Zone1 Ignorance


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Mar 11, 2015
“Blacks make up approximately 13% of the US population while they commit 52% of crime. In 2014 according to the FBI, 90% of black homicide victims were killed by other black people.”

This is an inaccurate statement.

In 2020, there were 7,173,072 crime offenders in the United States. That 7.1 million is 100 percent of the offenders in America. According to the census, the U.S. population was 331,449,281 in 2020. That number is 100 percent of the U.S. population. Out of 331,449,281 citizens, 7,173,072 people or 2.16 percent of the American population were criminal offenders. The 3,642,932 white offenders were 1.09 percent of the American population. The 2,122,038 black offenders were 0.6 percent of the American population.

The numbers here show that thirteen percent of the American people are not committing fifty percent of the crime. Furthermore, they show that one percent of the population is fifty-one percent of the criminal offenders and they are not black

Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States, Offenders by Race and Ethnicity, 2020, Welcome to | Federal Bureau of Investigation news/pressrel/press-releases/fbi-releases-2020-incident-based-data

Whites were 51 percent of the criminal offenders in 2020. Blacks were 30 percent. In any circumstance, 51 percent is a majority. Instead of facing the problem of crime among whites, this is the answer:

• 3,642,932 #white offenders / 235,400,000 #American white population(2020) = 0.0154754970263381 x 100,000= 1,548 white offenders per capita.

• 2,122,038 #black offenders /46,900,000 #American black population(2020) = 0.045246012793177 x 100,000= 4,524 black offenders per capita.

Poof! As if by magic, a group that had 1.5 million more offenders suddenly now has less of a crime problem because instead of looking at the total number of crimes, crime is broken down into units of 100,000.

Plus, 85 percent of all whites are killed by other whites.

The excuse begins with whites being five times the population of blacks. I was told that since whites have five times the population, they must commit five times the number of crimes for the problem to be equal to what blacks are doing. “We are allowed to commit more crime because there are more of us.” If this is not lunacy, then what is?

The problem with this opinion is if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same, there are things that no longer exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunities. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges, and political representatives. Increased black representation affects public policy formation, law enforcement, and legislation. Crime would reduce because of the increased opportunities; wealth would increase, and poverty would be dramatically reduced. Long-needed community improvements would be initiated in blighted communities, which increases property value, creating additional funding for schools in those communities.

The number of blacks entering and graduating college now rises to the same level as whites. These increases result in a more highly trained and qualified black workforce. Blacks would have the same number of businesses, and those businesses would be staffed with black employees. This increase in jobs lowers black unemployment to the same rate as whites. Fewer blacks would be on government assistance because they now have stable employment. Things would be dramatically different. Yet to the racist, nothing else changes except that crime increases.

This is the fallacy in the per capita argument. This is the reason why making that argument consistently is ignorant.
ere 4.2 million black immigrants living in the U.S. in 2016, up from 816,000 in 1980, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census data. Since 2000 alone, the number of black immigrants in the U.S. has risen 71%.

Much of the recent growth in the black immigrant population has been fueled by African migration. Africans made up 39% of the overall black immigrant population in 2016, up from 24% in 2000. Still, about half of all foreign-born blacks (49%) living in the U.S. in 2016 were from the Caribbean.
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Sigh... let's break this down.

Poof! As if by magic, a group that had 1.5 million more offenders suddenly now has less of a crime problem because instead of looking at the total number of crimes, crime is broken down into units of 100,000.
Well, no. the 52% number actually comes from HOMICIDES, not all crimes. The point is you will complain all day about the rare occasion a police officer kills a doped up character like Laquan McDonald or George Floyd, but you seem to not care so much about the much more likely scenarios where gang bangers kill people every weekend. So the police pulled back and the crime numbers went up, with blacks more likely to be the victims.

Plus, 85 percent of all whites are killed by other whites.

The excuse begins with whites being five times the population of blacks. I was told that since whites have five times the population, they must commit five times the number of crimes for the problem to be equal to what blacks are doing. “We are allowed to commit more crime because there are more of us.” If this is not lunacy, then what is?

Most people are murdered by people they know, that number gets you nowhere.

The problem with this opinion is if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same, there are things that no longer exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunities. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges, and political representatives. Increased black representation affects public policy formation, law enforcement, and legislation. Crime would reduce because of the increased opportunities; wealth would increase, and poverty would be dramatically reduced. Long-needed community improvements would be initiated in blighted communities, which increases property value, creating additional funding for schools in those communities.

Oh, bullshit. I'm the first one to call for economic reform, but at the end of the day, the person who decides to commit a crime has brought the consequences upon himself.

The number of blacks entering and graduating college now rises to the same level as whites. These increases result in a more highly trained and qualified black workforce. Blacks would have the same number of businesses, and those businesses would be staffed with black employees. This increase in jobs lowers black unemployment to the same rate as whites. Fewer blacks would be on government assistance because they now have stable employment. Things would be dramatically different. Yet to the racist, nothing else changes except that crime increases.

Okay, let's look at that. The point is, Crime has shot up since 2020, despite increased Affirmative Action and more economic opportunity and truckloads of money being dumped into the economically depressed areas.

This is the fallacy in the per capita argument. This is the reason why making that argument consistently is ignorant.
Yes, heaven forbid you try to solve your own problems.
There can certainly be abuse or deliberate misuse of per capita, i.e. "per person" data, but there's nothing inherently wrong with comparing things on a per capita basis. To the contrary, it often removes inherent unfairness from demographic results, as when using the median instead of the mean for "average" wealth or income. The playing field is tilted toward the rich using the mean while the median provides a true middle of the pack result. Of course, every statistical tool can be used to promote lies by scoundrels. That doesn't mean that the purpose of statistics is to lie.
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There can certainly be abuse or deliberate misuse of per capita, i.e. "per person" data, but there's nothing inherently wrong with comparing things on a per capita basis. To the contrary, it often removes inherent unfairness from demographic results, as when using the median instead of the mean for "average" wealth or income. The playing field is tilted toward the rich using the mean while the median provides a true middle of the pack result. Of course, every statistical tool can be used to promote lies by scoundrels. That doesn't mean that the purpose of statistics is to lie.
What we see here is the use of per capita for only one thing. When people start talking about welfare per capita is not mentioned relative to income, wealth or poverty. When talking about SAT scores, per capita is not mentioned relative to numbers of people by race and scores, only cumulative or median scores are used to argue. The only time it is used is for crime and its done to deny the fact that whites commit more. Having more people is no excuse when you also have more of the resources available to avoid crime. But I don't need to tell you this, because you don't do what I am describing.
The problem with this opinion is if you multiply things by 5 to make the populations the same, there are things that no longer exist for blacks. We would have more economic opportunities. We would have equal representation relative to numbers of police, lawyers, judges, and political representatives. Increased black representation affects public policy formation, law enforcement, and legislation. Crime would reduce because of the increased opportunities; wealth would increase, and poverty would be dramatically reduced. Long-needed community improvements would be initiated in blighted communities, which increases property value, creating additional funding for schools in those communities.

The number of blacks entering and graduating college now rises to the same level as whites. These increases result in a more highly trained and qualified black workforce. Blacks would have the same number of businesses, and those businesses would be staffed with black employees. This increase in jobs lowers black unemployment to the same rate as whites. Fewer blacks would be on government assistance because they now have stable employment. Things would be dramatically different. Yet to the racist, nothing else changes except that crime increases.

This is the fallacy in the per capita argument. This is the reason why making that argument consistently is ignorant.
The per capita argument is absolute truth.
Data Sources:

Time for math:
197,000,000 Whites
42,000,000 Blacks

Whites: 4.7 mill / 197 mill = 2.4%
Blacks 1.8 mill / 42 mill = 23%

So, tell me which race has the bigger crime problem? They BOTH do. but statistically speaking, the black community commits more crime per capita than whites.

And you do understand, that equal representation, is not plausible unless whites and blacks had equal population. I gave you another example in another thread, but I'll repeat it here for context.

Reduce the population to 1000 humans. 700 white and 300 black, about what we have today. If an employer has 100 positions, and consider all things equal from the top down, given the percentage and ratio, it would be normal for 70 to be white and 30 to be black. What don't you understand about that? Granted, there could be a variance is that number due to standard deviations and other factors that could move the percentage up and down.

The problem, you think everything should be equal? But what you don't understand is that equal representation existed, eventually there would be jobs/representation that were are all white because the black population is over represented in other areas of workforce. In essence, you'd run out of black representation leaving only white people to fill other roles or representations?

Does that makes?

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