills the pockets of the business owner. It's not that the Americans won't do this work it's their parents do not want them to do this work
but if you give them welfare they will! :rolleyes:

there lies the answer.

No welfare then. Yes? Yes!:thup:

or rather

No? No welfare then:04:

Can I ask you a question. How do you think the welfare system works ?

You think illegals show up to the welfare office and are given a big bag of cash ?
Nothing wrong with working people here legally, but not in a dependent subsidizing of the wealthy kind of way.

Otherwise we shouldn't be allowing business owners to hire hords of low wage labor from another country, and then pay them $7.00 dollars an hour while the government gives the workers welfare, healthcare, free schooling for their children etc.

This inturn creates a huge disincentive for these same employers to hire or give decent fair employment offers to American's.

It got so bad that the nation's top commander and chief "Bush" at the time, used the sorry excuse of "hey they're just doing the Jobs American's won't do".... Total bullcrap and we know it.
Cheap labor just fills the pockets of the business owner. It's not that the Americans won't do this work it's their parents do not want them to do this work

The only work these young lost souls want today, is to get up from their ×-box after watching hours upon hours of shoot'em up bang bang video games, and to work on bringing that bullcrap into the real world.

The guy that just shot the 5 women dead in that bank, could have easily fit the video game profile easily.
Can I ask you a question. How do you think the welfare system works ?

You think illegals show up to the welfare office and are given a big bag of cash ?

Illegals apply for welfare for their children. They come here to have their children so that they can apply for and receive these taxpayer benefits. They end up with food stamps, housing, a monthly check, healthcare, day care, pubic education, and ultimately social security. Even though that thing is boke.

And if the child is eating welfare food and living under a welfare roof, warmed by welfare heat, cooled by welfare air conditioning, so are the parents. Do you think mom and baby daddy don't live there, too? That they aren't eating the food that the food stamps buy? That they aren't benefitting from the welfare provided amenities? Please.

End this unsupported, underinformed notion of birthright citizenship and this crap will end overnight. No place in the Constitution is birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants mentioned. No place. Not in any case law either. It's never even been adjudicated. Ever.
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Can I ask you a question. How do you think the welfare system works ?

You think illegals show up to the welfare office and are given a big bag of cash ?

Illegals apply for welfare for their children. The ycome here to have their children so that they can apply for and receive these benefits. They end up with food stamps, housing, a monthly check, healthcare, day care, pubic education, and ultimately social security. Even though that thing is boke.

And if the child is eating and living underr a welfare roof, so are the parents. Do you think mom and baby daddy doesn't live there, too? That they arenlt eating the food that the food stamps buy? That they aren't benefitting from the utilities the welfar check pays for? Please.

End this unsupported notion of birthright citizenship and this crap will end overnoight. Noplace i nthe Constitution is birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants mentioned. No place. Not in any case law. It's never been adjudicated. Ever.
Then why is trump going for a wall?
Then why is trump going for a wall?

They want National ID. All of them, Democrat and Republican. The only way they're gonna get it is by way of the manufactured fear factor, much the same as they did when they got us voluntarily dropping our pants below our ankles in order to get on an airplane.

And with National ID, freedom in America as we know it will be dead. They'll have access to nearly every fraction of our lives. I've read the past legislation. Others should read it as well. It was purposefully left open ended and was specifically stated as such so that the intelligence agencies could always come in there and have whatever else info on it that they wanted whenever they wanted it. They want 'full spectrum dominance.'

Remember this. When the people fear their government, it's tyranny. But when the government fears the people, its liberty.

National ID will usher in the former. And it will usher in the former simply because of the former and the government's fear of the latter.
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Then why is trump going for a wall?

They want National ID. Al of them, Democrat and Republican. Ther only eway theyrle gonna get it is themanufactured fear factor, much the same as they did whe nthey got us voluntarily dropping our pants below our ankes in order to get on an airplane.
I think support for closing loopholes for immigrants to get welfare would be a lot higher than it is for a wall...
Can I ask you a question. How do you think the welfare system works ?

You think illegals show up to the welfare office and are given a big bag of cash ?

Illegals apply for welfare for their children. They come here to have their children so that they can apply for and receive these taxpayer benefits. They end up with food stamps, housing, a monthly check, healthcare, day care, pubic education, and ultimately social security. Even though that thing is boke.

And if the child is eating welfare food and living under a welfare roof, warmed by welfare heat, cooled by welfare air conditioning, so are the parents. Do you think mom and baby daddy don't live there, too? That they aren't eating the food that the food stamps buy? That they aren't benefitting from the welfare provided amenities? Please.

End this unsupported, underinformed notion of birthright citizenship and this crap will end overnight. No place in the Constitution is birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants mentioned. No place. Not in any case law either. It's never even been adjudicated. Ever.

You are right that an American child is entitled to welfare . His illegal mom and dad are not. So their bennies are a fraction of those given to the 3 person American family . They can get extra food stamps . Still , that ain’t much of anything to live off . Someone is working and getting paid .

As for public school. So what. Would you rather have gangs if unschooled kids roaming your town all day ?
Then why is trump going for a wall?

They want National ID. Al of them, Democrat and Republican. Ther only eway theyrle gonna get it is themanufactured fear factor, much the same as they did whe nthey got us voluntarily dropping our pants below our ankes in order to get on an airplane.
I think support for closing loopholes for immigrants to get welfare would be a lot higher than it is for a wall...

That was done decades ago! Stupid cons fall for gop propaganda and are ignorant on how things work .
Can I ask you a question. How do you think the welfare system works ?

You think illegals show up to the welfare office and are given a big bag of cash ?

Illegals apply for welfare for their children. They come here to have their children so that they can apply for and receive these taxpayer benefits. They end up with food stamps, housing, a monthly check, healthcare, day care, pubic education, and ultimately social security. Even though that thing is boke.

And if the child is eating welfare food and living under a welfare roof, warmed by welfare heat, cooled by welfare air conditioning, so are the parents. Do you think mom and baby daddy don't live there, too? That they aren't eating the food that the food stamps buy? That they aren't benefitting from the welfare provided amenities? Please.

End this unsupported, underinformed notion of birthright citizenship and this crap will end overnight. No place in the Constitution is birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants mentioned. No place. Not in any case law either. It's never even been adjudicated. Ever.

Analysis: Illegal immigrants cost taxpayers $116 billion annually
You are right that an American child is entitled to welfare.

The child isn't entitles to jack squat nothin.

Birthright citizenship is not any place in the Constitution. Nor has it ever been adjudicated. Ever.

I'm not even gonna bother with reading the rest of your posting.
Then why is trump going for a wall?

They want National ID. All of them, Democrat and Republican. The only way they're gonna get it is by way of the manufactured fear factor, much the same as they did when they got us voluntarily dropping our pants below our ankles in order to get on an airplane.

And with National ID, freedom in America as we know it will be dead. They'll have access to nearly every fraction of our lives. I've read the past legislation. Othewrs should read it as well. It was purposefully left open ended and was specifically stated as such so that the intelligence agencies could always come in there and have whatever else info on it that they wanted whenever they wanted it. They want 'full spectrum dominance.'

Remember this. When the people fear their government, it's tyranny. But when the government fears the people, its liberty.

National ID will usher in the former. And it will usher in the former simply because of the former and fear of the latter.

Yeah, I heard all of this 55 years ago when they gave Canadians all ID cards. They swore it would only be used for tax purposes - it's now used by employers, banks, credit ratings services, and just about everywhere you go.

There was also a lot of fear of government using it against us but that hasn't happened so far.

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