If you want to find a good leadership, lay off prostitutes


Nov 17, 2011
If you want to find a good leadership, just like if you want to find a good wife, you should lay off prostitutes, it does not matter if one prostitute looks or sounds better then the other prostitute - on television, all politicians are prostitutes, literaly. they are not humans like your neighbors. people like your neighbors, have absolutely no chance to be presented as legitimate candidates, unless it's for the purpose to be dangled, to retain credebility for the networks, only to be spit out, as if they are rejects. the media has to show lots of truth, it is the only way to draw us in. what it fails to present us, is a real solution. trying to find new leaders on the establishment media is like trying to find a wife in a strip bar. you can get screwed, and your wallet emptied, but you will not find anything reliable.

Democrats and republicans. I want to see America liberated. I love this country. I hate your pesimism. I hate the government. I hate the media. I love all people, who are not part of the political industry. today we have internet. if you put your pesimism aside, telling me how this is not possible, because of too many ignorant people, if you can only realise that there is only you and me in this world, and 99% of other ignorant humans are really non existant. they are your imagination. wake up from this dream, and realise for the next 3 months that you are a god and not those who control the media. if you can do that. you will see miracles. ask yourself. do you really want to wake up on November 5th, with one of those two bozos re elected as our president?

If you want to find a good leader, my friend, lay off prostitutes: Obamney and Romney are two of the hottest prostitutes on the market right now, I know, but they are dirty, deceitful, liars, hypocrites... they are a disease to this nation. anyone on the establishment media is. I am pure. I am honest. full of love and understanding. full of frustration, because you, fail to realise, the power you have within yourself. you are full of fear. afraid to look stupid, afraid, that perhaps because I have an accent, maybe I'm trying to fool you. if you do not find the hypocrisy of American military being all over the globe, changing regimes, and yet you think that a foreigner can not be trusted to be your leader, what nation do you deserve? you deserve nothing and soon you will have nothing. not even the internet. the force, which has your so called leaders and your nation by the balls, is 100% behind me.
PVSI.NET is a very unnatractive movement for the political industry, which includes leaders, media, most religious groups, and any other organizations which have a voice on television. But to ordinary people, this movement is a dream come true.
As you have noticed, blame aside, everything in political industry game revolves around money, everything!, but we believe, there is a

Difference between capitalism and prostitution:

Democrats and republicans. you feel the urge to vote for your candidate because you believe that the opposing side is destroying your nation.
Most of the arguments between left and right revolve about what's best described in one word,... money.
The sacrafice I am asking you to make, is paralel to this particular word, money. electing all new government officials, which have not been backed by money.

There is a staggering difference, between government managing money, and money managing government. money managing government is not capitalism, it is pimping, prostitution, we are just used to it. and as if you want to find good leader, if you want to find a good wife, you should lay off prostitutes, for just one election. patience, faith and sacrafice is the key in both cases.
If you would abandon your party for just one election, and the opposing side would end up winning as a result, next election it would only be easier for your side to win back the government - history clearly shows this. it's always "democrats, republicans, republicans, democrats" and so on.
George Washington was a prostitute? Now that's a new one.
yeah I dont get why politicians do prostitutes and disease, but I guess the wifey wont give it up in certain areas.....
It's kind of weird but you can count on the the same people who pretend to get all huffy and compare politicians to prostitutes to also condemn the Tea Party. The Tea Party works within the system to try to get the best politicians but they get nothing but abuse from the same people who gave up on politics or think anarchy is the wave of the future. It's easy to spot a dumb blow-hard who tries to discourage voting.
It's kind of weird but you can count on the the same people who pretend to get all huffy and compare politicians to prostitutes to also condemn the Tea Party. The Tea Party works within the system to try to get the best politicians but they get nothing but abuse from the same people who gave up on politics or think anarchy is the wave of the future. It's easy to spot a dumb blow-hard who tries to discourage voting.

I agree, but they have kids at their events, how can you have "adult" fun with kids around and they have personal morality, something the left HATES (and I mean HATES)
Well I personally know Arkansas republican Congressman Steve Womack, and he is no prostitute.

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