Can Americans perform abortions of Government?

The Bush, Loydd Bentson connection, the bailout of the S&Ls, is something nobody considers.

I did not say the presidents caused the crisis, just that they bailed the institutions out. Corruption.

The Mafia, CIA, & George Bush
The Savings and Loans as I keep saying fell when Carter was president. Reagan was next and then after 8 years it was Bush. The crash of the Savings and loans did harm a lot of people.
For unlike Watergate and Iran-Contra, this was a bipartisan scandal. There was no opposition party to push for an independent investigation. In fact, the same group of wealthy, powerful businessmen, centered in Houston, that encircle Republicans like George Bush and James A. Baker II1, also encircle Democrats like Jim Wright and Lloyd Bentsen
Savings and loans rates skyrocketed so that they were not very good at doing loans on homes. I blamed Carter at the time. This was long before Bush was president.
There was no need to murder the woman.
All she had to do was not try to lead the mob that just smashed the glass to get in. Her bad. On the bright side, she saved a lot of lives, testing the theory, law enforcement would not shoot, even to protect Congressmen huddled in place, in the inner chamber.

She chose poorly☹️
Savings and loans rates skyrocketed so that they were not very good at doing loans on homes. I blamed Carter at the time. This was long before Bush was president.
The point I made was Bush bailed out the savings and loans. Not that Bush caused them to fail. Bailing out and covering up corruption, is as bad as those who committed the corruption.
All she had to do was not try to lead the mob that just smashed the glass to get in. Her bad. On the bright side, she saved a lot of lives, testing the theory, law enforcement would not shoot, even to protect Congressmen huddled in place, in the inner chamber.

She chose poorly☹️
You need to watch her a few more times. See if you can visualize a tiny woman managing to by herself crawl to where she was murdered.

I want you to imagine it was your wife or your daughter or a female in your family. Are you saying you would not defend her?

The point I made was Bush bailed out the savings and loans. Not that Bush caused them to fail. Bailing out and covering up corruption, is as bad as those who committed the corruption.
Had I simply read newspapers then you might persuade me. But this is counter to the facts I know for a fact.
by Kenneth J. Robinson, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas


In the 1980s, the financial sector suffered through a period of distress that was focused on the nation’s savings and loan (S&L) industry. Inflation rates and interest rates both rose dramatically in the late 1970s and early 1980s. This produced two problems for S&Ls. First, the interest rates that they could pay on deposits were set by the federal government and were substantially below what could be earned elsewhere, leading savers to withdraw their funds. Second, S&Ls primarily made long-term fixed-rate mortgages. When interest rates rose, these mortgages lost a considerable amount of value, which essentially wiped out the S&L industry’s net worth. Policymakers responded by passing the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980. But federal regulators lacked sufficient resources to deal with losses that S&Ls were suffering. So instead they took steps to deregulate the industry in the hope that it could grow out of its problems. The industry’s problems, though, grew even more severe. Ultimately, taxpayers were called upon to provide a bailout, and Congress was forced to act with significant reform legislation as the 1980s came to a close.
The Savings and Loans as I keep saying fell when Carter was president. Reagan was next and then after 8 years it was Bush. The crash of the Savings and loans did harm a lot of people.
George H Bush, bailed out the Savings and Loans. It was the largest financial failure in our history since the Depression. It cost the US tax payers a trillion dollars, while our debt was only $3 trillion.

Carter? Regean? George H Bush was president for one reason, to increase our debt by 1/3rd

But, 99% of the people have no idea what happened and why
George H Bush, bailed out the Savings and Loans. It was the largest financial failure in our history since the Depression. It cost the US tax payers a trillion dollars, while our debt was only $3 trillion.

Carter? Regean? George H Bush was president for one reason, to increase our debt by 1/3rd

But, 99% of the people have no idea what happened and why
I was in the middle of this.

Who was involved in the savings and loan scandal?

Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia

Keating Five

Riegle Jr.
(D–MI), who were accused of improperly intervening in 1987 on behalf of Charles H. Keating Jr., chairman of the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association. Keating's Lincoln Savings failed in 1989, costing the federal government over $3 billion and leaving 23,000 customers with worthless bonds.

Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia​

I was in the middle of this.

Who was involved in the savings and loan scandal?

Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia

Keating Five

Riegle Jr.
(D–MI), who were accused of improperly intervening in 1987 on behalf of Charles H. Keating Jr., chairman of the Lincoln Savings and Loan Association. Keating's Lincoln Savings failed in 1989, costing the federal government over $3 billion and leaving 23,000 customers with worthless bonds.

Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia

You might of been in the middle? So what.

I made a point that is factual that you are stubbornely failing to comprehend. A point that has nothing to do with anything you know. A point that does not disafree with what you know. A point that did not say you are wrong or anything you posted is wrong.

The point I made is not disputed by anything you posted.
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You need to watch her a few more times. See if you can visualize a tiny woman managing to by herself crawl to where she was murdered.

I want you to imagine it was your wife or your daughter or a female in your family. Are you saying you would not defend her?

Neither wife, nor my daughter, would try to climb through a window, just smashed, to lead a mob to attack inside our Capital. I so not have to imagine. Neither one would be that foolish. I hope you are not that foolish. If you are some place you aren't supposed to be, doing something you aren't supposed to do, told to stop by a man you don't know, holding a gun pointed in your direction, do you stop or do you depend on the kindness of strangers?

She chose poorly.
Neither wife, nor my daughter, would try to climb through a window, just smashed, to lead a mob to attack inside our Capital. I so not have to imagine. Neither one would be that foolish. I hope you are not that foolish. If you are some place you aren't supposed to be, doing something you aren't supposed to do, told to stop by a man you don't know, holding a gun pointed in your direction, do you stop or do you depend on the kindness of strangers?

She chose poorly.
View attachment 952939
God help those who you are on a jury over.

I have a difficult time, seeing as you are clearly educated, how you can type back to me in essence she needed to be murdered. I showed you a video where she was seconds before being executed. Why do we put killers on trial but not this guy?
God help those who you are on a jury over.

I have a difficult time, seeing as you are clearly educated, how you can type back to me in essence she needed to be murdered. I showed you a video where she was seconds before being executed. Why do we put killers on trial but not this guy?
I simply do not care. I have seen people die. I have seen people killed in grotesque accident, they couldn't possibly see coming, including acts of God. It is sad. People who want to walk into the guns, stupid enough to bet their life, they people with guns won't shoot, do not bother me, anymore than somebody I don't know on the other side of the country committing suicide or overdosing after trying to get high. You are simply weak and you bleed for people that make foolish choices, people that deserve Darwin Awards for removing themselves from the gene pool before further polluting it bearing offspring prone to mental aberration.

He was not put on trial, as he was guarding his post against a mob attack into the hall, outside the Congressional chambers, where some elected representatives were huddled down. His actions were in keeping with his duty to protect those in the chamber from that mob.


But I said, look here brother
Who you jivin' with that Cosmik Debris?!
Now who you jivin' with that Cosmik Debris?
Look here brother, don't you waste your time on me
I simply do not care. I have seen people die. I have seen people killed in grotesque accident, they couldn't possibly see coming, including acts of God. It is sad. People who want to walk into the guns, stupid enough to bet their life, they people with guns won't shoot, do not bother me, anymore than somebody I don't know on the other side of the country committing suicide or overdosing after trying to get high. You are simply weak and you bleed for people that make foolish choices, people that deserve Darwin Awards for removing themselves from the gene pool before further polluting it bearing offspring prone to mental aberration.

He was not put on trial, as he was guarding his post against a mob attack into the hall, outside the Congressional chambers, where some elected representatives were huddled down. His actions were in keeping with his duty to protect those in the chamber from that mob.
I guess you applauded the killing of George Floyd then? Something says to me you do not approve his killing. And was far worse against the Cops than this tiny woman was.
I guess you applauded the killing of George Floyd then? Something says to me you do not approve his killing. And was far worse against the Cops than this tiny woman was.
Kneeling on somebody for minutes, while they are unarmed, defenseless, squeezing the air out of them, totally helpless while they beg for their life, with two or three of your buddies watching, and your only job is to handcuff and throw into the back of a squad care is torture and murder or manslaughter, depending on how you define it, and it is indeed worse.
Kneeling on somebody for minutes, while they are unarmed, defenseless, squeezing the air out of them, totally helpless while they beg for their life, with two or three of your buddies watching, and your only job is to handcuff and throw into the back of a squad care is torture and murder or manslaughter, depending on how you define it, and it is indeed worse.
Yes, but what is it called when it is a felon resisting arrest, high on three different drugs.
Kneeling on somebody for minutes, while they are unarmed, defenseless, squeezing the air out of them, totally helpless while they beg for their life, with two or three of your buddies watching, and your only job is to handcuff and throw into the back of a squad care is torture and murder or manslaughter, depending on how you define it, and it is indeed worse.
I knew you would defend the criminal. I have seen you do it way too many times.
I knew you would defend the criminal. I have seen you do it way too many times.
The criminal ?

Yea he committed the dastardly crime of passing a counterfeit twenty

The real criminal was the cop that killed him. And he’s rightfully been convicted

It seems YOU are the one defending criminals

That cop
Ashes Babbitt

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