Can Americans perform abortions of Government?

Yes, but what is it called when it is a felon resisting arrest, high on three different drugs.
I understand you. To you, 1. that person ceases to have any value as a person, due to mental state as normal people do not resist. Or 2. Maybe you consider the life of somebody that has committed a felony previously and the police know about it, simply forfeit and the next encounter, as some sick twisted service you empower policemen to perform as they deem necessary.

This is wrong. He was no longer a threat to public or the officers with 3:1 advantage and subject pinned to the pavement. The courts agreed.

If you think he deserved death, Congratulations! Floyd is dead. You win. If you think the officers had the right to squeeze the last breath out of the man, instead of cuffing him (hand and foot if necessary) you are wrong, and the courts upheld, you are wrong by guilty verdict in the case. You are saddened, but safer for this decision, as it does affirm, a cop on the side of the street does not have the right to squeeze the breath out of you or your wife until dead on the side of the road, and it serves as a warning to other cops not to do so in the future.
I knew you would defend the criminal. I have seen you do it way too many times.
By ruling the police cannot kneel on you until you are dead, they protect you and your family from tragic, overzealous enforcement. If three of them decide to hold you down until dead, instead of handcuffing hand and foot and dragging into a squad car for transport, I doubt you are strong enough to prevent it and maybe pedestrians will not have to also beg officers in vain not to kill you, your wife or child on the street. It is not what they are paid or trained to do.
You claim you have a right to choose. If this is true, why can't you abort part of Government? Is all of it that precious? I want to get thinkers to ponder if all of the feds is correct? I recall how the democrats hated Bush creating the Homeland department. How dare he they screamed. Now they are quiet.

It pains me to need to question Government. Government can perform things a person can't do. It collects money bank robbers wish they collected. And we have no say so when they spend the money. Can you name a single issue you objected to and you took action to stop it? Such as more on military or entitlement issues?

Who’s threatening to weaponize the government, if they win? Trump has made it a campaign promise!
To his benefit. He only wanted to abort government and election, to keep control, but failed, with the leaders and most aggressive of his partisans at street level charged, convicted and sent to prison for their attempt.
YES, as usual the little guys are paying the price,
For those among us who wanted to change
how WE the people had voted
I understand you. To you, 1. that person ceases to have any value as a person, due to mental state as normal people do not resist. Or 2. Maybe you consider the life of somebody that has committed a felony previously and the police know about it, simply forfeit and the next encounter, as some sick twisted service you empower policemen to perform as they deem necessary.

This is wrong. He was no longer a threat to public or the officers with 3:1 advantage and subject pinned to the pavement. The courts agreed.

If you think he deserved death, Congratulations! Floyd is dead. You win. If you think the officers had the right to squeeze the last breath out of the man, instead of cuffing him (hand and foot if necessary) you are wrong, and the courts upheld, you are wrong by guilty verdict in the case. You are saddened, but safer for this decision, as it does affirm, a cop on the side of the street does not have the right to squeeze the breath out of you or your wife until dead on the side of the road, and it serves as a warning to other cops not to do so in the future.
I think criminals get what they deserve. Second guessing the police is bad.

The man was on three drugs. The man just committed a crime. The man did resist arrest. The man was on probation.

A tragic end that he brought onto himself.

White, try having a discussion instead of applying your bigotry and stereotyping to me.

I know much much more about police and these situations then you could ever know
Once he was on his belly cuffed and begging for his life he was NOT resisting arrest
IF he was begging he was breathing, either way, the time to stop fighting was obviously before, not after.

A shame he was not smart enough to not do three kinds of drugs and then commit a crime
IF he was begging he was breathing, either way, the time to stop fighting was obviously before, not after.

A shame he was not smart enough to not do three kinds of drugs and then commit a crime
He was only breathing for some of that time.

You ghoul
Commit a crime while on payroll, fight with the police while high on three illegal drugs, and find a friend in you.

Why do you love high stoned criminals who fight the police
Where’s the capital crime and who gave police the power to be executioners?

Oh wait that creep of a cop is in jail for murder

Never mind
YES, as usual the little guys are paying the price,
For those among us who wanted to change
how WE the people had voted
He intentionally uses "the little guys". They are just too simple minded to know it, as he really doesn't care, not about actual issues, and certainly not about "the little guys", only personal power for what it affords him personally. Politics and "the little guys" are simply tools to be used and discarded as necessary at the moment, not promises made, no promised kept, none owed. Truly sociopathic. Very bad news and a danger.
I think criminals get what they deserve. Second guessing the police is bad.

The man was on three drugs. The man just committed a crime. The man did resist arrest. The man was on probation.

A tragic end that he brought onto himself.

White, try having a discussion instead of applying your bigotry and stereotyping to me.

I know much much more about police and these situations then you could ever know
Always second guess authority, even if not acting on it. The one truth to be counted on in any bureaucracy is human corruption. Not to say Law Enforcement as a whole are corrupt, but that the bureaucracy is too large and far-reaching, to assume all are going to act in accordance with our laws and moral truths at all times. Who should watch the watchers? You should.
Always second guess authority, even if not acting on it. The one truth to be counted on in any bureaucracy is human corruption. Not to say Law Enforcement as a whole are corrupt, but that the bureaucracy is too large and far-reaching, to assume all are going to act in accordance with our laws and moral truths at all times. Who should watch the watchers? You should.
I understand criminality more than most. I also understand not all police are good police.

That said, a shame that this officer was charged with murder
I understand criminality more than most. I also understand not all police are good police.

That said, a shame that this officer was charged with murder
He was found guilty of Second and Third Degree Murder. Not a shame. Just the letter of the law, applied even to law enforcement officers, lest we all risk summary judgement on the side of the road, based on the failed concept of "qualified immunity".
Pure politics.
Even though jurors were approved by defense and prosecution? If not defense and prosecution, who would you have to pick fair-minded jurors to hear evidence from both sides?
Or do you just not believe in jury trials period, to settle legal matters?
Or is it simply, you believe all law enforcement are always fair, honest, and worthy to act, totally on their own personal judgement in dealing with all citizens, never going beyond our laws, as they are above the law?
Even though jurors were approved by defense and prosecution? If not defense and prosecution, who would you have to pick fair-minded jurors to hear evidence from both sides?
Or do you just not believe in jury trials period, to settle legal matters?
Or is it simply, you believe all law enforcement are always fair, honest, and worthy to act, totally on their own personal judgement in dealing with all citizens, never going beyond our laws, as they are above the law?
I base my comments on my life and what I know.
I been on trial with a jury. I know that there is nothing fair in a courtroom. There is nothing fair in a courtroom for black people or white, Mexicans or illegal aliens.

How do juries know right from wrong, innocence from guilt?

Things are not simply black and white.

There is the prejudice of the jurors. The strength leadership or strong will of the one juror. What if the Jurors want to have Friday off, do they rush the decision on Thursday. How does the news jurors were exposed to form their opinions. How does a judge effect Juries? What are the instructions given to a jury? Can juries be overwhelmed by the amount of charges? Does the amount of charges make a jury think the defendant must be guilty of one charge?

How come there are books, movies, studies, experts, all on the Jury?

I think an innocent man should not have a trial by jury. That is foolish, letting 12 people decide if one is guilty.
I base my comments on my life and what I know.
I been on trial with a jury. I know that there is nothing fair in a courtroom. There is nothing fair in a courtroom for black people or white, Mexicans or illegal aliens.

How do juries know right from wrong, innocence from guilt?

Things are not simply black and white.

There is the prejudice of the jurors. The strength leadership or strong will of the one juror. What if the Jurors want to have Friday off, do they rush the decision on Thursday. How does the news jurors were exposed to form their opinions. How does a judge effect Juries? What are the instructions given to a jury? Can juries be overwhelmed by the amount of charges? Does the amount of charges make a jury think the defendant must be guilty of one charge?

How come there are books, movies, studies, experts, all on the Jury?

I think an innocent man should not have a trial by jury. That is foolish, letting 12 people decide if one is guilty.
When arrested for a crime, opt for a Bench Trial, and let the judge decide. Personally, I would trust the 12, rather than the one to decide my innocence or guilt.
You claim you have a right to choose. If this is true, why can't you abort part of Government? Is all of it that precious? I want to get thinkers to ponder if all of the feds is correct? I recall how the democrats hated Bush creating the Homeland department. How dare he they screamed. Now they are quiet.

It pains me to need to question Government. Government can perform things a person can't do. It collects money bank robbers wish they collected. And we have no say so when they spend the money. Can you name a single issue you objected to and you took action to stop it? Such as more on military or entitlement issues?


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