If You Won't Wear a Gay Pride Patch, You're "Bigoted," Says ESPN Commentator

But their purpose is to divide us. Their purpose is to cause CHAOS.........so we don't unite against them...........That is what they have been doing for decades.

Most here don't care about color, race, homo. hell if you were freaking ET............but they push til you are pissed over it.............Like teaching drag to 5 year olds..........then the shit hits the fan.

You don't care until there's one lesbian kiss in a Disney movie and then you lose your shit.
Why? Are you THAT afraid of normal Americans supporting their fellow LBGT+ citizens?
You can dive on all the muff you want, sweetie. Nobody cares.

The issue has to do with forcing people to congratulate you for it.
Wah wah wah

I’ll wear a patch

That's your decision, but nobody should be forced to and ridiculed for that refusal. This is why these companies need to stay out of politics and produce the entertainment they are getting paid for.
Dumb response from the ESPN personality but also pretty typical of what you now get from ESPN today. Wearing a patch ribbon or whatever is done mostly so those who don't really give a dam about the issue in question can pretend like they do and feel good about themselves.
This thread has gotten way off track and multiple people have been thread banned as a result. Get back to the topic of discussion. Take your side conversations elsewhere
If sports leagues were forcing players to wear "praise Jesus" patches, the leftists here would be singing a COMPLETELY different tune.

They really have no problem with forced speech as long as that speech marks in lockstep with their own.
"American diplomats have hung an LGBT flag on the building of the US Embassy in Moscow."
Was it really necessary? The russians already know who is sitting in this building...
In the older days, you never knew which teams ESPN commentators were fans of. You never knew their political leanings. They kept those things out of their broadcasts because they knew NOBODY CARES. People want the highlights and sports news, not their political commentary.
Hell is already here
Children's toys.
Adam and Steve-European values for children
Two weeks ago, when some Tampa Bay Rays players declined to wear LGBT Pride Month rainbow patches on their uniforms, ESPN's Sarah Spain said they were "bigoted" and called their religious exemption "BS." Really? So now you're a bigot just for declining to wear a gay pride symbol on your work clothes? Really? Has this girl ever heard of the First Amendment? How about phrases like "freedom of expression" and "freedom of speech"? Or, how about "my body, my choice"?

Imagine if there were a Straight/Normal Pride Month and some players declined to wear a heterosexual symbol on their uniforms, and imagine what liberals would say if a conservative commentator accused those players of being "bigoted"? Of course, no conservative commentator would make such an intolerant statement.
People want to take our democracy away and it isn't Republicans.
Two weeks ago, when some Tampa Bay Rays players declined to wear LGBT Pride Month rainbow patches on their uniforms, ESPN's Sarah Spain said they were "bigoted" and called their religious exemption "BS." Really? So now you're a bigot just for declining to wear a gay pride symbol on your work clothes? Really? Has this girl ever heard of the First Amendment? How about phrases like "freedom of expression" and "freedom of speech"? Or, how about "my body, my choice"?

Imagine if there were a Straight/Normal Pride Month and some players declined to wear a heterosexual symbol on their uniforms, and imagine what liberals would say if a conservative commentator accused those players of being "bigoted"? Of course, no conservative commentator would make such an intolerant statement.
Spain needs to be fired.
Two weeks ago, when some Tampa Bay Rays players declined to wear LGBT Pride Month rainbow patches on their uniforms, ESPN's Sarah Spain said they were "bigoted" and called their religious exemption "BS." Really? So now you're a bigot just for declining to wear a gay pride symbol on your work clothes? Really? Has this girl ever heard of the First Amendment? How about phrases like "freedom of expression" and "freedom of speech"? Or, how about "my body, my choice"?

Imagine if there were a Straight/Normal Pride Month and some players declined to wear a heterosexual symbol on their uniforms, and imagine what liberals would say if a conservative commentator accused those players of being "bigoted"? Of course, no conservative commentator would make such an intolerant statement.

This is stupid. I'm not going to wear a gay pride patch.

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