If You Make Under a Hundred Grand You Will Take it On The Chin

So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike
This is neither tax ‘reform’ nor a tax ‘cut.’

It’s more of the same failed, wrongheaded conservative economic dogma: cut taxes for the rich and corporations.

The result: nothing will ‘trickle down.’

The windfall that will go to the wealthy and corporate entities will not be used to expand production, increase economic growth, or create more jobs.

Rather, the windfall will be used solely to enrich investors and shareholders; middle and low-income Americans will continue to see their wages stagnate, the earnings gap will only increase, as high-paying jobs start to become scarce.

And the tax legislation will add more than 1 trillion dollars to the Federal deficit.

So much for the GOP being the party of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

Conservative economic dogma is clearly the definition of insanity.
Obama directed a windfall for the wealthy for eight long years and you loved it. Are you suddenly awake now or could it be you are mistaken?
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

From your article....

"Higher interest rates are already a tax on consumers through higher mortgage rates, higher student loan rates and higher consumer loan rates".

I have to laugh at the term "loan" since all loaned "money" is created out of thin air and the sweat equity of the "borrower" pays interest on money that never existed to begin with while trying to pay down the principle on THAT money that never existed and was simply typed into the accounts via a keyboard.
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.

Fine with me, so long as the overall amount of money going to the Government is reduced.

Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.

Medicare is illegal. They can all die for all I care. Got my wife off it as soon.as we got married.
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

From your article....

"Higher interest rates are already a tax on consumers through higher mortgage rates, higher student loan rates and higher consumer loan rates".

I have to laugh at the term "loan" since all loaned "money" is created out of thin air and the sweat equity of the "borrower" pays interest on money that never existed to begin with while trying to pay down the principle on THAT money that never existed and was simply typed into the accounts via a keyboard.

I have to laugh at the term "loan" since all loaned "money" is created out of thin air

That's awful!!

You should start your own bank with no money and no deposits and try to make some of those "out of thin air" money loans. Let us know when your bail hearing is scheduled.
guess that you'll be taking it on the chin eh ?? Look on the bright side , it looks like 'mrobamas' obamacare mandate is PROBABLY going to disappear RDave .

Wasn't in the house version so we'll see what they come together with, at any rate, would not take effect until 2019.
The second left wing post that focuses on "cancer treatment" and the tax overhaul? Give it a rest lefties, the reality is that the ACA is already breaking the middle class with 100g medical deductibles that put them in the poor house. Trump's tax overhaul is the best thing that happened to the middle class since the media threw away Carter's "misery index" after Reagan won the election.

What is 100g medical deductible?
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

Kick out the obamacare mandate and the country wins.
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

You mean big city Democrats are getting a tax increase? Hmmm, I can't think of anything more poetic. I guess it's true that you should be careful what you wish for.

Some of you might be thinking $112,500 – $190,500 isn’t a middle class individual income, but I absolutely believe it is for 50% of the country who live in expensive coastal cities and other large cities such as Denver and Chicago.

If we believe we shouldn’t responsibly spend much more than 3X our gross annual income on a home, then all an individual earning $112,500 – $190,150 can afford is a $337,500 – $570,450 home.

With the median home price over $1M in SF and NYC, you’ve got to earn closer to $330,000 just to buy something mediocre! Even with a $190,150 salary, you can barely afford the median $505,000 Boston home. You’re certainly stretching to afford a $594,600 median home in Seattle as well.

I love it...

President Donald J. Trump

is sticking it in the big city liberals ass...

So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

You mean big city Democrats are getting a tax increase? Hmmm, I can't think of anything more poetic. I guess it's true that you should be careful what you wish for.

Some of you might be thinking $112,500 – $190,500 isn’t a middle class individual income, but I absolutely believe it is for 50% of the country who live in expensive coastal cities and other large cities such as Denver and Chicago.

If we believe we shouldn’t responsibly spend much more than 3X our gross annual income on a home, then all an individual earning $112,500 – $190,150 can afford is a $337,500 – $570,450 home.

With the median home price over $1M in SF and NYC, you’ve got to earn closer to $330,000 just to buy something mediocre! Even with a $190,150 salary, you can barely afford the median $505,000 Boston home. You’re certainly stretching to afford a $594,600 median home in Seattle as well.
Some small down republican crackers taxes will be getting increases too Hope you're one of them

Just the crackers, that's racist...
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike
This is neither tax ‘reform’ nor a tax ‘cut.’

It’s more of the same failed, wrongheaded conservative economic dogma: cut taxes for the rich and corporations.

The result: nothing will ‘trickle down.’

The windfall that will go to the wealthy and corporate entities will not be used to expand production, increase economic growth, or create more jobs.

Rather, the windfall will be used solely to enrich investors and shareholders; middle and low-income Americans will continue to see their wages stagnate, the earnings gap will only increase, as high-paying jobs start to become scarce.

And the tax legislation will add more than 1 trillion dollars to the Federal deficit.

So much for the GOP being the party of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

Conservative economic dogma is clearly the definition of insanity.

You are so full of shit...
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb under this plan.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them an irate message next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

Your link does not support your claim in the thread title at all.

The tax increase for those making well OVER 100k per year. Not for those making UNDER 100k.
Well when your objectives are to make shit up he’s done quite nicely
So many Trump supporters will have their taxes raised with this new abortion of a bill.
Any of your relatives who have Medicare who are undergoing cancer treatment will now be kicked to the curb.
Will the cultists have the balls to raise their voices against Trump and the
GOP and send them a message of discontent next November?

How To Prepare For Trump's Middle Class Tax Hike

You mean big city Democrats are getting a tax increase? Hmmm, I can't think of anything more poetic. I guess it's true that you should be careful what you wish for.

Some of you might be thinking $112,500 – $190,500 isn’t a middle class individual income, but I absolutely believe it is for 50% of the country who live in expensive coastal cities and other large cities such as Denver and Chicago.

If we believe we shouldn’t responsibly spend much more than 3X our gross annual income on a home, then all an individual earning $112,500 – $190,150 can afford is a $337,500 – $570,450 home.

With the median home price over $1M in SF and NYC, you’ve got to earn closer to $330,000 just to buy something mediocre! Even with a $190,150 salary, you can barely afford the median $505,000 Boston home. You’re certainly stretching to afford a $594,600 median home in Seattle as well.
Some small down republican crackers taxes will be getting increases too Hope you're one of them
What a white guy

I have to laugh at the term "loan" since all loaned "money" is created out of thin air

That's awful!!

You should start your own bank with no money and no deposits and try to make some of those "out of thin air" money loans. Let us know when your bail hearing is scheduled.

You're a very good troll. Really. You are. You're definitely a statist, because you support that monetary policy whereas the government tells the market what to do, but you are a darned good troll. You're clever at it. You're kind of rubbing the sytem in his face here is all you're doing.

Pretty much all of your posts on economics are troll posts. It's hilarious.
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I have to laugh at the term "loan" since all loaned "money" is created out of thin air

That's awful!!

You should start your own bank with no money and no deposits and try to make some of those "out of thin air" money loans. Let us know when your bail hearing is scheduled.

You're a very good troll. Really. You are. You're definitely a statist, because you support that monetary policy whereas the government tells the market what to do, but you are a darned good troll. You're clever at it. You're kind of rubbing the sytem in his face here is all you're doing.

You're definitely a statist, because you support that monetary policy whereas the government tells the market what to do

The government tells the market what to do? In what sense?

You're kind of rubbing the sytem in his face here is all you're doing

I'm rubbing his idiocy in his face.
Don't ask him about chemtrails........please.
The government tells the market what to do? In what sense?

I'm rubbing his idiocy in his face.
Don't ask him about chemtrails........please.

Well, I don't chemtrails, but what I mean by what I said is that we don't have a free market capitalist economic system where the free markets tell the government what to do. We just don't. And you know that. We have economic interventionism. We have a planned economy. We have a welfare state. We have inflationism (correctly defined means an increase in the supply of money and credit. Rising prices are only a consequence) We have central economic planning by a central bank. We have a belief in deficit financing. It is so far removed from free-market capitalism that it’s foolish for people to label it free market and put it into context with capitlism in the same sentence.

What strikes me is that you're defending it. At least, seemingly. But you're not really making a case for it. You're avoiding having to by simply trolling any discussion about it. But you're doing a good job at it. Heck, I respect a good trolling effort. It's funny sometimes. I do it myself once in a while if I'm in the mood.
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The government tells the market what to do? In what sense?

I'm rubbing his idiocy in his face.
Don't ask him about chemtrails........please.

Well, I don't chemtrails, but what I mean by what I said is that we don't have a free market capitalist economic system where the free markets tell the government what to do. We just don't. And you know that. We have economic interventionism. We have a planned economy. We have a welfare state. We have inflationism (correctly defined means an increase in the supply of money and credit. Rising prices are only a consequence) We have central economic planning by a central bank. We have a belief in deficit financing. It is so far removed from free-market capitalism that it’s foolish for people to label it free market and put it into context with capitlism in the same sentence.

What strikes me is that you're defending it. At least, seemingly. But you're not really making a case for it. You're avoiding having to by simply trolling any discussion about it. But you're doing a good job at it. Heck, I respect a good trolling effort. It's funny sometimes. I do it myself once in a while if I'm in the mood.

but what I mean by what I said is that we don't have a free market capitalist economic system where the free markets tell the government what to do.

Yes, there are ridiculous numbers of ridiculous regulations.

We have central economic planning by a central bank.

How's that?

What strikes me is that you're defending it.

What am I defending by pointing out silly errors about banking and the Fed?

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