If you like conspiracy theories....


Older than dirt
Nov 5, 2009
Redneck Riviera
get a load of this little known fact.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics when it is open in the normal course of business issues the Monthly Labor Report (the one with unemployment figures) promptly at 9:30 A.M. Eastern Time on the first Friday of each month. Of course the government shutdown will delay this event until the budget scuffle is resolved. Here is what the BLS website has to say:

Bureau of Labor Statistics website recovered 10/04/2013 said:
Special Notice:
This website is currently not being updated due to the suspension of Federal government services. The last update to the site was Monday, September 30. During the shutdown period BLS will not collect data, issue reports, or respond to public inquiries. Updates to the site will start again when the Federal government resumes operations.

Note that if the BLS will not "collect data" during the shutdown, it should have processed the September data already collected. The MLR has two sources, the household survey conducted by the Bureau of the Census and the establishment survey conducted by the BLS itself from a sample of employment tax records. Both of these should have been in house by the cutoff for the government shutdown (or if not in normal processing they should have been in anticipation of the shutdown; I haven't found the BLS shutdown plan yet).

It may not "issue reports", but that doesn't mean it doesn't already have the September report.

Now for the good part. A few government officials get an advance look at the report. While the list is semi-secret and unpublished, Shiela Bair, former Chairperson of the FDIC mentions the list in her autobiography (she was on the list if there was anything that might impact the banking system) which included the Secretary of the Treasury, the heads of the SEC, Federal Reserve, and FDIC.

So here is the question for the conspiracy theorists:
Where is the report and who knows what's in it?

So what say all? Who do you think has a copy of the missing report this morning? Whose office would you stake out looking for signs of unusual activity?
They also get numbers from the new jobs reported by payroll paper work to allow them to forecast and update. But it may come with a disclaimer about the lack of information for a full analysis.
Not surprising. All lies anyway. Do people still think their Government tells them the truth?
Not surprising. All lies anyway. Do people still think their Government tells them the truth?

I don't think the government - yours and mine - even KNOW the truth. Partly because they are not interested in finding it out and partly because hey would not recognise it if it sneaked up behind them and bit them on the arse.

Governments don't do truth, they do 'information'.
get a load of this little known fact.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics when it is open in the normal course of business issues the Monthly Labor Report (the one with unemployment figures) promptly at 9:30 A.M. Eastern Time on the first Friday of each month. Of course the government shutdown will delay this event until the budget scuffle is resolved. Here is what the BLS website has to say:

Bureau of Labor Statistics website recovered 10/04/2013 said:
Special Notice:
This website is currently not being updated due to the suspension of Federal government services. The last update to the site was Monday, September 30. During the shutdown period BLS will not collect data, issue reports, or respond to public inquiries. Updates to the site will start again when the Federal government resumes operations.

Note that if the BLS will not "collect data" during the shutdown, it should have processed the September data already collected. The MLR has two sources, the household survey conducted by the Bureau of the Census and the establishment survey conducted by the BLS itself from a sample of employment tax records. Both of these should have been in house by the cutoff for the government shutdown (or if not in normal processing they should have been in anticipation of the shutdown; I haven't found the BLS shutdown plan yet).

It may not "issue reports", but that doesn't mean it doesn't already have the September report.

Now for the good part. A few government officials get an advance look at the report. While the list is semi-secret and unpublished, Shiela Bair, former Chairperson of the FDIC mentions the list in her autobiography (she was on the list if there was anything that might impact the banking system) which included the Secretary of the Treasury, the heads of the SEC, Federal Reserve, and FDIC.

So here is the question for the conspiracy theorists:
Where is the report and who knows what's in it?

So what say all? Who do you think has a copy of the missing report this morning? Whose office would you stake out looking for signs of unusual activity?

Collection for the household survey ended on the 21st. That means they had 6 days to work on it...not enough time to finish. Similar problems with the payroll survey.

As for "advance copies".....That advance Is 30 minutes for everyone except thechairman of the council of economic advisers who gets it the night before release and can share it with the President. So there was no report done and literally no one knows the final data.

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