If You Make Under a Hundred Grand You Will Take it On The Chin


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike
Dude, the hyperbole really does not do the cause any good.
I know ... it's like some pathetic loser whining a year later about his girlfriend leaving him for a better man.
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So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb under this plan.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them an irate message next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike
Well you keep proving that you are a far left drone that does not understand anything beyond far left religious dogma.

But since there are already several threads (10 at least) on this I will say it again here.

The house passed a bill and the senate passed a similar bill and the two have to go into conference to work out all the details.

Nothing is final and any speculation is not based on any bill that is being worked on or passed as of yet!

So once again the far left proves they do not understand how the government works.

Proof the far left should never be in charge of anything!
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

You mean big city Democrats are getting a tax increase? Hmmm, I can't think of anything more poetic. I guess it's true that you should be careful what you wish for.

Some of you might be thinking $112,500 – $190,500 isn’t a middle class individual income, but I absolutely believe it is for 50% of the country who live in expensive coastal cities and other large cities such as Denver and Chicago.

If we believe we shouldn’t responsibly spend much more than 3X our gross annual income on a home, then all an individual earning $112,500 – $190,150 can afford is a $337,500 – $570,450 home.

With the median home price over $1M in SF and NYC, you’ve got to earn closer to $330,000 just to buy something mediocre! Even with a $190,150 salary, you can barely afford the median $505,000 Boston home. You’re certainly stretching to afford a $594,600 median home in Seattle as well.
guess that you'll be taking it on the chin eh ?? Look on the bright side , it looks like 'mrobamas' obamacare mandate is PROBABLY going to disappear RDave .
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb under this plan.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them an irate message next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

Your link does not support your claim in the thread title at all.

The tax increase for those making well OVER 100k per year. Not for those making UNDER 100k.
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Same fake news propaganda reported in each stage of the process of fixing and tweaking the Bill even after the concerns have been addressed in those stages if ever existed at all.
Funny how Dem Senators complained they had no info of what's in the Bill and others blasting what they had no knowledge of yet liken to this OP. *L*
Get a new Shtick! This is a warn out tactic already.

By the way, you are donating your unwanted tax breaks to
US Message Boards right? RIGHT? *L* Didn't think so.

*HEY administrators of this site,
I tried.
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

You mean big city Democrats are getting a tax increase? Hmmm, I can't think of anything more poetic. I guess it's true that you should be careful what you wish for.

Some of you might be thinking $112,500 – $190,500 isn’t a middle class individual income, but I absolutely believe it is for 50% of the country who live in expensive coastal cities and other large cities such as Denver and Chicago.

If we believe we shouldn’t responsibly spend much more than 3X our gross annual income on a home, then all an individual earning $112,500 – $190,150 can afford is a $337,500 – $570,450 home.

With the median home price over $1M in SF and NYC, you’ve got to earn closer to $330,000 just to buy something mediocre! Even with a $190,150 salary, you can barely afford the median $505,000 Boston home. You’re certainly stretching to afford a $594,600 median home in Seattle as well.
Some small down republican crackers taxes will be getting increases too Hope you're one of them
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

You mean big city Democrats are getting a tax increase? Hmmm, I can't think of anything more poetic. I guess it's true that you should be careful what you wish for.

Some of you might be thinking $112,500 – $190,500 isn’t a middle class individual income, but I absolutely believe it is for 50% of the country who live in expensive coastal cities and other large cities such as Denver and Chicago.

If we believe we shouldn’t responsibly spend much more than 3X our gross annual income on a home, then all an individual earning $112,500 – $190,150 can afford is a $337,500 – $570,450 home.

With the median home price over $1M in SF and NYC, you’ve got to earn closer to $330,000 just to buy something mediocre! Even with a $190,150 salary, you can barely afford the median $505,000 Boston home. You’re certainly stretching to afford a $594,600 median home in Seattle as well.

With the median home price over $1M in SF and NYC, you’ve got to earn closer to $330,000 just to buy something mediocre! Even with a $190,150 salary, you can barely afford the median $505,000 Boston home.

The author mistakenly thinks the median homeowner is the median taxpayer.
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike
This is neither tax ‘reform’ nor a tax ‘cut.’

It’s more of the same failed, wrongheaded conservative economic dogma: cut taxes for the rich and corporations.

The result: nothing will ‘trickle down.’

The windfall that will go to the wealthy and corporate entities will not be used to expand production, increase economic growth, or create more jobs.

Rather, the windfall will be used solely to enrich investors and shareholders; middle and low-income Americans will continue to see their wages stagnate, the earnings gap will only increase, as high-paying jobs start to become scarce.

And the tax legislation will add more than 1 trillion dollars to the Federal deficit.

So much for the GOP being the party of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

Conservative economic dogma is clearly the definition of insanity.
You started the same thread twice within 10 minutes of each other...
The GOP better hope that their tax scheme helps the middle class, that's all I can say...
when pigs fly

They don't have to. When the time comes, they'll distract by drawing the Trump supporters' attention to some scapegoat, like foreigners, libruls, deep state, or black people. And it'll work.

Trump has proven that he's invincible as long as he remains tapped into the hatred that spurs these people.

"My job's not comin' back? Less money than before? Well, thas' all right, as long as those filthy minorities are still lower on the totem pole than I am."
The second left wing post that focuses on "cancer treatment" and the tax overhaul? Give it a rest lefties, the reality is that the ACA is already breaking the middle class with 100g medical deductibles that put them in the poor house. Trump's tax overhaul is the best thing that happened to the middle class since the media threw away Carter's "misery index" after Reagan won the election.

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