If you were Ferguson Police Chief...how would you stop the riots, looting?

Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?

I would have machine gunned the lot of them and had air strikes on their homes.

The tactic they have been using in Los Angeles lately is to split the groups of rioters and just them destroy in small areas. Burn themselves out. This doesn't work well for people caught in riot zones. Unwitting people getting stuck in a pop up riot zone can expect no help. During the last peace march, I forget who it was for, some poor guy sitting at a bus stop was beaten unmercifully as the police watched. People were dragged from their cars and beaten. The police stand down. They do nothing. You are really on your own.

What happens in these riots is that when the businesses are burned and looted they don't come back. Then the black people who live there complain that they have no stores in their area and have to travel for miles before they can get so much as milk and bread.

That's right.

And if the cops had instead responded en mass, with lots of heavily armed men and armored cars, and filled the streets with gas to get the rioters to leave.........

Well, we see the reaction we get.

Some people want a dozen Andy Griffith's out there saying "Now by-Golly folks, we gotta knock this silliness off now, ya hear?"
Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?

Dusk to dawn curfew, violators shot on sight. Any gathering of more than ten people will be forcibly dispersed by any means necessary including lethal force. Shoot a few dozen & the rest will fall into line.
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I would put 1 patrol car at each business near the riots with 2 officers on location, one standing outside the car the other one on the radio monitoring the situation.

Anyone attacks the police....shoot them dead.

I would have my SWAT team on alert ready to respond to any officer calls of problems. Also, have the Sherriff Department and State Police in support of the local police with patrols and filling in at business locations.
Ok, so lets put aside the shooting that started this; The Feds will get to the bottom of that.

People started to riot, and loot, and throw rocks and Maltov Cocktails, and even shooting guns, 1 idiot even rushing a cop with a pistol pointed at him. Scary situation.

How would YOU have stopped this? Not the protests. That's legal. But protesters don't throw burning bottles of gas, or rocks, or pull guns, or burn down gas stations, or smash windows to steal car rims from stores.

How do YOU order it to be stopped? Just ask "pretty please" and hope that works? Do you resort to the billy clubs and beat 'em down? Go in 300 style with shields? Just go in balled fists and throw down UFC style?

Seriously. How do you propose the riot/looting be stopped? Or just say fuck it and let it go down however the crowd wants it to?
I think first response by Occupy is best advice, but to fill in for Robin Williams I say drop a smart bomb on his wife's house and redirect attention there. sick joke? yes, these are the types of comedians this country has, so don't be surprised by the sick police, sick president, and the whole sick political industry. people are just a reflection of the system. it's natural.
I would put 1 patrol car at each business near the riots with 2 officers on location, one standing outside the car the other one on the radio monitoring the situation.

Anyone attacks the police....shoot them dead.

I would have my SWAT team on alert ready to respond to any officer calls of problems. Also, have the Sherriff Department and State Police in support of the local police with patrols and filling in at business locations.

Haha, well, you'd have a couple dead cops somewhere. Whoever the first 1 or 2 who get attacked happen to be......they'd be fighting off 15-20 people, and they'd lose.

You have no clue what riot control involves.
Liberals would let this country collapse into somalia!!! Gangs would control everything.

Fucking idiots.
Uh asswipe.....my cops would shoot people dead. The rioters would shit their pants and run once 1-2 of them were shot dead for attacking the police at Burger King and other businesses.

Given my military experience....I understand violence is only stopped by greater violence.

I would put 1 patrol car at each business near the riots with 2 officers on location, one standing outside the car the other one on the radio monitoring the situation.

Anyone attacks the police....shoot them dead.

I would have my SWAT team on alert ready to respond to any officer calls of problems. Also, have the Sherriff Department and State Police in support of the local police with patrols and filling in at business locations.

Haha, well, you'd have a couple dead cops somewhere. Whoever the first 1 or 2 who get attacked happen to be......they'd be fighting off 15-20 people, and they'd lose.

You have no clue what riot control involves.
Here is what I'd do as soon as rioting and looting broke out.
1. Declare that everyone must go home.
2. Enforce it.
3. Arrested anyone that was found rioting, looting or attacking people.

What the fuck do you leftist want?
In Ferguson right now the stores that are not being looted are the ones with armed guards.
I'd call off the pretend soldiers with their pentagon provided military gear. Pointing guns a civilians is not tolerable and makes the situation worse. Untrained rednecks with too much fire power.
I'd call off the pretend soldiers with their pentagon provided military gear. Pointing guns a civilians is not tolerable and makes the situation worse. Untrained rednecks with too much fire power.

So you'd allow gangs to take over our cities. This isn't the 18th century. Do you know?:lol:
This is the fruits of the disorder of our multiculturalism. I know you'll all call me evil, but reality isn't always fitting to your ideas of the world.

Did you read about what's going on in london with the ISIS handing out flyers? You see, people will always stand with their own. Except most whites...We kind of deserve what's coming our way.
I'd call off the pretend soldiers with their pentagon provided military gear. Pointing guns a civilians is not tolerable and makes the situation worse. Untrained rednecks with too much fire power.

So you'd allow gangs to take over our cities. This isn't the 18th century. Do you know?:lol:

They'd have the same response in Mayberry if Daryl, Doyle or Jasper were gunned down by a white pig who grew up watching too many John Wayne movies or playing too much Call of Duty. The U.S. police force has been militarized, and they can't wait to use their shiny new toys.

And crime is down, significantly. Gang activity has nothing to do with this particular event.
The protests were legal and quiet until the cops got nasty. That's when it turned violent.

In Ferguson right now the stores that are not being looted are the ones with armed guards.
As usual, our resident doctor/lawyer/psychiatrist/dog washer is clueless.
I'd call off the pretend soldiers with their pentagon provided military gear. Pointing guns a civilians is not tolerable and makes the situation worse. Untrained rednecks with too much fire power.

So you'd allow gangs to take over our cities. This isn't the 18th century. Do you know?:lol:

They'd have the same response in Mayberry if Daryl, Doyle or Jasper were gunned down by a white pig who grew up watching too many John Wayne movies or playing too much Call of Duty. The U.S. police force has been militarized, and they can't wait to use their shiny new toys.

And crime is down, significantly. Gang activity has nothing to do with this particular event.

WHO are you and what did you do with racist asshole, R.C.Christian?
Uh asswipe.....my cops would shoot people dead. The rioters would shit their pants and run once 1-2 of them were shot dead for attacking the police at Burger King and other businesses.

Given my military experience....I understand violence is only stopped by greater violence.

I would put 1 patrol car at each business near the riots with 2 officers on location, one standing outside the car the other one on the radio monitoring the situation.

Anyone attacks the police....shoot them dead.

I would have my SWAT team on alert ready to respond to any officer calls of problems. Also, have the Sherriff Department and State Police in support of the local police with patrols and filling in at business locations.

Haha, well, you'd have a couple dead cops somewhere. Whoever the first 1 or 2 who get attacked happen to be......they'd be fighting off 15-20 people, and they'd lose.

You have no clue what riot control involves.

Oh, a tough guy.

Well, I've been jumped by 4 guys with Atlanta PD. I've been shot at twice with APD before I left that job. Its easy to talk tough. But if a mob jumps 2 cops...the cops will lose. I don't buy your military experience, if you had any, you'd know what numbers mean and how quick a single gun becomes useless as the number of attackers grows.

But, are the cops not doing just that? Stopping violence with greater violence? Then why you mad?
So you'd allow gangs to take over our cities. This isn't the 18th century. Do you know?:lol:

They'd have the same response in Mayberry if Daryl, Doyle or Jasper were gunned down by a white pig who grew up watching too many John Wayne movies or playing too much Call of Duty. The U.S. police force has been militarized, and they can't wait to use their shiny new toys.

And crime is down, significantly. Gang activity has nothing to do with this particular event.

WHO are you and what did you do with racist asshole, R.C.Christian?

Piss off. You don't know me. I only sink to racist remarks when scumbags reach their lowest common stereotype and then the game is on. I'm not exactly white so it's easy to bash rednecks as well.

Any person with a functional brain should admit that something is wrong in Denmark or Ferguson as the case may be. Get rid of the shock troops, call off Sharpton, the Black Panthers, the militia and so on. Meanwhile, black folks everywhere, don't riot. Doing so will only destroy public opinion that is very much in your favor right now insofar as I can determine.

I believe the testimony of the eyewitnesses, and I will not condone the kind of unprofessional police practice that leads to an already shot kid putting his hands in the air only to be executed by a bent cop.
They'd have the same response in Mayberry if Daryl, Doyle or Jasper were gunned down by a white pig who grew up watching too many John Wayne movies or playing too much Call of Duty. The U.S. police force has been militarized, and they can't wait to use their shiny new toys.

And crime is down, significantly. Gang activity has nothing to do with this particular event.

WHO are you and what did you do with racist asshole, R.C.Christian?

Piss off. You don't know me. I only sink to racist remarks when scumbags reach their lowest common stereotype and then the game is on. I'm not exactly white so it's easy to bash rednecks as well.

Any person with a functional brain should admit that something is wrong in Denmark or Ferguson as the case may be. Get rid of the shock troops, call off Sharpton, the Black Panthers, the militia and so on. Meanwhile, black folks everywhere, don't riot. Doing so will only destroy public opinion that is very much in your favor right now insofar as I can determine.

I believe the testimony of the eyewitnesses, and I will not condone the kind of unprofessional police practice that leads to an already shot kid putting his hands in the air only to be executed by a bent cop.

That's a pretty fair post. And the cop may have just committed murder. But we need to let the Feds sort that out. The rioting appears to be over, so yes, pull back the riot/SWAT teams.

And yes, the black community needs to stop rioting and looting. They aren't the only community who has ever rioted or looted. But damn.....it happens in a fairly predictable pattern.
You don't point a gun at people unless you intend to waste them. The cops there are untrained, and unprofessional. If the national guard had been called, for example, you wouldn't have seen that reaction because they have protocols and realize it is much better to diffuse the situation than to make it worse. That punk on the MRAP with the big scope on his .30 cal AR should be placed in custody or kicked off the police force for sheer stupidity. He is a national disgrace.

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