I'll Give This Forum a Shot

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Welcome to the board.

There are gun owners. And there are criminals who use guns. These are two separate and unrelated groups of people.

Where I grew up there were guns all over the place. Nobody shot anyone. So it must not be the guns. It must be something else.

Has anyone ever looked into seeing what that something else might be?
I've been dying to ask a "live" forum - can't seem to get a real discussion going on a place like Disqus - anyhow, why is it that Liberals want us to embrace all Muslims - according to them, there are only a few bad apples, therefore, we should embrace them.

How come they don't feel the same way about gun owners?

There's only a few bad apples in that community. The rest of us are honest, hard-working Americans that want to protect our families and well, have a right to carry a weapon.

Why not embrace the NRA Libturds. Remember - there are only a few bad apples in that group too.

Well howdy. The more anti-libs on this forum the better. By any chance, did you used to post on Topix?
The OP is a false composition fallacy, so need to do anything other than point it out. Let's have it moved into the right forum. It will get a lot of action. Welcome aboard.
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Think there already us like 5 threads like this
There appears to be 6 now. Perhaps when I "earn" 25 posting points I'll have additional entitlements, like searching the forum, etc. Right now, I'm limited to simple posts and drooling on myself.

And you're doing very well at it. :thup:

Welcome in, bring many hip boots. This however isn't the forum for your topics. Actually it isn't even the forum for introductions (perhaps we can get a Modular to move it). But hold those thoughts for the proper setting; there will be no shortage of answer bells. :welcome:
Welcome, SeniorCP - presume you're Polish? If so, the welcome is from a fellow Pole. We're a great people, don'tcha think?
Moderation Message:

Reminder -- This is now in Introductions. And it's a highly moderated forum.
Take a "nice" shot and shake hands and save the real boxing for other forums.
Not a fucking liberal on this forum has an IQ over 70! It's FUN to pull their chain...You'll LOVE it here!
Moderation Message:

Reminder -- This is now in Introductions. And it's a highly moderated forum.
Take a "nice" shot and shake hands and save the real boxing for other forums.
Yeah, I just learned that some newbie can come in, guns blazing, and insult half the board, but a long-time member can't respond in kind.

Following the bouncing ball of rules is always so much fun here at USMB.
Welcome to the board.

There are gun owners. And there are criminals who use guns. These are two separate and unrelated groups of people.

Where I grew up there were guns all over the place. Nobody shot anyone. So it must not be the guns. It must be something else.

Has anyone ever looked into seeing what that something else might be?

Yep....it's idiots with guns.
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