If you were Ferguson Police Chief...how would you stop the riots, looting?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?
The way you stop it is to quit hiring thugs as police officers and burn the hell out of corrupt cops. Things like this do not come out of nowhere, cops have been horrible this summer.
As far as I can tell, you can't really stop it, the best you can do is contain it and wait for it to run its course. Let it burn out. Any effort to stop it forcefully will result in nothing more than produce more violence.

It will be interesting to see what businesses that once served this community but now find themselves victimized by it will choose to rebuild. My guess is not many, not for sometime anyway. These folks are going to hate having to drive or take a bus however many miles just to go grocery shopping.
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If you were Ferguson Police Chief...how would you stop the riots, looting?

First, I'd ask the governor to call in the Highway Patrol. Second, I'd stick a gun in my mouth.
The police should have excused themselves when this first went down, and asked the state troopers or some other entity to take over due to bias within the police force. The chief should have stepped down too, and put someone else in charge.

So..if I were the chief, I would have done exactly that. Then I would make sure someone investigated why this kid is dead, why he was unarmed but shot to death, and why medical assistance was not called, and why that kid laid in the street for 4 hours. Then back off and let competent people take over.

But he didn't do that.
The way you stop it is to quit hiring thugs as police officers and burn the hell out of corrupt cops. Things like this do not come out of nowhere, cops have been horrible this summer.

Cops deal with bad people doing bad things. So when bad people get hurt or killed can't be a surprise to you, could it?

If you have been keeping up, another witness has come forward who conveniently didn't record the incident on her cell phone, and made a Freudian slip, in stating that Brown was shot IN the police car, which leads me to believe that the cop was being attacked.
I would find a KFC about 15 miles away and have them give the product away...

Just kidding folks...robin is dead...just filing in..
As far as I can tell, you can't really stop it, the best you can do is contain it and wait for it to run its course. Let it burn out. Any effort to stop it forcefully will result in nothing more than produce more violence.

It will be interesting to see what businesses that once served this community but now find themselves victimized by it will choose to rebuild. My guess is not many, not for sometime anyway. These folks aren't going to hate having to drive or take a bus however many miles just to go grocery shopping.

You are exactly right.

The LEAST violent way to do this? To create walls of tear gas that will herd the rioters, like cattle, to or from an area and contain it. Not with fists or billy clubs or rubber bullets.

People hate how it looks, but its the least violent way to contain the riot.
As a Mayor I'd use all my assets in full Riot Gear to protect businesses and people in my town. That's the job irregardless of what happened. The Mayor and the police have a job to do, and protecting lives and business is top of the list.

If over whelmed by the riots I'd request help from the State Police and Governor to the point of National Guard troops if needed.

That's the job.
I do have to say....I must apologize to some right wingers. They, in general, have been far more understanding of why the police have to use this level of force. They may not "like" it, but they as a group seem to understand the necessity more than the left has.
The rioting and looting have stopped. Neither took place last night. The cops on the other hand...

Clouds of tear gas tends to deter people from coming out to loot or riot or throw maltov cocktails at cops. Go figure.

That city could have seen a riot on the scale of LA, where mass burnings and looting took place.

The police would NOT allow it. And the damage was minor mostly in scale. And not a single rioter, protester or cop was killed or seriously injured.

Sounds like they accomplished the objective with outstanding results, right?
The rioting and looting have stopped. Neither took place last night. The cops on the other hand...

Clouds of tear gas tends to deter people from coming out to loot or riot or throw maltov cocktails at cops. Go figure.

That city could have seen a riot on the scale of LA, where mass burnings and looting took place.

The police would NOT allow it. And the damage was minor mostly in scale. And not a single rioter, protester or cop was killed or seriously injured.

Sounds like they accomplished the objective with outstanding results, right?

No, it was a clusterfuck - which is why the governor kicked out SWAT and brought in the Highway Patrol.
The rioting and looting have stopped. Neither took place last night. The cops on the other hand...

Clouds of tear gas tends to deter people from coming out to loot or riot or throw maltov cocktails at cops. Go figure.

That city could have seen a riot on the scale of LA, where mass burnings and looting took place.

The police would NOT allow it. And the damage was minor mostly in scale. And not a single rioter, protester or cop was killed or seriously injured.

Sounds like they accomplished the objective with outstanding results, right?

No, it was a clusterfuck - which is why the governor kicked out SWAT and brought in the Highway Patrol.

The riot was stopped.
No one was seriously hurt or killed.

Um....mission accomplished.
Meet with local representatives and invite the media. Try to explain that the incident will be investigated by state and local and even federal authorities. Try to explain that destroying local business is not a legitimate way of addressing serious problems. If the local representatives became abusive and hostile to reasonable dialog at least it would be recorded by the (honest?) media.
Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?

I would have machine gunned the lot of them and had air strikes on their homes.

The tactic they have been using in Los Angeles lately is to split the groups of rioters and just them destroy in small areas. Burn themselves out. This doesn't work well for people caught in riot zones. Unwitting people getting stuck in a pop up riot zone can expect no help. During the last peace march, I forget who it was for, some poor guy sitting at a bus stop was beaten unmercifully as the police watched. People were dragged from their cars and beaten. The police stand down. They do nothing. You are really on your own.

What happens in these riots is that when the businesses are burned and looted they don't come back. Then the black people who live there complain that they have no stores in their area and have to travel for miles before they can get so much as milk and bread.

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