If your home wifi router is on this list, it might be vulnerable to CIA hacking tools


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

For the past four months, WikiLeaks has been slowly publishing a series of documents that describe a plethora of hacking tools, which the anti-secrecy organization says belong to the US Central Intelligence Agency. The latest release, published June 15, is a batch of documents describing tools that can be used to hack home wifi routers.

If your home wifi router is on this list, it might be vulnerable to CIA hacking tools

Well MSM isn't telling you this, and maybe SNOPES the truth bible can give you comfort in knowing the answer you seek. After all SNOPES tells you what you want to see. Don't worry it's just partially fake lmao.

Oh but wait you have nothing to hide let them look away right LMAO just the type of victims they want Suckerssssss!!!
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Well, I guess I have to live with it....

I bet the bastards Have seen me naked many times.
Yep. I heard about them hacking the camera on my laptop, so as an act of defiance and resistance, I'm now butt nekkid every time I use this computer. Lets see how long it takes them to get rid of THAT image I just burned on their retinas. FREEDOMMMM!!!!!!!!!
If your home wifi router is on this list, it might be vulnerable to CIA hacking tools

Well, as long as the CIA are the only people who have access to "CIA hacking tools," I don't care, mainly for two reasons:
  • My home networks are kind of "old school," I suppose; everything connected via ethernet cables. There is no wireless network in any of my homes. I suppose were I to not have had my "hard wired" networks already in place before wireless connectivity was "a thing," I might have wireless, but since everything was already "done and working" I haven't bothered to switch to wireless. (That which is not broken, I don't fix.) I even have "guest connections" that are completely independent (from the RJ-45 connector all the way to the routers they use) from "my connection." Everyone except myself must use one of those RJ-45 connections if they want to access the Internet using a computing device that lacks its own way of doing so.
  • I'm not going to via someone else's say/send anything that I care whether the CIA or anyone reads/hears it. I mean really. All they're going to get is kid photos, pet pictures, event planning ideas, recipes, and maybe tibbits about a trip I took or some other such innocuous and useless information.
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Well, I guess I have to live with it....

I bet the bastards Have seen me naked many times.

Yep. I heard about them hacking the camera on my laptop, so as an act of defiance and resistance, I'm now butt nekkid every time I use this computer. Lets see how long it takes them to get rid of THAT image I just burned on their retinas. FREEDOMMMM!!!!!!!!!

Though I don't know what you look like naked (I don't desire to, either), LOL, to nearly everyone, you naked is likely less interesting than is some of your information.
Yep. I heard about them hacking the camera on my laptop, so as an act of defiance and resistance, I'm now butt nekkid every time I use this computer. Lets see how long it takes them to get rid of THAT image I just burned on their retinas. FREEDOMMMM!!!!!!!!!

Nothing personal, but
If your home wifi router is on this list, it might be vulnerable to CIA hacking tools

Well, as long as the CIA are the only people who have access to "CIA hacking tools," I don't care, mainly for two reasons:
  • My home network is kind of "old school," I suppose; everything connected via ethernet cables. There is no wireless network in any of my homes. I suppose were I to not have had my "hard wired" network already in place before wireless connectivity was "a thing," I might have wireless, but since everything was already "done and working" I haven't bothered to switch to wireless. (That which is not broken, I don't fix.) I even have "guest connections" that are completely independent (from the RJ-45 connector all the way to the routers they use) from "my connection." Everyone except myself must use one of those RJ-45 connections if they want to access the Internet using a computing device that lacks its own way of doing so.
  • I'm not going to via someone else's say/send anything that I care whether the CIA or anyone reads/hears it. I mean really. All they're going to get is kid photos, pet pictures, event planning ideas, recipes, and maybe tibbits about a trip I took or some other such innocuous and useless information.

Oh you'd be amazed at what they can dig up , and what can be used against you.

Something said to you ten years ago, or something you said ten years ago can be used against you.

Oh and the CIA has been caught planting porn onto ppl's computers then trying to convict them so you might want to be a little concerned just because of bs like that.

Would you be a target for that hard to say, but more than likely not. They'd want some loud mouth who hates Clinton and Voted Trump .. lol
Yep. I heard about them hacking the camera on my laptop, so as an act of defiance and resistance, I'm now butt nekkid every time I use this computer. Lets see how long it takes them to get rid of THAT image I just burned on their retinas. FREEDOMMMM!!!!!!!!!

Nothing personal, but
I thought it was TMI too, but whatever....BULLDOG's avatar depicts a youthful looking Ivanka Trump, so that's how I "see" Bulldog. Though I am not seeking to see Ivanka nude, the hypothetical image I can conjure of her isn't something I feel as though I wish I could "un-see" or "un-imagine."
Well, I guess I have to live with it....

I bet the bastards Have seen me naked many times.

Yeah, you need to get that mole checked.
And by the way, you are in the top 10 most popular shower curtain dancers in Japan.
I think if next time you go with a Lady Gaga tune instead of Cher, you'd be up to top 5 in no time.
Yep. I heard about them hacking the camera on my laptop, so as an act of defiance and resistance, I'm now butt nekkid every time I use this computer. Lets see how long it takes them to get rid of THAT image I just burned on their retinas. FREEDOMMMM!!!!!!!!!

Nothing personal, but
I thought it was TMI too, but whatever....BULLDOG's avatar depicts a youthful looking Ivanka Trump, so that's how I "see" Bulldog. Though I am not seeking to see Ivanka nude, the hypothetical image I can conjure of her isn't something I feel as though I wish I could "un-see" or "un-imagine."

I know MikeTx and ropey imagine me nekkid all the time, but I didn't know it was that common. You're gonna make me blush.
No one seems to care that this CIA information on tools that they use against our enemies was LEAKED, stolen....

I think Mindwars must be a Russian plant...enjoying every bit of destroying America's safety....

someone leaks a useless conversation and right wing nuts go bananas....

someone steals and leaks the tools the CIA uses to help keep us safe....

nothing burger.

sheesh.... that's :cuckoo:
When I had a Comcast router they had their phone service users poping up mysteriously onto my network and I think if I remember correctly, even after I had my own new password.
I got my own router and the network was no longer hacked or shared/used without permission. The problem however got worse in other ways after returning the router, they pretended I didn't return it and spitefully billed me for my own router.
Luckilly I kept receipts, but they still harass customers who utilize their rights to not rent their equipment and allow them to piggyback & borrow bandwidth from our network.
No one seems to care that this CIA information on tools that they use against our enemies was LEAKED, stolen....

I think Mindwars must be a Russian plant...enjoying every bit of destroying America's safety....

someone leaks a useless conversation and right wing nuts go bananas....

someone steals and leaks the tools the CIA uses to help keep us safe....

nothing burger.

sheesh.... that's :cuckoo:
No one seems to care that this CIA information on tools that they use against our enemies was LEAKED, stolen....

It's not, for me, a matter of caring or not caring. It's a matter of that not being the discussion topic of the thread. Though I digress occasionally, I actually do try to focus my comments on the thread topic, rather than "latching" onto a tangential point that just happens to be among the direct and indirect statements/inferences I read or make based upon an OP.
No one seems to care that this CIA information on tools that they use against our enemies was LEAKED, stolen....

I think Mindwars must be a Russian plant...enjoying every bit of destroying America's safety....

someone leaks a useless conversation and right wing nuts go bananas....

someone steals and leaks the tools the CIA uses to help keep us safe....

nothing burger.

sheesh.... that's :cuckoo:

Ain't my problem.

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