IG Report: Obammy lied about Hilly's email server

Hey.......where is the magic Kenyan anyway???
He was so good at flapping his gums....where is the coward???
I'm not sure I understand what you're arguing here.

Classified information is meant to be kept to people "in the loop". That's the whole point.
The "people in the loop" was never supposed to be a private club. You still need an electronic trail....even HILLARY needs a electronic trail
She after all is a public servant of the people. I kinda think after the Sandy Berglar debacle with her husbands administration she tried to be decpetive.
Try and be somewhat bipartisan, Doc

Of course it's a "private club" - it's people with national security clearance.

There was no classified information on Hillary's server that was in any way kept secret from others with the clearance and need to see it.
First of all, yes, there was classified information on the server. The private club did not include all the people with national security clearance. Just those who SHE wanted to see the emails. I don't think there was any republicans privy to her server. Come on, Doc, I know and respect you on this board and know that you're smarter than this.
At one time you were more open and not so biased.

What makes you think that the classified information on her server wasn't available to anyone else with the need to know?

You seem to be assuming that the information in Clinton's emails was not available by normal security clearance channels. What evidence do you have to support that claim?

You are the only person I've ever heard make this particular argument.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.
Other than Hillary can you give me an example of someone that got off because of intent?

Alberto Gonzales.

And the hundreds of people who allow spillage every year.

WTF, Alberto Gonzales your next door neighbor, Alberto Gonzales ex-Attorney General. I'm not here to research your BS.

Alberto Gonzales, the former AG.

You don't remember when it came out that he was taking hand-written notes during classified briefings, and taking them home with him?

Put up a link, hopefully specifying he got away with something because he didn't intend to do it. WTF, do I need to draw a picture.

Ok. Here's the the OIG report of the investigation: OIG Special Report: Report of Investigation Regarding Allegations of Mishandling of Classified Documents by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Pay attention to this section:

The Federal Criminal Code contains statutes relating to the improper handling of classified documents. In light of Gonzales’s handling of these documents, and in particular the handwritten notes which we found he improperly brought to his residence, we provided our report to the Department’s National Security Division for its review. After reviewing the matter, the National Security Division declined prosecution.[/QUOTE
IG Report: Obammy lied about knowledge of Hillary’s illegal e-mail server.
The Democrats demanded that Scooter Libby be sent to prison for less.
IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails

Nothing new. We all know it. Wake me up when justice is served and the Democrats do the time for the crime as all the rest of us would!
That article and the thread are discredited lies everywhere but imaginary dupe world. Now you're saying the US justice system is i a huge conspiracy you're absolutely nuts. Scariest thing I've ever seen. 25 years of hate and Bs propaganda and you people are zombies congratulations
Alberto Gonzales.

And the hundreds of people who allow spillage every year.

WTF, Alberto Gonzales your next door neighbor, Alberto Gonzales ex-Attorney General. I'm not here to research your BS.

Alberto Gonzales, the former AG.

You don't remember when it came out that he was taking hand-written notes during classified briefings, and taking them home with him?

Put up a link, hopefully specifying he got away with something because he didn't intend to do it. WTF, do I need to draw a picture.

Ok. Here's the the OIG report of the investigation: OIG Special Report: Report of Investigation Regarding Allegations of Mishandling of Classified Documents by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Pay attention to this section:

The Federal Criminal Code contains statutes relating to the improper handling of classified documents. In light of Gonzales’s handling of these documents, and in particular the handwritten notes which we found he improperly brought to his residence, we provided our report to the Department’s National Security Division for its review. After reviewing the matter, the National Security Division declined prosecution.

Yeah, I'm not seeing "didn't intend" in there. I see "improperly", but that whole thing looks like political BS, similar to Hillary.

Well, for that reference, you'd have to look at the IG report of last week, p. vi-vii

The Midyear team concluded that such proof was lacking. We found that this interpretation of Section793(f)(1) was consistent with the Department’s historical approach in prior cases under different leadership, including in the 2008 decision not to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for mishandling classified documents.
WTF, Alberto Gonzales your next door neighbor, Alberto Gonzales ex-Attorney General. I'm not here to research your BS.

Alberto Gonzales, the former AG.

You don't remember when it came out that he was taking hand-written notes during classified briefings, and taking them home with him?

Put up a link, hopefully specifying he got away with something because he didn't intend to do it. WTF, do I need to draw a picture.

Ok. Here's the the OIG report of the investigation: OIG Special Report: Report of Investigation Regarding Allegations of Mishandling of Classified Documents by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Pay attention to this section:

The Federal Criminal Code contains statutes relating to the improper handling of classified documents. In light of Gonzales’s handling of these documents, and in particular the handwritten notes which we found he improperly brought to his residence, we provided our report to the Department’s National Security Division for its review. After reviewing the matter, the National Security Division declined prosecution.

Yeah, I'm not seeing "didn't intend" in there. I see "improperly", but that whole thing looks like political BS, similar to Hillary.

Well, for that reference, you'd have to look at the IG report of last week, p. vi-vii

The Midyear team concluded that such proof was lacking. We found that this interpretation of Section793(f)(1) was consistent with the Department’s historical approach in prior cases under different leadership, including in the 2008 decision not to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for mishandling classified documents.

Yup, sounding like political BS in both cases.
IG Report: Obammy lied about knowledge of Hillary’s illegal e-mail server.
The Democrats demanded that Scooter Libby be sent to prison for less.

IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails

Dumbass, people go to prison for comitting crimes. Scooter Libby lied to FBI. That is a crime.

If simply lying to public about something is a crime, then Trump would be hanged the slow way with a rusy barb wire, just to match the extent of the crime.

Obama probably knew Hillary had another email service (so did Powell and Rice well before Clinton). It's is also possible he didn't give much ponderance to Clinton's email arrangements. Either way, whats the difference? Was Obama supposed to intervene and tell DoS how to run their IT? :rolleyes:

Both Hillary and Obama know that her email server was illegal.
She used a secret email server to try and hide her corruption.
They broke the law and endangered our country.
Are Hillary and Obama above the Law?

Her email server was NOT illegal. At the time Hillary was SoS there was no law prohibiting her from using her private server.

A law was passed AFTER she left office, but while Hillary was SoS, it was legal.


Try another libtard lie!
Alberto Gonzales, the former AG.

You don't remember when it came out that he was taking hand-written notes during classified briefings, and taking them home with him?

Put up a link, hopefully specifying he got away with something because he didn't intend to do it. WTF, do I need to draw a picture.

Ok. Here's the the OIG report of the investigation: OIG Special Report: Report of Investigation Regarding Allegations of Mishandling of Classified Documents by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales

Pay attention to this section:

The Federal Criminal Code contains statutes relating to the improper handling of classified documents. In light of Gonzales’s handling of these documents, and in particular the handwritten notes which we found he improperly brought to his residence, we provided our report to the Department’s National Security Division for its review. After reviewing the matter, the National Security Division declined prosecution.

Yeah, I'm not seeing "didn't intend" in there. I see "improperly", but that whole thing looks like political BS, similar to Hillary.

Well, for that reference, you'd have to look at the IG report of last week, p. vi-vii

The Midyear team concluded that such proof was lacking. We found that this interpretation of Section793(f)(1) was consistent with the Department’s historical approach in prior cases under different leadership, including in the 2008 decision not to prosecute former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for mishandling classified documents.

Yup, sounding like political BS in both cases.

It's not "political BS", it's the way things work.

As I said before, feel free to give an example of someone who was charged under the Espionage Act through unintentional conduct.

You won't be able to, because it's never happened.
Not that the media would ever ask the Magic Kenyan any tough questions.....
It's illegal to send classified material through any email address.

Clinton was not being investigated for having a private server - as everyone has pointed out, that was not illegal. She was investigated for mishandling classified information - a charge that would still have applied if she had only used her state department email address. Because they found no evidence of intent on her part to mishandle that information, she was not charged. It's called "spillage", and it happens every day.

Spillage does happen. Usually when someone makes a mistake once... She repeatedly sent email, or replied to emails that were marked classified. Intent, i.e., ignorance is not an exemption for the rank and file. Hillary received preferential treatment


None of the emails she sent were "marked classified" - and "intent" applies to everyone.

Do you know how many people, in the history of this country, have been charged under the Espionage Act for unintentional actions?

None of the emails were marked because she had the classifications removed!
The "people in the loop" was never supposed to be a private club. You still need an electronic trail....even HILLARY needs a electronic trail
She after all is a public servant of the people. I kinda think after the Sandy Berglar debacle with her husbands administration she tried to be decpetive.
Try and be somewhat bipartisan, Doc

Of course it's a "private club" - it's people with national security clearance.

There was no classified information on Hillary's server that was in any way kept secret from others with the clearance and need to see it.
First of all, yes, there was classified information on the server. The private club did not include all the people with national security clearance. Just those who SHE wanted to see the emails. I don't think there was any republicans privy to her server. Come on, Doc, I know and respect you on this board and know that you're smarter than this.
At one time you were more open and not so biased.

What makes you think that the classified information on her server wasn't available to anyone else with the need to know?

You seem to be assuming that the information in Clinton's emails was not available by normal security clearance channels. What evidence do you have to support that claim?

You are the only person I've ever heard make this particular argument.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.
Classified emails on her private server WAS illegal, Doc, and yes there WAS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION on her server.
I understand that she was your gal, as corrupt as she was, YOU will still back her. (I just don't understand that)
In the political circle this type of behavior from our politicians is known as "Shenanigans". Pure and simple, go ahead and
tie yourself to someone like that. It just shows that you throw your integrity out the window for love of party. embrace it.
It's illegal to send classified material through any email address.

Clinton was not being investigated for having a private server - as everyone has pointed out, that was not illegal. She was investigated for mishandling classified information - a charge that would still have applied if she had only used her state department email address. Because they found no evidence of intent on her part to mishandle that information, she was not charged. It's called "spillage", and it happens every day.

Spillage does happen. Usually when someone makes a mistake once... She repeatedly sent email, or replied to emails that were marked classified. Intent, i.e., ignorance is not an exemption for the rank and file. Hillary received preferential treatment


None of the emails she sent were "marked classified" - and "intent" applies to everyone.

Do you know how many people, in the history of this country, have been charged under the Espionage Act for unintentional actions?

None of the emails were marked because she had the classifications removed!

She "had the classifications removed"?

What does that even mean?
IG Report: Obammy lied about knowledge of Hillary’s illegal e-mail server.
The Democrats demanded that Scooter Libby be sent to prison for less.

IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails

Dumbass, people go to prison for comitting crimes. Scooter Libby lied to FBI. That is a crime.

If simply lying to public about something is a crime, then Trump would be hanged the slow way with a rusy barb wire, just to match the extent of the crime.

Obama probably knew Hillary had another email service (so did Powell and Rice well before Clinton). It's is also possible he didn't give much ponderance to Clinton's email arrangements. Either way, whats the difference? Was Obama supposed to intervene and tell DoS how to run their IT? :rolleyes:
Obama sent emails to Hillary's private server, dumbass. He knew she was violating the espionage laws.
It's illegal to send classified material through any email address.

Clinton was not being investigated for having a private server - as everyone has pointed out, that was not illegal. She was investigated for mishandling classified information - a charge that would still have applied if she had only used her state department email address. Because they found no evidence of intent on her part to mishandle that information, she was not charged. It's called "spillage", and it happens every day.

Spillage does happen. Usually when someone makes a mistake once... She repeatedly sent email, or replied to emails that were marked classified. Intent, i.e., ignorance is not an exemption for the rank and file. Hillary received preferential treatment


None of the emails she sent were "marked classified" - and "intent" applies to everyone.

Do you know how many people, in the history of this country, have been charged under the Espionage Act for unintentional actions?

None of the emails were marked because she had the classifications removed!

She "had the classifications removed"?

What does that even mean?

If you knew the first thing about how classified materials are marked, you would already know. Your question puts you into running for "dumbass posting on a topic you know nothing about " award of the year.
IG Report: Obammy lied about knowledge of Hillary’s illegal e-mail server.
The Democrats demanded that Scooter Libby be sent to prison for less.

IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails

I knew it was a lie the minute he said it. Obama is easy to read sometimes. Quite the con. You have to be careful of his type. They come off as nice, above everything and know it all oh-mighty = con. He and Comey might be related.
Of course it's a "private club" - it's people with national security clearance.

There was no classified information on Hillary's server that was in any way kept secret from others with the clearance and need to see it.
First of all, yes, there was classified information on the server. The private club did not include all the people with national security clearance. Just those who SHE wanted to see the emails. I don't think there was any republicans privy to her server. Come on, Doc, I know and respect you on this board and know that you're smarter than this.
At one time you were more open and not so biased.

What makes you think that the classified information on her server wasn't available to anyone else with the need to know?

You seem to be assuming that the information in Clinton's emails was not available by normal security clearance channels. What evidence do you have to support that claim?

You are the only person I've ever heard make this particular argument.
This is simple, Doc. The SERVER WAS ILLEGAL, any republican with all the clearance in the world would have exposed the fact.
This wasn't some obscure technicality, it was blatant and willful what she had done......and she knew it. Like I said earlier, she wasn't stupid. If she had
been stupid, she would never of had it scrubbed, and you know that.

No, the server was not "illegal". There was no law against using private email at the time Clinton was SoS.

The theoretical charges of "mishandling classified information" have nothing to do with her private server - those same laws would apply had she sent classified information over her official state.gov email address.

I understand that these issues have often been conflated by the press.
Classified emails on her private server WAS illegal, Doc, and yes there WAS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION on her server.
I understand that she was your gal, as corrupt as she was, YOU will still back her. (I just don't understand that)
It the political circle this type of behavior from our politicians is known as "Shenanigans". Pure and simple, go ahead and
tie yourself to someone like that. It just shows that you throw your integrity out the window for love of party. embrace it.


I don't like Hillary Clinton, I never have. I've never voted for her, for any office. You are trying to project emotional reasons onto me that don't apply.

I am looking at this from the position of someone who has put the effort in to read the actual laws, and has enough time in law school to understand what they mean. The "private server" part is not relevant to the Espionage Act. Intention, on the other hand, is.

Intentionally disseminating classified information through email is against the law. Whether that is through a private server, or the official state.gov email address is irrelevant.

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