If you hate Islam but supported Iraq......

How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

I fully supported overthrowing Saddam Hussein and his regime. Never cared for the whole nation building aspect. I've always said Bush was too liberal in his belief that Islam is a "religion of peace" and that Iraq could be built into some kind of peaceful society.

You are absolutely right, Islam is a religion that is inherently evil, and cannot and does not coexist with Western ideals of freedom and democracy.

What we should of done was carpet bomb the country pillar to post and we would have had far fewer casualities on our side. Of course the liberals would of screamed about it, but as it turns out they did anyway when we did it Bush's politically correct way.


What we should have done was sent a SF team in and killed Saadam and he sons and then told Iraq do what you wnat but we'll be back for the next guy if he messes with us.

This would have been far more tolerable.
I fully supported overthrowing Saddam Hussein and his regime. Never cared for the whole nation building aspect. I've always said Bush was too liberal in his belief that Islam is a "religion of peace" and that Iraq could be built into some kind of peaceful society.

You are absolutely right, Islam is a religion that is inherently evil, and cannot and does not coexist with Western ideals of freedom and democracy.

What we should of done was carpet bomb the country pillar to post and we would have had far fewer casualities on our side. Of course the liberals would of screamed about it, but as it turns out they did anyway when we did it Bush's politically correct way.


What we should have done was sent a SF team in and killed Saadam and he sons and then told Iraq do what you wnat but we'll be back for the next guy if he messes with us.

This would have been far more tolerable.

Glad you approve terrorist

What we should have done was sent a SF team in and killed Saadam and he sons and then told Iraq do what you wnat but we'll be back for the next guy if he messes with us.

This would have been far more tolerable.

Glad you approve terrorist

I don't, it just would have been more tolerable than the occupation and the accompanying slaughter of civilians.
How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

I fully supported overthrowing Saddam Hussein and his regime. Never cared for the whole nation building aspect. I've always said Bush was too liberal in his belief that Islam is a "religion of peace" and that Iraq could be built into some kind of peaceful society.

You are absolutely right, Islam is a religion that is inherently evil, and cannot and does not coexist with Western ideals of freedom and democracy.

What we should of done was carpet bomb the country pillar to post and we would have had far fewer casualities on our side. Of course the liberals would of screamed about it, but as it turns out they did anyway when we did it Bush's politically correct way.


What we should have done was sent a SF team in and killed Saadam and he sons and then told Iraq do what you wnat but we'll be back for the next guy if he messes with us.


what we should have done was nothing.
This would have been far more tolerable.

Glad you approve terrorist

I don't, it just would have been more tolerable than the occupation and the accompanying slaughter of civilians.

Well , let's ignore the fact that the US military is far and away the best military in the history of the world about going out of their way to limit civilian causalities, and let's also forget that Muslims are ever famous for hiding behind civilians and just ask one question.

How do you feel about the fact that your brothers killed 3,000 innocent civilians to start the entire mess?
Glad you approve terrorist

I don't, it just would have been more tolerable than the occupation and the accompanying slaughter of civilians.

Well , let's ignore the fact that the US military is far and away the best military in the history of the world about going out of their way to limit civilian causalities, and let's also forget that Muslims are ever famous for hiding behind civilians and just ask one question.

How do you feel about the fact that your brothers killed 3,000 innocent civilians to start the entire mess?

how many iraqis were on those planes? oh, that's right, none.

Well , let's ignore the fact that the US military is far and away the best military in the history of the world about going out of their way to limit civilian causalities,
Unnecessary invasions tend to lead to large numbers of those casualties. If the US was truly dedicated to limiting civilian casualties, America wouldn't have become involved in Iraq in the first place.

and let's also forget that Muslims are ever famous for hiding behind civilians

According to Zionists, yes.

and just ask one question.

How do you feel about the fact that your brothers killed 3,000 innocent civilians to start the entire mess?
I'm afraid that isn't a "fact"...
The war in Iraq was not intended to empower anyone, it was intended to take one tyrant, Saddam Hussein, out of power. The only way your question makes any sense is if we assume that rdean is correct that we meant to set up an Islamic theocracy. It isn't my fault you phased your question to support this if it was not your intent.

Actually, it was intended to take out WMDs.

After that went bust, it became about spreading democracy and our tactics for the overwhelming time we were there relied on creating a moderate Islamic state.

Now that we have cleared that up, do you care to comment on the question at hand, or are you going to continue to try and muck up my thread?

I understand it's a tough question for some people.

Not quite. From Day 1 the mission objectives were made clear. Rebuilding a democracy was there in the begining.

Eight Mission Objectives
At this point in time, it is appropriate to review each of the mission objectives and explain how the military has met its responsibilities and what steps are necessary by civilian authorities to secure the objectives. The eight mission objectives for Operation Iraqi Freedom are:

End the regime of Saddam Hussein. This objective was the most immediate and important purpose of the military operation. It is the one the U.S. military bore the lion's share of the responsibility for meeting. There is no question that this objective has been met. Saddam Hussein' regime no longer controls any significant portion of Iraqi territory. Hussein himself is either dead or in hiding. Only pockets of resistance remain.
Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. The military's primary responsibility regarding this mission objective was to remove these weapons from the physical control of the Iraqi regime so that they could be located and ultimately destroyed. This is an objective the military has met in the process of removing the regime from power. While the military may assist in the process of eliminating these weapons and associated support systems and facilities, this is task that should quickly become the responsibility of the intelligence community and technical specialists.
Capture or drive out terrorists. From the outset of the conflict, the U.S. military has sought to destroy terrorist infrastructure in Iraq. The preponderance of this infrastructure was found inside the Iraqi regime itself and was largely focused on terrorizing the Iraqi population. Regarding terrorists elements outside the Hussein regime, the most visible military action was to destroy the Ansar al-Islam cell located near Iraq's border with Iran.
Collect intelligence on terrorist networks. The military capture of key government ministries in Iraq should provide a treasure trove of intelligence regarding the Iraqi government's support for terrorists. The military has apprehended key regime officials. This will also allow U.S. intelligence officials to learn more about Iraqi's past support for terrorist activities, including any that may have been planned against the American people.
Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity. As with the objective of collecting intelligence on terrorist networks, the U.S. military has secured documents from relevant Iraqi government ministries on its illicit weapons programs. Likewise, it has in its custody a significant number of former Iraqi officials knowledgeable about its weapons program. Chief among them are senior scientists Lt. Gen. Amir Saadi and Jaffar Dhai Jaffar.
Secure Iraq's oil fields. Coalition military forces secured Iraq's southern oil fields in the early hours of the war. The U.S. stated on April 14th, that all of Iraq's major oil resources were under coalition control. Damage to these energy resources during the course of the military campaign is reported to be quite limited.
Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions. Even while the war was still underway, U.S. and coalition military forces started to deliver humanitarian relief to Iraqi civilians. This relief effort is expanding. Sanctions on Iraq were imposed by the United Nations Security Council as a result of the Hussein regime's unwillingness to abandon its weapons of mass destruction and terrorist programs, account for individuals missing from the 1991 Persian Gulf War, and stop its repression of the Iraqi civilian population. With the military action to remove the Hussein regime a success, a new interim Iraqi government, with U.S. and coalition assistance by civilian authorities, should quickly move to meet the requirements of the U.N. Security Council resolutions. On this basis, U.N. sanctions against Iraq should come to an end.
Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity. Representative government in Iraq was impossible as long as the Hussein regime remained in power there. Removal of the regime by military action was the primary means for facilitating the transition to representative rule. Ultimately, the responsibility for a more democratic government in Iraq is with the Iraqi people and beyond the scope of the responsibilities of U.S. and coalition military forces. They have made their contribution to the fulfillment of this mission objective. Further, coalition forces have fought the war in a way designed to discourage separatist movements within Iraq. This is particularly the case regarding Kurdish elements in the north. It has also successfully deter large scale incursions into Iraq by Iranian and Turkish forces.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met | The Heritage Foundation
I don't, it just would have been more tolerable than the occupation and the accompanying slaughter of civilians.

Well , let's ignore the fact that the US military is far and away the best military in the history of the world about going out of their way to limit civilian causalities, and let's also forget that Muslims are ever famous for hiding behind civilians and just ask one question.

How do you feel about the fact that your brothers killed 3,000 innocent civilians to start the entire mess?

how many iraqis were on those planes? oh, that's right, none.


Who said Iraqis? Kalam and I are talking about Islam, not Iraq, do try to keep up.
Well , let's ignore the fact that the US military is far and away the best military in the history of the world about going out of their way to limit civilian causalities,
Unnecessary invasions tend to lead to large numbers of those casualties. If the US was truly dedicated to limiting civilian casualties, America wouldn't have become involved in Iraq in the first place.

and let's also forget that Muslims are ever famous for hiding behind civilians

According to Zionists, yes.

and just ask one question.

How do you feel about the fact that your brothers killed 3,000 innocent civilians to start the entire mess?
I'm afraid that isn't a "fact"...

I was there twice, you pussies hide behind civilians, that's a fact.

As for my question. So you claim the victims of 9/11 were in fact not innocent?
How do you reconcile the fact that you supported a war that relied largely on the notion that we could empower a moderate faction of a religion that you think is incapable of having a moderate faction?

Just curious. It's a question I have often asked warhawk Islamophobes and have never really gotten a good answer.

More succinctly: If you think Islam embraces an inherently evil doctrine that can not be refined, how could you support nation building in an Islamic country?

I fully supported overthrowing Saddam Hussein and his regime. Never cared for the whole nation building aspect. I've always said Bush was too liberal in his belief that Islam is a "religion of peace" and that Iraq could be built into some kind of peaceful society.

You are absolutely right, Islam is a religion that is inherently evil, and cannot and does not coexist with Western ideals of freedom and democracy.

What we should of done was carpet bomb the country pillar to post and we would have had far fewer casualities on our side. Of course the liberals would of screamed about it, but as it turns out they did anyway when we did it Bush's politically correct way.


What we should have done was sent a SF team in and killed Saadam and he sons and then told Iraq do what you wnat but we'll be back for the next guy if he messes with us.

Heh, sounds all good but what happens if shit goes wrong and they get captured? Better to have just dropped a cruise missile on his ass.
It's Chess. It ain't Checkers. The Iraq & Afghan Governments will now be American allies. Obviously they weren't before the Wars. That's what it's all about in the end. There's a lot of money to be made in Iraq and Afghanistan. We will be one of the first nations to make some of that money. Afghanistan has a lot of untapped resources. In time they could actually become a fairly wealthy nation. It will be some time though. Iraq could do very well in the future as well.

It's all about allies in the end and we just gained two more. The biggest lesson learned in all this is...It's probably better to just be our friends. If you make an enemy of us,it probably wont end too well for your nation. Iran & North Korea should learn this lesson. Making us their enemy is probably a very big mistake on their part. It will not end well for either nation. Personally i don't support Interventionism & Nation-Building but in some cases it has proven advantageous for us. I guess we'll see how it all shakes out in Afghanistan and Iraq though. My guess is that they will be our allies but they will be far from perfect Democracies. They will also continue to have radicals in their countries. In the end we don't care though. Just be our friend and everyone will make money and prosper. It really is Chess. It definitely ain't Checkers.
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It's Chess. It ain't Checkers. The Iraq & Afghan Governments will now be American allies. Obviously they weren't before the Wars. That's what it's all about in the end. There's a lot of money to be made in Iraq and Afghanistan. We will be one of the first nations to make some of that money. Afghanistan has a lot of untapped resources. In time they could actually become a fairly wealthy nation. It will be some time though. Iraq could do very well in the future as well.

It's all about allies in the end and we just gained two more. The biggest lesson learned in all this is...It's probably better to just be our friends. If you make an enemy of us,it probably wont end too well for your nation. Iran & North Korea should learn this lesson. Making us their enemy is probably a very big mistake on their part. It will not end well for either nation. Personally i don't support Interventionism & Nation-Building but in some cases it has proven advantageous for us. I guess we'll see how it all shakes out in Afghanistan and Iraq. My guess is that they will be our allies but they will be far from perfect Democracies. They will also continue to have radicals in their countries. In the end we don't care though. Just be our friend and everyone will make money and prosper. It really is Chess. It definitely ain't Checkers.

That doesn't make much sense to me. I don't want to make any money off of them. Muslims cannot be delt with in a reasonable manner, their religion simply cannot co-exist with our freedoms and way of life.

Sooner or later it will be us or them. Time to prepare for that day.
I was there twice, you pussies hide behind civilians, that's a fact.
Anecdotal evidence is unimpressive. The Iraqis I've talked to have all made it clear that many of you folks had about as much disdain for their lives as al-Qa'idah.

As for my question. So you claim the victims of 9/11 were in fact not innocent?

Actually, I was claiming that 9/11 did not, in fact, have anything to do with Iraq.
I was there twice, you pussies hide behind civilians, that's a fact.
Anecdotal evidence is unimpressive. The Iraqis I've talked to have all made it clear that many of you folks had about as much disdain for their lives as al-Qa'idah.

As for my question. So you claim the victims of 9/11 were in fact not innocent?

Actually, I was claiming that 9/11 did not, in fact, have anything to do with Iraq.

Bullshit, how dare you question the integrity of the US military, given the behavior of your religion/cult

AS for 9/11, we were talking about Islam, not Iraq, so don't act like oh the Iraqis weren't there. Let me be clearer , how do you feel about the fact that your Brother Islamic terrorists killed 3000 innocent Americans in one day?
It's Chess. It ain't Checkers. The Iraq & Afghan Governments will now be American allies. Obviously they weren't before the Wars. That's what it's all about in the end. There's a lot of money to be made in Iraq and Afghanistan. We will be one of the first nations to make some of that money. Afghanistan has a lot of untapped resources. In time they could actually become a fairly wealthy nation. It will be some time though. Iraq could do very well in the future as well.

It's all about allies in the end and we just gained two more. The biggest lesson learned in all this is...It's probably better to just be our friends. If you make an enemy of us,it probably wont end too well for your nation. Iran & North Korea should learn this lesson. Making us their enemy is probably a very big mistake on their part. It will not end well for either nation. Personally i don't support Interventionism & Nation-Building but in some cases it has proven advantageous for us. I guess we'll see how it all shakes out in Afghanistan and Iraq. My guess is that they will be our allies but they will be far from perfect Democracies. They will also continue to have radicals in their countries. In the end we don't care though. Just be our friend and everyone will make money and prosper. It really is Chess. It definitely ain't Checkers.

That doesn't make much sense to me. I don't want to make any money off of them. Muslims cannot be delt with in a reasonable manner, their religion simply cannot co-exist with our freedoms and way of life.

Sooner or later it will be us or them. Time to prepare for that day.

Well i hear ya but i disagree a bit. Most Muslims just want to live life like the rest of us. They want to have a decent paying job and educate their children. We've been doing an awful lot of business with Muslim Nations for many years. We still do. The Radicals have gained ground in recent years but they will be defeated in the end. It will take some time but they will be defeated.

Our biggest mistake has been not allowing Muslims themselves in these nations to deal with their radicals the way they see fit. They have dealt with radicals before in these nations and do know how to deal with them. Their methods are harsh and extreme by our Western standards but they work. We have brought our Western sensibilities with us to these nations and have screwed things up. We should just get out of the way and let Muslims in these nations deal with their radicals. We shouldn't pass judgment on their methods. We should just shut up and get out of the way.

Also keep in mind,they don't have to be perfect Democracies to be our friends. We have to get away from the misguided thinking that they have to be just like us to be our friends. We do an awful lot of business with China for example. We just gained a couple of allies in Iraq & Afghanistan. They wont be perfect nations but they will be our friends. We need to start being satisfied with that.
Bullshit, how dare you question the integrity of the US military, given the behavior of your religion/cult
Frankly, I believe the people who had to live through it over you.

AS for 9/11, we were talking about Islam, not Iraq, so don't act like oh the Iraqis weren't there. Let me be clearer , how do you feel about the fact that your Brother Islamic terrorists killed 3000 innocent Americans in one day?
Islam does not condone operations that target non-combatants, and neither do I.

How do you feel about your brother invaders perpetrating the following atrocities:
Mahmudiyah killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Haditha killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blackwater Baghdad shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hamdania incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ishaqi incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mukaradeeb wedding party massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deh Bala wedding party bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Azizabad airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uruzgan helicopter attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kunduz airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Granai airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sangin airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

et cetera?
Bullshit, how dare you question the integrity of the US military, given the behavior of your religion/cult
Frankly, I believe the people who had to live through it over you.

AS for 9/11, we were talking about Islam, not Iraq, so don't act like oh the Iraqis weren't there. Let me be clearer , how do you feel about the fact that your Brother Islamic terrorists killed 3000 innocent Americans in one day?
Islam does not condone operations that target non-combatants, and neither do I.

How do you feel about your brother invaders perpetrating the following atrocities:
Mahmudiyah killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Haditha killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Blackwater Baghdad shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hamdania incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ishaqi incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mukaradeeb wedding party massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deh Bala wedding party bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Azizabad airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Uruzgan helicopter attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kunduz airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Granai airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sangin airstrike - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

et cetera?

you did not answer the question.

See scumbag, I will gladly and publicly say that ANY American who committed war crimes against Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, should be tried for war crimes and punished accordingly.

So, I'll ask again. How do you feel about teh Muslim scumbags who killed 3000 innocent Americans?
The Wars are over. There are U.S.-Friendly Governments now in both Iraq and Afghanistan. That's the most important thing in the whole scheme of things. If i were North Korea & Iran,i really would re-think that whole 'Hate America' thing. History shows that stance can be very bad your health.
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you did not answer the question.

See scumbag, I will gladly and publicly say that ANY American who committed war crimes against Muslims, or anyone else for that matter, should be tried for war crimes and punished accordingly.

So, I'll ask again. How do you feel about teh Muslim scumbags who killed 3000 innocent Americans?

They're dead. If they were alive, I would support punishing them in accordance with Shari'ah. Hirabah (unlawful warfare) of such an extreme degree is a capital offense and carries crucifixion and/or alternate amputation as a punishment.

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