If you truly believe that Clinate Change is a big threat to all living things then...


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
...you would have to agree that the only solution is war.

Even if we here in the US embraced the idea of man made climate change, we aren't going to get Russia, or China, or any of the countries in South America to go along. If you believe the claims being espoused by acadamia, the left, and the lapdog media, we have VERY little time to act. We must at the very least, destroy all of the fossil fueled power plants in all countries (after we have shut ours down). We must halt oil and gas production everywhere in clouding in the Middle East, and we will probably only be able to do that by force. We must stop the rampant deforestation occurring in South America, and it's likely that we won't be able to accomplish that without at least a police presence in the entire continent.

OR, as I suspect, we'll just be content with stopping it here in the US thus achieving the left wing goal of turning the US into a 3rd world nation.
I think the entire world needs to hold their breath until dead (or at least stop eating beans).
...you would have to agree that the only solution is war.

Even if we here in the US embraced the idea of man made climate change, we aren't going to get Russia, or China, or any of the countries in South America to go along. If you believe the claims being espoused by acadamia, the left, and the lapdog media, we have VERY little time to act. We must at the very least, destroy all of the fossil fueled power plants in all countries (after we have shut ours down). We must halt oil and gas production everywhere in clouding in the Middle East, and we will probably only be able to do that by force. We must stop the rampant deforestation occurring in South America, and it's likely that we won't be able to accomplish that without at least a police presence in the entire continent.

OR, as I suspect, we'll just be content with stopping it here in the US thus achieving the left wing goal of turning the US into a 3rd world nation.

That's actually a real plan.. It's blatant economic imperialism, but we (the UN and the sustainability movement) are dictating terms and conditions on energy use and consumption to the 3rd world. Don't want those primitive masses to have choices and abundant energy like we did growing up.. They need food, medicine, water and education and we give them solar panels and contraceptives...
"Climate change" or "Global Warming." The new buzz phrase(s) that just won't go away. Remember "Weapons of Mass Destruction?" Day in and day out we heard that term until it came out of our ears. Glad it's done. Then came "War on Terror." When you stop and just think of that phrase it becomes almost idiotic.

I really like this quote by Joseph Goebbels:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Joseph Goebbels quotes

Repeat it over and over and over and over again and most folks will come to believe it's the truth.
"Climate change" or "Global Warming." The new buzz phrase(s) that just won't go away.

That's because people like you, who reject the evidence and the science, will never solve the problem from which those "buzz phrases" derive. The world IS getting warmer and human activity IS the primary cause.

Remember "Weapons of Mass Destruction?" Day in and day out we heard that term until it came out of our ears. Glad it's done. Then came "War on Terror." When you stop and just think of that phrase it becomes almost idiotic.

Remember "Liberty for all"? Day in and day out we hear that term until it came out our ears. Glad it's done. Then came "Rule by the People." When you stop and just think of that phrase it becomes almost idiotic.

Your argument does NOTHING to refute AGW. It tells us what you believe, but it doesn't tell us why we should go along with you.

I really like this quote by Joseph Goebbels:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

First, the one who the evidence indicates is lying here would be YOU. The consequences of that lie are increased global temperatures and ocean acidification and all the results they will produce.

There have been no efforts for government (and we have to speak broadly as you've labeled ALL the world's governments as lying fascists) to shield the people from the effects of attempts to stave off AGW. There have been an enormous number of lies, however, spread by people duped into acting on behalf of the fossil fuel industry.

It astounds me how easily all of you deniers buy in to the fantasy that almost every climate scientist on the planet and almost that many of all other scientists are either conspiring liars or completely incompetent YET you reject the idea that a number of people in the fossil fuel industry, who - with justification - feel their entire industry under threat, would stoop so far as to make use of disinformation and propaganda.
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If you truly believe that Clinate Change is a big threat to all living things then...

Nobody I know believes that even though they do believe in Global Warming.

What many of them DO believe is that mankind's civilizations cannot last if multiple climate disasters happen too quickly for mankind to react.

About that they're right assuming they are also right about Global Warming.
That's because people like you, who reject the evidence and the science, will never solve the problem from which those "buzz phrases" derive. The world IS getting warmer and human activity IS the primary cause.

Interestingly, the very same "scientific evidence" that you embrace says that the entire Universe and all forms of life just **poof** came into existence by pure happenstance. Therefore, you should be able to conclude that life and the Universe is one big mistake. If all that we see and experience is simply one big mistake then you really shouldn't be too concerned if it all disappears. Why should you care? There really is no "right" or "wrong" in a world that isn't rooted in "moral" soil.
I didn't realize you were as ignorant as that post shows you to be. Pardon me for wasting everyone's time talking to you.
If you truly believe that Clinate Change is a big threat to all living things then...

Nobody I know believes that even though they do believe in Global Warming.

What many of them DO believe is that mankind's civilizations cannot last if multiple climate disasters happen too quickly for mankind to react.

About that they're right assuming they are also right about Global Warming.

First you say nobody believes its a threat to living things then you say it's a threat to mankind. Is it that you don't think threatening mankind is a big deal, or you think that threats to civilization isn't a big deal. Your post seems contradictory.
You people don't really think Russia, China, and South America are going to go along with your plans to save the planet do you?
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You people don't really think Russia, China, and South America are going to go along with your plans to save the planet do you?

The big secret is that the AGW nut-burgers don't really care if Russia, China, and South America go along with it. the purpose of this hoax is to loot the taxpayers of the wealthy industrialized countries. The taxpayers in the countries you mentioned have little wealth to loot. The motive is the same as the motive of a burglar who chooses expensive homes for targets of his endeavors rather than shacks in the slum.
I doubt it will bother the zero water environment creatures...like tardigrades
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Actually war is NOT the best solution though it is effective. Problem is that war also destroys infrastructure that could be re-used when the next species comes along that can figure out how to use it. The real tragedy is the loss of knowledge. How many centuries was development set back when the library at Alexandria was destroyed.

No, the best answer is a good old-fashioned plague. One with about 95% mortality. The crap shoot is on the genetic makeup of the remaining 5%. Get the wrong ones and it'll be like Obama forever!
You people don't really think Russia, China, and South America are going to go along with your plans to save the planet do you?

The big secret is that the AGW nut-burgers don't really care if Russia, China, and South America go along with it. the purpose of this hoax is to loot the taxpayers of the wealthy industrialized countries. The taxpayers in the countries you mentioned have little wealth to loot. The motive is the same as the motive of a burglar who chooses expensive homes for targets of his endeavors rather than shacks in the slum.

I agree with you, but I want to take the AGW faithful's policies several steps further than they usually go.
The big secret is that the AGW nut-burgers don't really care if Russia, China, and South America go along with it. the purpose of this hoax is to loot the taxpayers of the wealthy industrialized countries.

I agree with you, but I want to take the AGW faithful's policies several steps further than they usually go.

As this exchange demonstrates, both Bri and Predfan are proudly stupid and crazy.

Why? A moron will stick with the right-wing-fringe cult no matter how insane and disastrous their policies are, hence that cult has a vested interest in creating morons. As some posters here demonstrate, that cult has succeeded in turning a good portion of the USA into conspiracy-spouting whackaloons.
The big secret is that the AGW nut-burgers don't really care if Russia, China, and South America go along with it. the purpose of this hoax is to loot the taxpayers of the wealthy industrialized countries.

I agree with you, but I want to take the AGW faithful's policies several steps further than they usually go.

As this exchange demonstrates, both Bri and Predfan are proudly stupid and crazy.

Why? A moron will stick with the right-wing-fringe cult no matter how insane and disastrous their policies are, hence that cult has a vested interest in creating morons. As some posters here demonstrate, that cult has succeeded in turning a good portion of the USA into conspiracy-spouting whackaloons.

I've developed a few troll recognition algorithms over the years. Comes from ideas in image pattern correlation and artificial vision work.. Makes it easier to read and decode a troll post.. This is the one I use to match Mammy posts.. Works wonderfully..


We can try it against most every post.. Seems to work 100%

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