If you think TSA is dysfunctional and unpopular now, wait until it unionizes.


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
Apparently the Federal Labor Relations Authority has given word that the TSA can vote to unionize. Wonderful.

All the well worn caveats and cliches apply.

Hey, what could go wrong? :eusa_whistle:

How to Make Air Travel More Infuriating


After 9/11, Congress wisely decided to forbid TSA employees from coming under union work rules out of fear that it could compromise security. Imagine if every change in procedures had to be cleared with union shop stewards. While it is not easy to fire TSA personnel now, just think how difficult it will be to remove bad employees if they are covered by union job protection agreements.

But in 2007, the new Democratic Congress eliminated the ban on collective bargaining, and as soon as Barack Obama became president in 2009 his appointees began pushing unionization for TSA. Last year, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admitted in Congressional testimony that she backs collective bargaining rights for TSA employees, overriding the considered judgment of all previous TSA administrators that such rights are at cross-purposes with the flexibility TSA needs to meet certain threats.

John Mica of Florida, the new GOP chair of the House Transportation Committee, told me last month that we should have followed the advice of Israeli security experts and used private contractors and psychological tests to counteract terrorism in the wake of 9/11. At least one busy airport -- Orlando International -- is preparing to dump TSA in favor of a private security company, which is allowed under an opt-out provision in the federal law governing airport security. "Having TSA going towards unionization is just the wrong way to go," said Mr. Mica.

rest at-

How to Make Air Travel More Infuriating - WSJ.com
That has been spoken of, in other threads,

and all I can think is :

We're fucked.

They've searched out the Petty Phools who,

with just a GRAM of Authority, can have their Power Trip Dream, IRL,

and sic'ed them on us.

HTF does that work???

We have to BECOME the Lowest Common Denominator?


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