If you think Christ would approve of today's liberal policies ...

... do you think Christ would approve of abortions?

Liberal policies are a "woman's right to chose".

What about "Let him die"


Applauding executions


Feed the poor and they'll BREED?
... do you think Christ would approve of abortions?

The Bible says that God the Father himself molded that little child, His little child while it resided in the womb. That's how he knows how many hairs are on our heads. He put them there.
God even gives it it's very own DNA. I think He put that child there for a purpose. There was something that child was suppose to do while it was here, and we bring that purpose to an abrupt halt when we abort the child.

The Bible also says that God said he knew us BEFORE he put us in the womb. That means he also created your soul.
You are absolutely correct, Pale Rider. Psalms 139: 13 says "For you formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's womb."
The Bible says that God the Father himself molded that little child, His little child while it resided in the womb. That's how he knows how many hairs are on our heads. He put them there.
God even gives it it's very own DNA. I think He put that child there for a purpose. There was something that child was suppose to do while it was here, and we bring that purpose to an abrupt halt when we abort the child.

The Bible also says that God said he knew us BEFORE he put us in the womb. That means he also created your soul.
You are absolutely correct, Pale Rider. Psalms 139: 13 says "For you formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's womb."
Only to be a harsh God when your born....these a writings from 2-3000 years ago......when the earth was flat and without modern thought.......these isolated quotes were all witten by man(women were merely chattels at the time)life has moved on and so has our intelligence and understanding. God even gives it,it's own DNA!!!!!!!!!!!your words,so just a chromesone diifference from the Apes.......if you read your prose back and it was written by a alien,to me it would much the same.
In his day Jesus was as liberal, under the definitions of what one would be today, as anyone could be in those times.
Jesus was a radical.

I would agree that Jesus was somewhat of a radical and surely a revolutionary at least the Pharisees of the day would claim that! Still he urged us to obey the law of the land*, i.e unless the government was corrupt. A liberal? That depends on how you would define a liberal of Jesus's day.

*; (1 Peter 2:13-17)

... do you think Christ would approve of abortions?

I don't know about abortion, but he apparently had no problem with infanticide. At any rate it was a common practice in his time, and he never said a word against it.

I am afraid you do not know your bible Mr Dragon. Jesus was against harming children, in fact he recommended tying a big rock freakin' around the neck of those that did harm kids and throw the big rock over the side of the boat. Bye bye to a big glob of wasted DNA. I suppose he meant that in metaphor, but I sure would not test him. Btw, that is only one of many things he had to say about murder and what the wicked pervs that liked to harm those that can not defend themselves would suffer for their stupidity and cruelty to others.

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actually, God was speaking to the PROPHET Jeremiah.... “I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”
Sorry bout that,

1. Sons and Daughters, the problem with government is its now *immoral*, *morals* have been thrown out the window, from the local government, to the police stations, to the assembling of the people in events, everything done in this nation is done *immorally*.
2. Government/The Powers That Be, do not do *moral*.
3. ACLU has scared *all* government seats to shed anything *moral*.
4. Christians in America have taken the back of the bus, corrupt politicians have taken the front, along with *immoral judges*.
5. If America has any chance to please Jesus, the very first thing that should be done is get rid of the ACLU.
6. In so doing a ray of sunshine would shine again from God through the thick dark clouds that cover this nation.
7. Here is a perfect example how Cops do not do *Moral*, listen to the cops laugh after they learn they just beat the shit out of some guy who was in a diabetic shock, it says volumes.
8. LINK:http://www.lvrj.com/news/video-shows-officers-beating-motorist-in-diabetic-shock-138901274.html
9. See the video, in it you can clearly see the face of *Americas Police Force*.

"Greene's lawsuit said officers then forced him to stand by a patrol car in handcuffs and blow into a Breathalyzer, despite being injured. Paramedics later arrived and treated him for low blood sugar.

Greene was released without a citation, and officers apologized to him for "beating him up," the lawsuit said.

He immediately went to a hospital, where he was treated for the broken ribs and the bruises to his hands, neck, face and scalp, the lawsuit said.

One of the harsher moments in the video comes near the end of the clip, when one officer can be heard laughing loudly.

One officer notes that Greene "was not a small guy." An officer laughs and says, "I couldn't take him by myself."

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Has anyone answered the original OT with an affirmation from the author of the OT? After a cursory review it seems that the majority opinion is NO the biblical Jesus would NOT agree with today's liberal policies. If there is any question I certainly do not agree with most of today's liberal policies. Of course as an artist I am more liberal than conservative in some issues such as censorship, which I am overwhelmingly against.


... do you think Christ would approve of abortions?

Do you think he would approve of government owned uteri? Without abortion rights, pregnant women would only be nominal owners of their bodies. I doubt Jesus would approve of governments owning people, either, even if its only for 9 months at a time.

My guess is Jesus would oppose laws outlawing abortion but at the same time oppose women getting abortions. I know its a difficult position to grasp - the idea that someone wouldn't want their own personal idea of morality enforced at the point of a gun on everyone else.
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... do you think Christ would approve of abortions?

No I am sure he would not approve nor disapprove of ALL abortions.

Do you think he would approve of government owned uteri? Without abortion rights, pregnant women would only be nominal owners of their bodies. I doubt Jesus would approve of governments owning people, either, even if its only for 9 months at a time.

There is a difference there Ms Ooh. Jesus would most likely be 4 some abortions and against others such as abortions for convenience or using abortion for birth control. It' the responsibility of the mother and the father NOT the government (read as Me) to make each other preggo if the child is to be not wanted. I just cant see Jesus as an Abortion Doc in an late term abortion mill.

My guess is Jesus would oppose laws outlawing abortion but at the same time oppose women getting abortions. I know its a difficult position to grasp - the idea that someone wouldn't want their own personal idea of morality enforced at the point of a gun on everyone else.

See above.

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No question that Christ would have supported abortions

His own father killed the first born of Egypt and then there was that flood thing
Jesus would certainly support the freedom of though and conscience – if he were to preach against abortion it would be done with respect to dissenting opinions and he would oppose government sanctions against those who practiced abortion.

He would want men to realize salvation independently, not as a result of fear or coercion.

Wouldn't realizing salvation independently also involve giving time/work/money to help those less fortunate of his own accord, and not due to government coercion? Why, then, would Jesus support "responsible governance" which is, in effect, coercion of "generosity"? Why would Jesus be in support of the government forcing morals matching his own in one arena, but opposed to the government doing so in another? And conveniently, both positions in alignment with the principals of one of the US's major political parties. Wait, was Jesus a registered Democrat?

I chose this last post as the actual quote because, out of both of your contradictory posts this was the one with which I agree. Jesus wouldn't demand that the government enforce his morals; he seemed to be a pretty live and let live kind of guy. On top of that, the biblical theme is pretty clear about God letting you decide how you'll conduct yourself and then punishing/rewarding you accordingly at the end of the road.
... do you think Christ would approve of abortions?

Do you think he would approve of government owned uteri? Without abortion rights, pregnant women would only be nominal owners of their bodies. I doubt Jesus would approve of governments owning people, either, even if its only for 9 months at a time.

My guess is Jesus would oppose laws outlawing abortion but at the same time oppose women getting abortions. I know its a difficult position to grasp - the idea that someone wouldn't want their own personal idea of morality enforced at the point of a gun on everyone else.

Is that sarcasm directed at me?
The Bible says that God the Father himself molded that little child, His little child while it resided in the womb. That's how he knows how many hairs are on our heads. He put them there.
God even gives it it's very own DNA. I think He put that child there for a purpose. There was something that child was suppose to do while it was here, and we bring that purpose to an abrupt halt when we abort the child.

Are you of the opinion that Christ would favor today's liberals' policies? With social welfare programs relying heavily on government-directed spending of citizens' money.

Romans 13:1-7

New King James Version (NKJV)

Submit to Government

13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

>>brevity snip<<<<<<< for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God&#8217;s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. [/FONT]
5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience&#8217; sake.
6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God&#8217;s ministers attending continually to this very thing.
7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

Christians are to obey the law of the land conditionally. By conditionally I mean; we are not to obey the law if the law or the issuing body is corrupt or if the law violates Gods laws or commands or I would say implied suggestions. AC (after Christ) the bible does not comment on abortion, however it in many of its manifestations is murder and killing, so God I am sure would frown on most cases of abortion. And in our government the current forcing of the state to help or completely pay for abortion violates not only Gods law but our own law (the establishment clause).

For there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God

This at first read is a confusing statement. However it means that for the world to work as it does its somewhat like a watch every piece is needed to produce a timepiece that will be accurate and show the time of day. Hitler was not approved of by God but was appointed by proxy by God. He had to exist to make our temporal timepiece produce the end game of God which we are not completely privy to.

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Frosty the snowman sent me an email last night and said he was thoroughly disgusted.
Are you of the opinion that Christ would favor today's liberals' policies? With social welfare programs relying heavily on government-directed spending of citizens' money.

Romans 13:1-7

New King James Version (NKJV)

Submit to Government

13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.

>>brevity snip<<<<<<< for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. [/FONT]
5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake.
6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing.
7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

Christians are to obey the law of the land conditionally. By conditionally I mean; we are not to obey the law if the law or the issuing body is corrupt or if the law violates Gods laws or commands or I would say implied suggestions. AC (after Christ) the bible does not comment on abortion, however it in many of its manifestations is murder and killing, so God I am sure would frown on most cases of abortion. And in our government the current forcing of the state to help or completely pay for abortion violates not only Gods law but our own law (the establishment clause).

For there is no authority except from God and the authorities that exist are appointed by God
This at first read is a confusing statement. However it means that for the world to work as it does its somewhat like a watch every piece is needed to produce a timepiece that will be accurate and show the time of day. Hitler was not approved of by God but was appointed by proxy by God. He had to exist to make our temporal timepiece produce the end game of God which we are not completely privy to.

please explain what ''current forcing of the state.....to pay for....'' means?

the Hyde amendment prohibits the Federal gov't from funding any abortions....THAT'S the Law.....

Do you means State gvts CHOOSING to fund it themselves???
No question that Christ would have supported abortions
His own father killed the first born of Egypt and then there was that flood thing




Since ALL is interwoven, like the timepiece in your example....including Moses murdering, and King David murdering via proxy Basheba's husband etc.....all to come to the clock working in the end, or God's plan being fore-filled in the end, then are the women who abort just a 'piece' of the timepiece....just something that was meant to be....to fulfill God's ultimate plan as well?

And also.....I don't believe Moses or King David were ever prosecuted by the Government for their murders, yet....they were punished by God, in his own way....they suffered the consequences of their sins....Moses never seeing the promised land and King David losing his child.....?

Whether punished by the gvt or not, don't you think these women will end up, for the most part....suffering the consequences of their own sins?

edit: and maybe, just maybe....this was God's way of helping these women, find their way to Him, in the end.....as with Moses and David?

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No question that Christ would have supported abortions
His own father killed the first born of Egypt and then there was that flood thing
N/A rb
question: Since ALL is interwoven, like the timepiece in your example....including Moses murdering, and King David murdering via proxy Basheba's husband etc.....all to come to the clock working in the end, or God's plan being fore-filled in the end, then are the women who abort just a 'piece' of the timepiece....just something that was meant to be....to fulfill God's ultimate plan as well?

Hi Care! First sorry for the much belated reply, domestic concerns ran me over!

Well what I am about to say is one reason I do not preach, much of the congregation as well as the church fathers do not approve of my message! That message is that God in this age rarely interferes with the affairs of men. The short answer is that we and those women that make a decision to abort or not are more than pieces of the watch/universe. Free will decisions shape and build the universe as we move through time. First allow me to fill in some theological background?

We are in what is called the church age, which means the church is the body of Jesus or God. During the New Testament age miracles abounded and God did help man directly. However in this age we Christians and non Christians to a lesser extent do Gods will with our own hands, we turn the supernatural which mixes with our natural law universe about as well as oil in water, into the natural. In addition I believe that God only knows with a high degree of probability what free will decisions we will make! Every decision we make, even every thought we have directly effects the universe. So not only are we gears in the deterministic universe we actually build the watch of the future while we live in a half way completed watch, in other words I believe we make the universe up as we go along. That is not as insane as it sounds! Chaos and quantum entanglement as well as certain interpretations of quantum field theory all possess some of the qualities I mentioned.

And also.....I don't believe Moses or King David were ever prosecuted by the Government for their murders, yet....they were punished by God, in his own way....they suffered the consequences of their sins....Moses never seeing the promised land and King David losing his child.....?

Natural law and mans law are sometimes compatible sometimes not.

Whether punished by the gvt or not, don't you think these women will end up, for the most part....suffering the consequences of their own sins?

Personally I believe that in this age, the church age that we rarely if ever pay for our sins in this life.

edit: and maybe, just maybe....this was God's way of helping these women, find their way to Him, in the end.....as with Moses and David?

That could very well be true! However as much as I want a personal God that is like an invisible friend I dont think that is how it works. I do believe God can talk with us in our dreams and similar things. I had a near death experience in a MC wreck and that was one of the reasons I converted from atheism to Christianity. It's a long story but I briefly died being Medevacd to a trauma unit, I had bones sticking out all over. In a dream after I passed out, I met what felt like God* it asked me if I wanted to die without knowing him. Needless to say that wasn't very many options and I chose to learn about him and I really did want to know him. I still have the paper work from the hospital showing my heart stopped twice on the short flight to the unit.

* I didn't see a light etc it was just a voice and I felt as if I were standing on a platform in a pitch black abyss that fell away on both sides. Yes it was very profound and yes I was terrified...

sorry for the length of the reply and again sorry for the delay in answering!


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